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Thread: Contracts and Squad

  1. #161
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Be great if N4C could come back too and settle the disputes about the coffers and FFP

  2. #162
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    City of Self Doubt
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    Be great if N4C could come back too and settle the disputes about the coffers and FFP
    Sid's doing his best, but noone could match n4c's tenacity when it came to FFP.

    Shame he left, think it got a bit too toxic for him at some stage. Might enjoy it more now if he returns, though I doubt he would do so.
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

  3. #163
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    City of Self Doubt
    Ok, I'm being too harsh - of course you praise them when they do something decent. But these past few posts in the thread have been insultingly shallow by you guys' standards.
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

  4. #164
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Balinkay View Post
    Sid's doing his best, but noone could match n4c's tenacity when it came to FFP.

    Shame he left, think it got a bit too toxic for him at some stage. Might enjoy it more now if he returns, though I doubt he would do so.
    The thing I found mad about N4C leaving was how he just stopped posting. Especially for someone who seemed to be on here 24/7.
    And seemed a really decent fella who's opinions were and are sadly missed.

  5. #165
    Join Date
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    City of Self Doubt
    Maybe he was a bit addicted - he did seem to never be offline.

    Think he'd just got married at the time, so the wife might have made him choose.
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

  6. #166
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    N4C was a good guy, did not always agree with him, but that's what a forum's about.
    If you're not sure what to do with the ball, just put it in the net, and we'll talk about the other options later... Bob Paisley.

  7. #167
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Those were the days.. Not seen north wales red (I think that was his name) for a long while either..
    Cleaning up the Scots since the 13th century

  8. #168
    Join Date
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    City of Self Doubt
    He made a brief return as Toxteth O'Grady or something similar. Think RC had some bone to pick with him and contributed to nwr leaving for pastures greener.
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

  9. #169
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Balinkay View Post
    @Noods @steveo -

    so you're saying Abramovich and the Arabs handle their transfers personally? Scout the players, get in touch with them… that sort of thing? Because if that's not it, what the hell are you talking about? Businessmen delegating work to their employees shocker! How dare they?!

    Come on guys - there's plenty to whinge and moan about FSG (including the low net spend and the stadium expansion, as you so eloquently pointed out), but this is not one of those things.

    Aslo yes, it might pain both of you, but those eagle eyed statisticians are the ones presenting Klopp with transfer targets. It's not the boot room, it's not the scouts. It's several maths phds. As I've said many times - with enough data and knowhow how to use it, you don't actually need to watch a ball be kicked to be more informed than the best scouts in the land.

    @Noods - FSG hired Klopp. Do you expect Henry to sit in the dugout and manage the team himself?

    Also is this, or is this not the best LFC squad since the glory days? It's certainly the best I've seen, but I am very young. Are we or are we not challenging for the biggest trophies in football at the moment? Last season we certainly were.

    Edit: Your attitude towards them is genuinely absurd. You bash FSG for the dumb shite they do, yet refuse to give them any credit for anything good they come up with! Why? Praise them when they get something right and criticise them when they deserve it. That's what we try to do with players, no? Why not apply the same standards to our owners? Did they fuck your wives or something?

    And signing this young player on a longer contract is a win in anyone's book!
    This has more holes than a Swiss Cheese.

    I can’t speak for Noods but as far as I am aware I have given FSG all the credit I believe they deserve. I have credited them with improving ( and boy they needed to) - learning on the job and landing the mighty Klopp. I credited them when the Main Stand was finally built and again when they indicated they would make good on the Anfield Road expansion. I gave them massive credit when Virgil Van Dijk was finally signed but tempered it with the sale of Coutinho seemingly to fund it and other purchases. The fact that I believe they should and could do more is a valid one and I make no apology for it..

    You want to credit them with assembling the greatest Liverpool side in 30 years - I find that laughable and an affront to Klopp's ability to create a team far greater than the sum of its parts. For you it’s those Maths Phd’s Though..

    I think you may be guilty of swallowing the rabid ravings of the resident nutjob stalking the threads.

  10. #170
    Join Date
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    City of Self Doubt
    Who should I credit? Obviously Klopp (WHO WAS HIRED BY THEM) played his role, as did the brilliant statisticians behind the scenes, who were also hired by them. I'll ask you again - do you want Henry to leave his office and go scout players?

    I guess the stadium redevelopment had nothing to do with our owners either, eh? The builders did it on their own…

    As for the maths phds - I'm sure it was different back in the day, but that's how it works now - you crunch the numbers and find the best player. I'm sorry it spoils your romantic view of the game, but football's far more a science than an art.

    Face it steveo, just claiming Klopp is the best thing since Jesus, which tbf he kind of is, and FSG are to be given no credit for the extraordinary talent he has at his disposal is as laughable as saying City's owners in no way contributed to the way their squad looks and it's all down to Pep.

    Honestly, it's hard to believe you'd stand by something so absurd.
    Etiam si omnes, ego non



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