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Thread: Brexit thread 2 Electric Boogaloo

  1. #221
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by redebreck View Post
    What a fecking nightmare - Boris Johnsone UK PM and Donald Trump USA President.
    How much worse can it get?

    It's a conspiracy, I tell you.
    Be interesting to see what happens with BREXIT, seeing how Boris was one of the major protagonists.
    I think the world is a bit safer with trump in office over Clinton.

    In the last few weeks trump has said he's under pressure from the military industrial complex to take action in Iran. This week he explained his decision to step down military strikes, how he couldn't justify killing 150 Iranians in those strikes for the shooting down of an unmanned drone.

    Trump could be the first American president in this century to not start a new conflict zone !! Seems to be using economic sanctions to do the work of forcing people to the table, which isn't exactly the most moral means of beginning dialogues. But it's a lot better than bomb and burn policies.

    Bizarrely the most anti-war in Iran voice (to the best of my knowledge) in mainstream American media was Tucker Carlson on FOX NEWS !!
    The traditional left wing media over there seem to be attacking trump for not taking enough military action.

  2. #222
    Trump's 'restraint' on calling off the attack didn't ring true to me. One day he calls it off because it would be "disproportionate" and the next day he's threatening to "obliterate" Iran. That's disproportionate. I call bullshit.

    It would be ironic if he was the first president in decades not to go to war but I'm sure that he doesn't want that label and it will only act as a spur to drive him on, especially with an election looming...

    If he calls off another attack he'll look like a pussy and he doesn't want that. So rather than having a cool headed president with restraint we've got a clown who's painting himself into a corner.

    That said, things with North Korea seem more hopeful. Is love to know the story on that

  3. #223
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by stevie harkness View Post
    Trump's 'restraint' on calling off the attack didn't ring true to me. One day he calls it off because it would be "disproportionate" and the next day he's threatening to "obliterate" Iran. That's disproportionate. I call bullshit.

    It would be ironic if he was the first president in decades not to go to war but I'm sure that he doesn't want that label and it will only act as a spur to drive him on, especially with an election looming...

    If he calls off another attack he'll look like a pussy and he doesn't want that. So rather than having a cool headed president with restraint we've got a clown who's painting himself into a corner.

    That said, things with North Korea seem more hopeful. Is love to know the story on that
    No doubt theres an egotism and prestige to preserve. If not being labelled a war monger means he doenst start another war, ain't that welcome progress.

    He certainly uses the threat of war or 'humanitarian based intervention' (as it's often pushed as) to force discussions and backed by economic sanctions.
    While you can critique this approach it appears effective. Certainly more constructive than another campaign of peace and freedom bombs.

    He wont look weak or like a pussy if he doesnt go into Iran. The American people on both sides are fed up with these wars/interventions.
    There are others on fox who portray this message which seems to be extensive in the left wing legacy media. But American people are at odds with this opinion.
    There are numerous independent media personnas on the left and right who oppose the idea.

  4. #224
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    Jun 2014
    The big fear pro-trump was that he'd have access to the nuclear codes. Now hes been critiqued as weak in the same media for not starting a war/intervention.

  5. #225
    I wasn't suggesting he's a pussy for not going into Iran. But he'll look like one if he keeps posturing and bragging and threatening and then not going in. Just be cool. You'll get your peace prize just like Barack did.

    A while back I mentioned a list of seven countries allegedly leaked by a retired US general, it included Iraq and Afghanistan. This was before Libya and Syria but it mentioned those, and so it came to pass, also on the list were Iran and Sudan? I think. But sure enough they have been slowly but surely ticking them off one by one...

  6. #226
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by stevie harkness View Post
    I wasn't suggesting he's a pussy for not going into Iran. But he'll look like one if he keeps posturing and bragging and threatening and then not going in. Just be cool. You'll get your peace prize just like Barack did.

    A while back I mentioned a list of seven countries allegedly leaked by a retired US general, it included Iraq and Afghanistan. This was before Libya and Syria but it mentioned those, and so it came to pass, also on the list were Iran and Sudan? I think. But sure enough they have been slowly but surely ticking them off one by one...
    But he'll look like one if he keeps posturing and bragging and threatening and then not going in.

    I can see where this idea can come from but imo it doesnt really hold in this particular situation.

    He's got the worlds biggest military behind him ,an expanded budget voted for even by Democrats. The dems have presented him as a mad-man like Hitler and given him a bigger military budget, which doesnt add up in theory. Giving the mad man more guns. The profiteering of arms manufacturers is in favour of war, the left wing media is in favour of war, while fox has plenty of pro-war in Iran commentators. Tucker Carlson is an anomaly.

    If Iran called his bluff then hed be backed into a corner over it. But everyone in the institutional corner behind him is practically calling for war.
    It's not a great position for Iran to be calling his bluff.

    Add to this your own post citing 7 countries that are on a list for privatised central banking as is often posited in relation to those countries in addition to resource access and the picture is rather bleak for the Iranians. They and north korea are really relying on international assistance from Russia and China as their partners.

    So for me looking weak and having these nations call his bluff is sensible in theory but not applicable in reality.

  7. #227
    Not really sure I understand you CCTV but I sense you disagree!

    I wasn't thinking Iran would call his bluff, just that his playground posturing limits his options and makes him easier to manipulate. And with other tensions, North Korea, China etc

    Something's not right. He launched an airstrike on Iran and the pilots were ten minutes from their target and then he said oh hang on a minute how many will die? Bullshit! That was an actual news story. Maybe it was more for the folks back home, they're probably gullible enough to believe it.

  8. #228
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Speaking of guns, Christ knows why the U.S haven't introduced a system of each gun manufactured being fired once and it's ballistic finger print being put on to a database prior to them being sold, it'd solve a fuck load of issues and lower gun crime. People would be a fuck site more hesitant about gunning people down and making sure their guns were all accounted for if they knew it's 'fingerprint' was on a national database. I'd even go further and make the registered owner responsible if their weapon was used in an incident
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  9. #229
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    Crime City
    Quote Originally Posted by Nineteenx View Post
    Speaking of guns, Christ knows why the U.S haven't introduced a system of each gun manufactured being fired once and it's ballistic finger print being put on to a database prior to them being sold, it'd solve a fuck load of issues and lower gun crime. People would be a fuck site more hesitant about gunning people down and making sure their guns were all accounted for if they knew it's 'fingerprint' was on a national database. I'd even go further and make the registered owner responsible if their weapon was used in an incident
    That would cost the arms manufacturers time, and more importantly money. Wifh that being the case don't go expecting them (and those in their pockets) to impliment such a thing anytime soon. I often feel unsafe as it is with the continual increase in knife crime. Who knows how bad it/I would be if we were like the US.

  10. #230
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by RedNoodle View Post
    That would cost the arms manufacturers time, and more importantly money. Wifh that being the case don't go expecting them (and those in their pockets) to impliment such a thing anytime soon. I often feel unsafe as it is with the continual increase in knife crime. Who knows how bad it/I would be if we were like the US.
    That proposal from 19 wouldn't work. Might catch the dumb crooks at first but they'd get wise soon. Too easy to tamper with the barrel markings.

    In 2017 the total number of deaths by firearms in the USA was just under 40,000. 60% or 24,000 of those are suidicides. If Ireland today had the USA population wed have 32,000 suicides a year without guns. UK at a rough estimate would be 28,000. Overall USA has a suicide rate of 45,000.

    While in the last decade we've a gun murder rate about 6 times greater than the UK. But not on Americas level due to access and inequality as measured by the Gini Coefficient
    The gini coefficient again an indicator of why the USA has a higher suicide rate.

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