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Thread: Coronavirus and the impact on football

  1. #1551
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Taksin View Post
    I’ve just watched people on the news saying they support £1000 fines for various infringements of the guidelines. That’s a desire of people to impose their views on me. I wasn’t singling you out but in order to feel justified as they do they have to hold your beliefs on how masks and lockdown work. I think those opinions are wrong, which is why having them imposed on me is very irritating.

    In this instance, by the science I mean the studies on the effectiveness of masks. Those studies show no effectiveness. So there is science and there is belief. They are different ways of forming an opinion and a policy.
    I have seen experiments quite recently demonstrating how masks drastically reduce the extent of the plume of exhalation. Do you not think this helps reduce the risk of virus spread?

  2. #1552
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    No mate, I don't believe it reduces the risk of spread. I believe extreme PPE may help those on the front line - it probably lessens the viral load but probably doesn't stop transmission. There's a great video of someone blowing smoke through a mask that goes some way to showing its ineffectiveness.

    Here's an alternate look at masks..

  3. #1553
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

  4. #1554
    Face masks still aren't being worn by most but I have seen a lot of people wearing chin hammocks, what's that about?

  5. #1555
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Taksin View Post
    No mate, I don't believe it reduces the risk of spread. I believe extreme PPE may help those on the front line - it probably lessens the viral load but probably doesn't stop transmission. There's a great video of someone blowing smoke through a mask that goes some way to showing its ineffectiveness.

    Here's an alternate look at masks..

    I think it best that we agree to disagree Taksin.

  6. #1556
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by stevie harkness View Post
    Face masks still aren't being worn by most but I have seen a lot of people wearing chin hammocks, what's that about?
    Potentially a frail attempt at rebellion to remind people of the days when we had faces and shit.

  7. #1557
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Taksin View Post
    Hi redebrek

    I realise that’s the theory I just don’t think that’s how it works in reality. We’ve had various experts pointing out that masks don’t work since the beginning - remember the only thing we know that works is washing your hands - and that’s why they weren’t enforced from the beginning. As far as I’m aware all the studies show the same thing.

    Then someone at the WHO changed their mind and everyone had to follow suit. Or they didn’t have to follow suit, they could have followed the science, but the way the pressurisation happens, they felt they had no option.

    Now, where the pressurisation is coming from is a very interesting question. I have tried to work this out and in the end I had to admit that I was carrying a conspiracy theory in my head and that I believed in it. But we can’t say that as we get called conspiracy loons just for objecting at the moment. Maybe things will change in time. I asked people today how many of their friends and family believe in all this lockdown policy and my sample were fairly confident most people thought it was mostly bollocks, including one GP. And they all also knew someone who was following the advice obsessively and to the letter. These are strange times.

    This ‘second spike’ at the moment comes many weeks after the masks were introduced. If you look at a chart, there is no relation between the two things. Even if the masks were known to be effective, I would still argue that a person should be free to choose their own risks. This idea that we are all letting the side down is, in my opinion, a totalitarian impulse that we should be very careful about forcing on each other.
    What was your conspiracy theory ? Was it to measure the level of compliance to calculate a social credit score ?

    Regarding conspiracies have you seen the accumulation of conjecture around the lab leak or bio-weapon theory ?

  8. #1558
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Looking at the effect of the pandemic and considering big politics and money involved theres at least a credible motive for an intentional leak imo.

  9. #1559
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    Potentially a frail attempt at rebellion to remind people of the days when we had faces and shit.
    Oh I thought it was somehow related to that fashion for wearing jeans at half mast to remind people we have an arse.
    I'm sure we'll always have shit.

    I see there was another protest in London yesterday, the irony of a swarm of police officers singling out individuals from the crowd for breaking the rule of six!

  10. #1560
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    Looking at the effect of the pandemic and considering big politics and money involved theres at least a credible motive for an intentional leak imo.
    My belief is it isn’t a bioweapon. It’s either a natural occurrence or an accidental leak from the Wuhan lab.

    My conspiracy theory is aimed at global governance, with key vested interests and sociopathic visionaries conspiring to use this as an opportunity to shape the world to their fantasies. It won’t work but it will cause all kinds of carnage.

    Look to the connection between Bill Gates and Imperial College. And Bill Gates’ interest in a creating green society and in population control. There’s recent footage of him describing this lockdown in terms of climate change. Then there’s his connection to the WHO.

    Then there’s Schwab and the World Economic Forum calling for a Great Reset. The global economy is on the edge of collapse. It was before this happened. See the Repo crisis of last autumn. These people think they can just shape things to their desires and we will all just be glad for their supreme wisdom.

    Yes there are massive powers being taken by governments in all the modern societies which we would be shocked by in any other circumstance. Maybe they will just he handed back nicely, but how convenient if they aren’t.

    So this is my prediction for the next two years or so;

    Increased social unrest
    Debt collapse and banking crisis
    Mass unemployment
    Food shortages
    Increase in food prices
    Loss of faith in government
    Rise in fascism and a loss of liberty
    Tax rises - digitised currency. Cash free society
    Bankrupt governments
    Possibly very bad epidemics
    Electricity shortages and blackouts

    So you can see that I’m not particularly worried about whether masks work or not or whether Brazil’s death rate is slightly higher than the UK’s. It’s everything else that is going on that disturbs me.



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