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Thread: Star Wars

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clungeman View Post
    My sarcasm-o-meter is on the blink I think - I assume you're both taking the piss there right?
    Nope, I enjoyed the first three early ones, the later two/three were OKish. Genuinely don't know how many there have been in total.
    There's too much confusion, I can't get no relief

  2. #12
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    @redebreck You're better off. If you like Star Wars, I'd recommend giving some of the cartoons a look.

    The new trailer for episode 9 though… atrocious. Possibly the worst trailer I've ever seen.

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  3. #13
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    Disney will keep milking "Star Wars" for all its worth until such a time as its rotting corpse is so decayed and foul smelling that even those who have a non functioning olfactory system will stay away from its foul stench.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by redebreck View Post
    Nope, I enjoyed the first three early ones, the later two/three were OKish. Genuinely don't know how many there have been in total.
    Ah right, fair do's! A quick overview for you then:

    Original Trilogy
    Star Wars (which was retconned to be called Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope)
    The Empire Strikes Back
    Return of the Jedi

    This is the classic trilogy, the one that shaped the childhoods of millions (including me). Interestingly, after George Lucas directed the first movie he showed it to loads of his film making buddies (Spielberg, De Palma, Coppola, Scorsese) who basically helped him out in the edit to put together the final cut. Empire and Jedi were produced by Lucas, and based on his story; but written and directed by others.

    Prequel Trilogy
    Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
    Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones
    Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

    Otherwise known as the 'Binks' trilogy. Lucas took back the reins and did all the writing and directing for this (aside from the script for Attack of the Clones) and proved beyond all doubt that he is a visionary with a huge need for an editor (like George RR Martin, or Vince McMahon). Shitty exposition (midichlorians anyone?), clunky dialogue (Anakin / Padme love story) over-reliance on CGI (Yoda vs Count Dooku) and horrible characters (the afore-mentioned Jar Jar Binks) basically ruined the most eagerly anticipated movie events of all time at that point.

    The Disneyfication of Star Wars
    Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens
    Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi
    Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker

    And thus we arrive at the current crop, JJ Abrams didn't do a terrible job with The Force Awakens (although not without some notable issues), it was basically a more diversely cast remake of the original Star Wars, whereas Rian Johnson made an utter car-wreck of a movie in The Last Jedi. The Rise of Skywalker is due out this Christmas, but we'll have to see how that does in the face of the current Star Wars fatigue going around; which brings us to...

    Shameless Disney Cash-Ins
    Rogue One
    Solo: A Star Wars Story

    Rogue One wasn't bad, probably the best outing since Disney took over Star Wars - the only problems with it were that it lasted probably 20 minutes or so too long and the cast had two or three characters too many. Solo was just boring, somehow managed to make one of the most beloved, charismatic characters in cinema history into an absolute non-entity. And it had Emilia Clarke in it, which is always a terrible thing for a film.

    Quote Originally Posted by RedNoodle View Post
    Disney will keep milking "Star Wars" for all its worth until such a time as its rotting corpse is so decayed and foul smelling that even those who have a non functioning olfactory system will stay away from its foul stench.
    I agree with you totally there as far as the films go, but I do like the look of The Mandalorian from the trailer, and Ewan MacGregor doing an Obi-Wan series could work too as he was one of the very few good things in the prequel trilogy.

  5. #15
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    I don't get why they've not done Obi Wan spin offs yet. However many they make, they'll be successful. We love Ewan!

    I'm quietly excited for what kind of animations they come up with. Rebels was… eh… not terrible, but clearly aimed at a younger audience. However, they're making a season 7 of "The clone wars" and while that series started poorly, its quality skyrocketed after season 3/4 - the storylines improved drastically and the CGI buget went through the roof. Can't wait honestly. Think they've announced they're working on another show as well.

    This is quite important to me since to this day the best piece os Star Wars I've seen is Genndy Tartakowski's Clone Wars mini-series from the early 2000's. And I'm including the original trilogy in this. What a fenomenal piece of visual art that is. The whole thing is on youtube if anyone is interested - glorious 2d animation, beautiful music and more fleshed out characters than in any of the non-original trilogies. It's only a total of two hours or so long too, so it's a quick watch.
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clungeman View Post
    Ah right, fair do's! A quick overview for you then:

    Original Trilogy
    Star Wars (which was retconned to be called Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope)
    The Empire Strikes Back
    Return of the Jedi

    This is the classic trilogy, the one that shaped the childhoods of millions (including me). Interestingly, after George Lucas directed the first movie he showed it to loads of his film making buddies (Spielberg, De Palma, Coppola, Scorsese) who basically helped him out in the edit to put together the final cut. Empire and Jedi were produced by Lucas, and based on his story; but written and directed by others.

