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Thread: Coronavirus and the impact on football

  1. #2091
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by ianlfc View Post
    Considering the money City have I'm amazed they haven't had their players vaccinated. And ith two of their players coming down with it shows its not on the open market yet.
    Yeah good point. As soon as its in mass production it surely will be.

  2. #2092
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by vin View Post
    Where in London? I've been to North, North West (where I live), West, and Central London (albeit only once) since mask-wearing became compulsory and I would say on average 35% to 40% of people aren't wearing masks.
    Well I'm one of them and have always felt I was the only one not wearing one. I've been told off a few times and denied entry into a few shops (before lockdown).

  3. #2093
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by teesred View Post
    Taksin, do you think that private clinics and healthcare facilities will soon start being able to charge for the vaccine?
    Anyone under the age of 60 is going to have to wait some time for the rollout. Maybe if they do that then events,concerts,sports etc can restart. Plus its an easy way for the government to make money and start clawing back what they have had to pay out during this pandemic.
    I don't think so if by soon you mean by spring. There has been too much government funding involved and millions of doses have already been bought by governments before they are produced. I have not heard of any private purchases. I don't get the impression there will be spare capacity and there is a lot of political pressure not to leave out the third world from access.

    The scale of rolling it out is mind blowing.

    "Shipping a coronavirus vaccine around the world will be the "largest transport challenge ever" according to the airline industry.
    The equivalent of 8,000 Boeing 747s will be needed, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) has said.

    There is no Covid-19 vaccine yet, but IATA is already working with airlines, airports, global health bodies and drug firms on a global airlift plan.

    The distribution programme assumes only one dose per person is needed."

    That's from a few weeks ago

  4. #2094
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    Apr 2007
    I've been to a butchers where we had to sanitise our hands upon entry, with mask wearing compulsory. Stopped going there now

    I've been to golf clubs where you have to walk in one door and out the other, where young lads behind perspex walls have panicked because I was mask free

    And I've been on long-haul British Airways flights where two men were given a 45 minute official warning for letting the mask slip over their nose. I was also threatened with the same for repeat offending but gave in

  5. #2095
    Quote Originally Posted by Taksin View Post
    I've been to a butchers where we had to sanitise our hands upon entry, with mask wearing compulsory. Stopped going there now

    I've been to golf clubs where you have to walk in one door and out the other, where young lads behind perspex walls have panicked because I was mask free

    And I've been on long-haul British Airways flights where two men were given a 45 minute official warning for letting the mask slip over their nose. I was also threatened with the same for repeat offending but gave in
    Taksin why is it a problem to wear a mask ?
    Just don't see why it is a problem.

    Dont surgeons and his team wear a mask to stop any infection.
    “We have to change, from doubters to believers—now.”

  6. #2096

  7. #2097
    Looking at deaths that have occurred so far in 2020 and were registered by 10 October, 405,534 deaths occurred in England (35,665 more than the five-year average for January to September) and 26,002 in Wales (1,154 more than the five-year average).

    35,000 more than the average (last 5 years) over the 9 month period in England.

    I'm not saying it doesn't exist
    But 35,000 above average is hardly that dramatic given the stats we see everyday.

  8. #2098
    A person drinking his car has a fatal accident.
    Tests positive for covid but was asymptomatic...
    Did he die of covid or his car accident?

  9. #2099
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by dicko1969 View Post
    Taksin why is it a problem to wear a mask ?
    Just don't see why it is a problem.

    Dont surgeons and his team wear a mask to stop any infection.
    1) They don't work.

    The New England Journal of medicine called them 'talismanic', and that was in their use by hospital staff. A major study this year from Denmark also showed that they made no difference to disease transmission and that study was swiftly disappeared by everyone who should have been interested in it. Look at the mortality graphs and insert the mask mandates in any country and you will see no effect in all cases.
    I know people just can't get this but, as one professor put it, it's like trying to stop a ping pong ball with a football net. Viruses exist at the nanoscopic level. Breath particles or aerosols are microscopic.

    2) They are bad for your health.

    Professor Bhakdi tells the story of his elderly mother-in-law collapsing in the supermarket. She had high blood pressure which was made worse by mask wearing. Just imagine someone who needs fresh air and then imagine what the mask does to them by stagnating the flow of oxygen and trapping the exhaust fumes in their upper respiratory system. Well, we all need fresh air, strangely enough.
    I read a report that a particularly pernicious pneumonia was showing up in Europe this year and people were already suspecting it might be caused by the damp conditions imposed on the lungs by mask wearing.

    3) It does psychological damage in a number of ways.

    It sets us against each other - I've been lectured to on the physics of disease spread by and elderly Afgani gentleman who sells Orangina and cigarettes for a living, and by a camp 20 year old flight attendant who was quite enjoying the power he had over me. We are made scared of each other and we all know how 'divide and rule' works as a concept. I believe the masks are being used to suppress dissent. Given that we know they don't work, isn't this a reasonable assumption?
    Children are being terrorised again. Fresh off twenty years of apocalyptic environmental terrorising, they now fear every human interaction they have may kill their granny and so they have to hide behind these cloth muzzles. Don't you think this will be bad for children's state of mind?
    I can't understand anything anyone is saying to me as it turns out I use lip reading far more than I realised. I have given up having conversations for the most part. On top of that I have to bend down in most shops to shout through the little hole in the perspex that is supposed to be where you slip the coffee and your bankcard. I'd imagine that was a common experience. Maybe you think we should end conversation but I think it is very important for community.

    4) It leads to a legitimation crisis for the institutions.

    If someone reads this and thinks, 'he seems to be right' then what are the implications? It means not only are the government lying to us, but so is the scientific establishment. That is not good, not good at all. That is the beginning of the end for society. We know Neil Ferguson is a bit of a scoundrel but he's just been rehired and his dud models are still shaping govt policy.

    What does this say about other massive, life changing policies and dogmas such as 'man made climate change' and the 'green economy'? Are they policies shaped out of necessity and compassion or are they based on lies, the manipulation of the scientific establishment and the financial gain of vested interests?

    In this internet age there are all kinds of conspiracy theories springing up, many of them outlandish and ridiculous, but there's a reason why this happens. It reflects the lack of trust in our information and knowledge sources. I have a lot of sympathy with these people - they are onto something, albeit getting carried away. But you just need to look into recent methods of propaganda in Russia, for example, to see that confusion about what is true can be used deliberately to demoralise the population into giving up its desire for fair government.

  10. #2100
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Everton versus Manchester City is in doubt due to Covid-19, talks taking place about postponement. - Paul joyce

    So it begins



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