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Thread: Game of Thrones

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Balinkay View Post
    I kind of think they were retconned though - I mean yeah, we got the backstory but the guy displays intelligence. He's not an automaton - strategic thought went into some of his choices and yet he ends up a mindless drone with some faulty programming? Seems like a cop-out to me.

    I do see your point about fan service, but this is just detrimental to the experience at this point - throwing out the baby with the bathwater sort of thing. Sure we'd like them to live, but not at the expense of changing the established universe rules - like the lack of plot armor. Can you imagine something like this happening in season two or three? Abysmal - you do dumb shite, you die, simple as that. Instead our main cast get away with being swamped by white walker numerous times completely fine - it just clashes with the rest of the show. I no longer feel any of them are in any danger whatsoever. And when they inevitably do kill some of the main cast off, it's going to feel yet again surprising and unfitting, as the rules have again been changed.
    Tormund being dragged down by the Wights in Season 7 only to be saved by the Steal-a-Wight squad / Daenerys was a real turning point on that score.
    Your hobbies are rollerblading and you're also a bit of a rat-hound? Steel Wool
    Sid knows he's crazy and he likes it. Balinkay

  2. #42
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    Nov 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by RedNoodle View Post

    That was seriously disappointing. After all the build up to the 'battle to save humanity' it ends in such a feeble way, never mind all the nonsensical bs taking place such as Jon and Daenerys flying off and doing sod all to help for no good reason, Jon being swamped by undead and saved/left unburnt by Daenerys swooping in and burning everything but Jon to a crisp (since when has dragon fire been laser like in it's accuracy?), Bran doing nowt but having a little jolly as a crow, but somehow is the NK's main threat/focus, with the latter having the tactical nous of Tim Sherwood after a dozen pints.

    So, so disappointing.
    Leaves questions unanswered.

    The Night King and Jon Snow have had a few "stare-downs" that felt significant. Apparently not!

    There was the idea that the Night King was the original Bran (the Builder) and had built the Wall to keep himself out as he had become the Night King and his arc was stuck in a time loop (Bran as Three-Eyed Raven on a mission to stop himself from becoming the Night King) but who cares, Darth Maul "Ice Ice Baby" edition is gone, why explore an intriguing plot device?

    Also tactics - for a guy who has waited thousands of years to execute his grand plan (which isn't trying to get a Night Queen from Winterfell crypts or anything fun - just "destroy the Wurld lulz") his tactics are poor. Why expose yourself early? If I was the Night King I don't even show up to the Battle - I take Wight Viserion down to King's Landing, go absolutely ape on the locals and add 1,000,000 soldiers to my army and then march them up to Winterfell en masse.

    Wish there was more intelligence in the show's writing once they passed the point of the books. Littlefinger has a relative in Bravos (mentions it when interrogated at the Eyrie about Lysa Arryn's death) and is seen giving a coin to a lass in his last pre-Death appearance - it would have been so easy to write in that the person that gets their throat cut by Arya was a Faceless Man and not actually Little Finger - and potentially even have Baelish be Jaqen H'gar all along, but I guess that'd be too much like fun! It was even Baelish's dagger that finishes off the Night King in the end - "I did what I had to do, to save the World" could have been such a "what the f**k" angle, but nah - just got to have the relentlessly evil thingy die, like an Orc in Lord of the Rings.

    Your hobbies are rollerblading and you're also a bit of a rat-hound? Steel Wool
    Sid knows he's crazy and he likes it. Balinkay

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    I thought last nights episode was superb..Cersei really is evil
    Cleaning up the Scots since the 13th century

  4. #44
    Join Date
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    Crime City
    That was a seriously s**t episode. Possibly the worst one so far.

    I cringed my way through the overly long p*ss up and shagathon (they certainly got over thousands of their comrades, friends and family dying very quickly), only to then constantly shake my head at the seriously crap dialogue, about turns, nonsensical 'tactics' and basic bat s**t crazy nonsense.

    I mean you've got one of the supposed most intelligent men completely ignoring the fact that the person he rallied behind is becoming as bad as the person he's trying to dispose.

    Then you've got silent ships with ultra accurate and deadly crossbows, when the supposed richest city/people had already failed with the supposed best money can buy.

    Then you've got characters like Jaime who have slowly changed from being one thing to the exact opposite, only to then revert back to their former selves in an instant.

    Utter, utter, crud.

    If the series had started like this I don't think it would have made it past a couple of seasons, if that.

  5. #45
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    Dec 2011
    Spoiler alert. Dany has gone bass ass on them all. Just like her father she finished what he wanted!..Varys was right all along!.
    I think John will kill Dany and return to the wildlings. And Tyrion will take the throne. what ever is left of it that is..
    Maybe he and Sansa will Marry again and reunite the North with the South..
    Cleaning up the Scots since the 13th century

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    What an absolute bucket of shite. I mean for fuck sake. Could they have made a bigger mess of this whole final series. Dogshite

  7. #47
    Join Date
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    That was about as unfulfilling as it gets, they've had years to prepare this ending and they're royally fucking it up.
    "I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass.........and I'm all out of bubblegum."

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by justme View Post
    I thought last nights episode was superb..Cersei really is evil
    daenerys *Hold my beer*

  9. #49
    Join Date
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    City of Self Doubt
    I think they hit the right beats, but the connective tissue and the filler were waay below the level I'd want.
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

  10. #50
    Join Date
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    Crime City
    Another incredibly disappointing episode. Just slightly less disappointing than the last couple.

    There was so much 'filler', namely the City being burnt to the ground and the citizens of Kings landing running about trying to find somewhere to hide to avoid being burnt, crushed, or hacked to pieces. There were a number of characters whose demise was poorly handled, such as Varys (the one person who actually was trying/doing his best to protect the realm as well as the innocent) who was simply burnt to a crisp without so much as a little parting conversation between her and 'the mad one', whilst the Hound's final battle with his brother wasn't as epic and impactful as it should have been.

    What was the point of Arya going to Kings Landing? Just like a few other main character actions of late, there was absolutely zero purpose to what she did. There were so many possibilities, including things such as using her 'faceless men' training to get to Cersei, but no, the writers just decided to have her walk/run around a lot, do nothing but possibly to hinder those she feebly tried to save, and stumble across a horse (which may or may not be the one she previously had - some are even saying it might be Jaqen H'ghar), which has somehow managed not to become a snack for Drogon.

    As for Jaime, don't get me started. If he flip flops any more he'll be know as 'Jaime the (S)Andal', rather than "The Kingslayer".

    I think lots of people are now desperate for the final episode in order to get things over and done with. It's a pity, as I watch re-runs of earlier episodes and it's sad that a show that was brilliant has jumped numerous sharks in succession and as a result it will taint the legacy of something that could have gone down as one the best shows (as a whole) of all time.

    I hope the spin off's are handled better than these last few episodes have been. If it's the same two writers at the helm I'm not sure I'll even bother watching.

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