    Prequel Trilogy
    Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
    Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones
    Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

    Otherwise known as the 'Binks' trilogy. Lucas took back the reins and did all the writing and directing for this (aside from the script for Attack of the Clones) and proved beyond all doubt that he is a visionary with a huge need for an editor (like George RR Martin, or Vince McMahon). Shitty exposition (midichlorians anyone?), clunky dialogue (Anakin / Padme love story) over-reliance on CGI (Yoda vs Count Dooku) and horrible characters (the afore-mentioned Jar Jar Binks) basically ruined the most eagerly anticipated movie events of all time at that point.

    The Disneyfication of Star Wars
    Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens
    Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi
    Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker

    And thus we arrive at the current crop, JJ Abrams didn't do a terrible job with The Force Awakens (although not without some notable issues), it was basically a more diversely cast remake of the original Star Wars, whereas Rian Johnson made an utter car-wreck of a movie in The Last Jedi. The Rise of Skywalker is due out this Christmas, but we'll have to see how that does in the face of the current Star Wars fatigue going around; which brings us to...

    Shameless Disney Cash-Ins
    Rogue One
    Solo: A Star Wars Story

    Rogue One wasn't bad, probably the best outing since Disney took over Star Wars - the only problems with it were that it lasted probably 20 minutes or so too long and the cast had two or three characters too many. Solo was just boring, somehow managed to make one of the most beloved, charismatic characters in cinema history into an absolute non-entity. And it had Emilia Clarke in it, which is always a terrible thing for a film.

    I agree with you totally there as far as the films go, but I do like the look of The Mandalorian from the trailer, and Ewan MacGregor doing an Obi-Wan series could work too as he was one of the very few good things in the prequel trilogy.
    Brilliant synopsis. Many thanks.
    There's too much confusion, I can't get no relief

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balinkay View Post
    I don't get why they've not done Obi Wan spin offs yet. However many they make, they'll be successful. We love Ewan!

    I'm quietly excited for what kind of animations they come up with. Rebels was… eh… not terrible, but clearly aimed at a younger audience. However, they're making a season 7 of "The clone wars" and while that series started poorly, its quality skyrocketed after season 3/4 - the storylines improved drastically and the CGI buget went through the roof. Can't wait honestly. Think they've announced they're working on another show as well.

    This is quite important to me since to this day the best piece os Star Wars I've seen is Genndy Tartakowski's Clone Wars mini-series from the early 2000's. And I'm including the original trilogy in this. What a fenomenal piece of visual art that is. The whole thing is on youtube if anyone is interested - glorious 2d animation, beautiful music and more fleshed out characters than in any of the non-original trilogies. It's only a total of two hours or so long too, so it's a quick watch.
    Have any of you seen Taff Wars on Youtube (assuming they haven't all been banned)?
    There's too much confusion, I can't get no relief

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balinkay View Post
    Didn't even see Soylo - was it as bland as everyone says?
    Solo is quality. Watch it and see. It gets unfairly panned because it didnt do as well as expected. The back story of Chewie and Han is good. Theres a few naff characters but all the new movies have a couple in each of them.

  9. #19
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    I'm an unashemed Star Wars fan and though the Madelorian trailer looked great! Appollo Creed in Star Wars. What more do want!

    I really enjoyed the Force Awakens and Rogue One. They were solid films that certainly looked the part. The special effects (as well as some awful writing and acting/casting) ruined the Prequals. The often most derided TPM was probably the one I most enjoyed.

    The Last Jedi had some interesting concepts and again looked pretty but the execution was appalling. It basically ended the story for everyone. If JJ Abrams manages to put together any kind of corehent finish to the 9 films he'll deserve all the Oscars as TLJ left him with very little wiggle room.

    Solo was just brown. It was so dull to look at. All of the locations were mono tone, grey, brown and very bland. The story was ok but you have to go some to make Star Wars look bland.

    Neither trailers for The Rise Of Skywalker (awful name) have me particularly excited. Compared to the excellent trailers for TLJ these are just very poor - so the film will probably be excellent!

    Some fan theories suggesting that time travel will be involved and that Disney will use it so that it can tell a differnt story with the same characters like JJ did with Star Trek.
    Something, Something, Something, Dark Side

  10. #20
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    You didn't like the prequel effects? Can't agree with you there - think they still hold up today some 15 years later.

    But the dialogue. Oh that dialogue will never get better. Personally liked Episode III best - the least Jar-Jar, the best effects and the most fun over the top fights.

    Saw a cool theory MaRey-Sue might be Luke's clone, one of many, which would go some way to repairing parts of her awfulness.
    Etiam si omnes, ego non



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