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Thread: Brexit thread 2 Electric Boogaloo

  1. #341
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Nineteenx View Post
    Lol I do NOT think that, I do know my conclusions I drew as a 12/13 year old that adopting the US social and economic model, selling council homes for votes and privatisation were the road to the ruination of the UK were absolutely correct

    You get a shit load of absolute whoppers posting RW crap on twatter and FB about how everything is the EU's fault and having followed it since I formed my beliefs and watched it turn to shit for the reasons I thought it would for the last 36 years it's really easy to pull it apart. Long threads about the EU gave this, that and the other company a loan to move to x, y or z and you're like ok, rewind 30 odd years and work your way forward and you'll see how a lack of investment in Uk business, poor living standards, poverty wages, tax breaks for crony donors instead of tax breaks for companies offering long term investment to create jobs with dedicated 'paying' development programs for a highly skilled workforce and increasing levels of stress fucked UK productivity levels, skills levels and industry

    Really need a Corbyn Gov, Labour are the only party who are offering a move away from the broken model with sensible plans to. I'm not living on cloud cuckoo land thinking it won't be hard or take time, it took us 40 yrs to get where we are from where we were, it will make a difference to a lot of the most vulnerable immediately, but it's going to take 3 or 4 terms to really fix things, need to do what the Tories did and at the very least successfully change the model to the extent that any Gov that follows (God forbid) can't easily undo what's been done and has to follow the new model
    I've seen Owen Jones cited as having stated in his book chavs that in the first 5 years of eu membership that 1/3 of manufacturing jobs left the UK for cheaper labour markets.
    Having taken a quick look at wikipedia it seems that during this timeframe labour formed the government.
    What do you recall from those years ? Is Jones incorrect on his research.

    The answers Corbyn is proposing are ott imo. He seems like a reasonable enough git imo, but utterly powerless with the MPs in the party.
    It's a pity he couldn't have ousted them and taken the party back from Blair and at the same time quash some of the identitarians in his party.

    He and Sanders have some grandiose ideas that are the same pie in the sky stuff that lefties now bemoan after voting in the benevolent Tony Blair and the president of Peace Obama.

  2. #342
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nineteenx View Post
    You see this is where people get it wrong

    Labour do not have donors funding the party, Corbyn got rid of all crony donors who expect their voting intention for donations, the Labour party is funded by it's members and donations from it's members during GE campaigns. Corbyn and Labour shadow cabinet are the few honest politicans in politics for the right reasons who don't have crony donors

    Tories are funded by hedge funds
    Libdems are funded by many of the same backers as the Tories, because, well, they're also Tories
    Brexit Party are funded by Bannon

    Trump, Bannon, Johnson, Cummings and Farage are all in bed with Putin and Russia and their combined aim is for the UK to cease trading with the EU entirely to try and enable Trump's desired trade war against the EU, which would benefit Russia and the US but not the UK

    Trump was elected courtesy of Russian interference in US election
    Brexit party MEP's recently voted against EU special powers to stop Russian interference in UK and other EU nations elections, Mr UK sovereign law wants to allow Russian interference in UK election?
    Cummings is under investigation over the 3 years he lived in Russia after graduating from Oxford and some very dodgy pro Putin characters he closely associated with during that time
    Johnson is currently sat on an M15 report about Russian interference in the EU ref and collusion in interfering in Ge 2017 and the coming one
    Oh dear, Russia is a mighty country but theres a lot of bs about it.

    It's a very lefty idea to say look at the xenophobic righties, then prattle on paranoid about Russians and Americans.

    Heres a list of people accused of being Russian agents by Hillary Clinton....
    Julian Assange - after he leaked on liberals
    Jill Stein- the green party presidential candidate who she claims cost her the election in 2016. Despite reality testing with facts.
    Tulsi Gabbard a Democrat who opposes the interventionist regime change wars of Blair Bush Cameron Clinton Obama
    Bill Binney analyst who has claimed/proved the Russian hack was not possible and the leak was internal, links to seth rich who died in mysterious circumstances.

    Corbyn rightly questioned the skripal findings, he had contracted a toxin left his home went to the park and then a restaurant.
    The table he sat at had to be destroyed, but the children who on cctv/video he gave bread to by hand and fed the ducks with it, whereby the kids touched their mouths none of them got sick. Haskell has been on the record as saying she presented trump with what would seem to be fabricated photos of sick children and dead ducks.
    It's a lame story as far as I can tell, if the security services of a large nation come after you, it's more likely you'll be robbed and murdered, or suicided in a field or after you pack your belongings to go on the run.
    Same with the chemical attacks in Syria, winning the war, inspectors due and allegedly then decide to use chemical weapons. Result more NATO bombings. Daily mail has scrubbed stories from its online service whereby they had stories about how these weapons had been previously intercepted in Turkey iirc for the non-Assad militias.

    Youd have to believe that Russia is antagonizing and looking for a cold war. Yet the trend of aggressions seems to suggest that it was Iran and then Russia to follow for interventions and regime change.

    Corbyn to his credit can see the folly and underlying threats this ideology presents.
    I think he had to defend himself from being a Russian shill ?

    The Russian bots, later determined as Venezuelan bots by Twitter when the needs must, played fook all of a role in the us elections.
    The money spent was minimal and the impact of such measures is weak. It's quite possible they were a Democrat ploy, since one Democrat rep has been found to have created his one bots already for such purposes. The real damage to Clinton was when she had to defend deleting emails, dealing with Wikileaks and when she attacked trump for his comments in the debate about pussy grabbing, and he replied about bill and the rape allegations, the women who claimed she was more vicious than him and a few other citations in this area. Christopher Hitchens has spoken about this aspect of the Clinton's a few times and how they treated these women.

    The EU/Germany anti-Russian measures include nordstream 2 and using Russian gas for electrical supply.
    Sanctions havent worked against Russia either and presently Macron, the eu and trump are all trying to work away at the Russian and China relationship.
    Due to mismanagement it's quite possible that China and Russia will become more dominant than the eu and USA alliance.
    The eu and usa relationship looks more likely to be volatile and collapse presently.

    NATO essentially has overextended itself in the middle east and brought economic and societal threats onto itself.
    Last edited by CCTV; 7th November 2019 at 02:18 AM.

  3. #343
    1. An ageing uk population

    2. A lack of UK skilled people , because of lack of investment into the uk education system.

    3. Extremely high costs for uk students to become doctors, dentists, engineers.

    4. Lack of support for UK families, if you have a large uk family you are penalised, lack of cheap nanny system, and same people will ... ah shouldn't have had such a big family.

    5. Lack of social support, and council housing for UK families.

    It's all called lack of UK GOVERNMENT planning, investment, and who gets the blame ... Europe and immigration.

    And the uk trying to get skilled labour on the cheap.


  4. #344
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by dicko1969 View Post
    1. An ageing uk population

    2. A lack of UK skilled people , because of lack of investment into the uk education system.

    3. Extremely high costs for uk students to become doctors, dentists, engineers.

    4. Lack of support for UK families, if you have a large uk family you are penalised, lack of cheap nanny system, and same people will ... ah shouldn't have had such a big family.

    5. Lack of social support, and council housing for UK families.

    It's all called lack of UK GOVERNMENT planning, investment, and who gets the blame ... Europe and immigration.

    And the uk trying to get skilled labour on the cheap.

    Can't argue with any of that, it's been my mantra for 36 years, so I was obviously made up when The Economist of all papers put out an article this week that for capitalism to work it needs a robust welfare system, in the UK, the Tories, including Blair have spent 40 years trying to destroy it.

    They piss me off with their use of the 'Heroes of WW2' as a right wing nationalist thing. Having fought and lived through the horrors of war our 'heroes of WW2' knew better than anyone the value of looking after each other and elected a Labour Gov to build a social and economic model that did that, including forming the NHS, watchig Remembrance Sunday made me even more determined to honour those people by fighting for a UK Labour Government to rebuild the society and model they wanted for the UK.

    It is absolutely shocking that right now we're at the point we were at after years of war in that respect, scandalous, we're in a post war situation of needing to rebuild and remodel our society and economic model because of what 40 years of Tories has done to the UK, they did it, it beggars belief.
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  5. #345
    Yeah 19x. You take care mate.

  6. #346
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    Yeah lets rebuild by spending money we don't have and putting us into so much debt that everyone's kids, grandkids, great grandkids etc will be saddled with it's effects for the entirety of their lives. It's ok though as we can just sell off more of our country to anyone with a few bob to spare, or our gold reserves at bottom prices as done by the last labour Government.

    A member of my family is still reeling from having their pension fkd by the last Labour Govt. So much for looking after those that need the most help.

  7. #347
    Join Date
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    City of Self Doubt
    Aren't Labour tanking massively in the recent polls? Like lose half their seats bad?
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

  8. #348
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balinkay View Post
    Aren't Labour tanking massively in the recent polls? Like lose half their seats bad?
    Yes. Though I'm sure they'll 'rally' a bit after the media start their usual agenda driven smear campaigns.

  9. #349
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedNoodle View Post
    Yeah lets rebuild by spending money we don't have and putting us into so much debt that everyone's kids, grandkids, great grandkids etc will be saddled with it's effects for the entirety of their lives. It's ok though as we can just sell off more of our country to anyone with a few bob to spare, or our gold reserves at bottom prices as done by the last labour Government.

    A member of my family is still reeling from having their pension fkd by the last Labour Govt. So much for looking after those that need the most help.
    I've mentioned this before. When North Sea oil was discovered, the labour government wanted to use it to build up financial reserves, 1 pence of every barrel to go into a savings account. Tories won the election just after the discovery, Labour didn't get the chance to carry out what they wanted, and the tories sold off the North Sea oil to their cronies.
    Norway has in fact done what the Labour government wanted to do and they're now one of the most affluent countries in the world.
    The lesson from this?
    Don't ever vote Conservative.

  10. #350
    Join Date
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    City of Self Doubt
    Aaah, is this the infamous Norwegian oil fund? I heard they're tanking deeply into it to subsidise electric car purchases.
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

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