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Thread: Coronavirus and the impact on football

  1. #911
    Join Date
    May 2012
    The link below is footage of PMQs from last Wednesday 18th March.
    The number of MPs in the House of Commons was severely reduced to allow fro compliance with the government guidelines on social distancing.
    The speaker reiterates this in the first 30 seconds of the clip.
    Within the following five minutes you can see the tory front bench clearly in breach of the guidelines.
    There are 3 leading cabinet ministers sitting right next to each other (4 when Boris sits down) plus a further 2 only about 3 feet from this group.
    After about 02:20 minutes Corbyn thanks the house for complying with the guidelines.
    He himself sits right next to a fellow minister.
    Hardly setting a good example.
    One rule for them, another for the general public.
    Last edited by scientificred; 24th March 2020 at 10:41 AM. Reason: errors in timings given, link starts late

  2. #912
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by teesred View Post
    This whole situation is surreal now. I remember reading the opening post on this thread and echoing Millers thoughts exactly about Kev being on the drink. How wrong we all were when thinking that and mocking him.
    The reality is nothing has shook the world like this since 9 - 11 and this is on a greater scale now. Our lives are changed forever because of it.
    Haven't heard from Kev recently that I can remember?
    I hope he didn't take to Millers drinking advice? Even I'm still keeping mine to Friday and Saturday nights as per usual.
    Offender Of The Offended...!!

    It`s Better To Reign In Hell, Than Serve In Heaven!

  3. #913
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by justincredible View Post
    Haven't heard from Kev recently that I can remember?
    I hope he didn't take to Millers drinking advice? Even I'm still keeping mine to Friday and Saturday nights as per usual.
    I'm ready for one now.
    Sitting here on site on my own along with a couple other tradesmen. I've sent my lads home but until Boris gets his finger out and helps the self employed I'll keep working. This break could be long enough plus the knock on effects after this is scary.
    People who were to get their new house on Friday can't get as the banks won't release the money and I'm out for 3 houses until they get the keys.
    I should be enjoying Liverpool winning the league instead of all this shite !! How things change very quickly.

  4. #914
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    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by teesred View Post
    This whole situation is surreal now. I remember reading the opening post on this thread and echoing Millers thoughts exactly about Kev being on the drink. How wrong we all were when thinking that and mocking him.
    The reality is nothing has shook the world like this since 9 - 11 and this is on a greater scale now. Our lives are changed forever because of it.
    Having always been anti society most of my friends in the music industry were very like minded, didn't like America and blamed them, rightly, for a lot of the world's and our society's in particular ills, 9-11 didn't shake any of us, that was something they brought on themselves. If you go around the world creating conflict for the purposes of stealing other nations natural resources, you're going to end up getting attacked by someone who isn't at all happy about it.

    The best mainstream article about it at the time was in 'The Independent' although it was incredibly generous to them in not outlining the real reasons they brought such an attack on themselves, written under the pretense they had been trying to resolve conflict when they had been and continue to be deliberately creating it. The line that stood out was 'This has happened as a result of trying to play world policeman, intensifying that is not the solution'

    I suppose it shocked a lot of people who are oblivious to what the US has been up to for all these years because of how our news portray it and the UK isn't any better, we're always getting involved with them in their regime change initiatives that are all about oil and having someone in place in oil rich nations that will play their game, it's been going on for years

    US special forces created Bin Laden and others as they trained them in guerilla warfare to try and stop Russia taking control of Afghanistan.

    They, with our help put Saddam in place through regime change

    Afghanistan second time around was about securing it to run a pipeline through

    Iraq was about oil both times

    Syria was about oil and regime change

    Lybia was about oil and regime change

    When they do this they create nutter extremists and refugees and ordinary people pay the price for it, the same as they do with every other act of corporate greed and they don't give a fuck, those corporates weren't bothered about 9-11, they don't care about the cost of what they do to normal people, to them it was like all their Christmas' arriving at once, a green light and perfect propaganda to continue with their phony wars for profit on oil rich countries using alleged extremists as an excuse

    It's a pretty lame excuse, but everyone falls for it, they are dangerous people, equally as disingenuous about what they're doing and why they're doing it as it's again about power, wealth and control just like the global corporates, we're collateral damage, they really don't care, and dangerous as these people may be, they're fucking idiots too.

    Does it not strike people as odd that any 'attack' is blown up out of all proportion? Especially when our own Gov has been going merrily about it's war on the elderly, sick, mentally ill and disabled killing over 130,000 in the last four years and robs the public purse of over 300 billion of tax payers money to hand to the corporates and the 1% every year
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  5. #915
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    May 2005
    I meant it shook people in the sheer shock of it and it changed outmr lives in the way we travel and the perceptions of muslims and religion as a whole. Dont think theres much argument in that. There would in my opinion be a very small minority which were not affected by it.

  6. #916
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    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by teesred View Post
    I meant it shook people in the sheer shock of it and it changed outmr lives in the way we travel and the perceptions of muslims and religion as a whole. Dont think theres much argument in that. There would in my opinion be a very small minority which were not affected by it.
    It didn't change my perception of Muslims, I have always had respect for people of all faiths, people of genuine faith, the world is littered with people who use religion in a perverse way, look at western society, we claim to be a Christian society, but if you look at it objectively having ever studied RE we're very clearly not one, God save the Queen, God bless America? London and New York (inset names of any number of different cities) are more comparable to Sodom and Gomorrah than anything else you'd find in a bible. We're the polar opposite of a Christian society, there's fuck all Christian about it.

    The way I look at religion is different prophets at different times in different cultures delivering a message that would be most readily accepted in that culture, no-one's right or wrong, no-one's better or worse, if you believe in God, whatever your definition of God is, then there's obviously only one and anyone who worships God is free to do so as they please and most people do so through the religion that is based on the teachings of their prophet who delivered teachings to fit their culture.

    Could a Muslim or anyone of any other faith accuse me of being a non believer? Absolutely not, I don't deny anyone else's religious beliefs or their prophets, I believe they existed and delivered their teachings
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  7. #917
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    Faith has very common values of being decent, trying to look after each other and behaving better towards each other and trying to curb and restrain your natural instincts to be a cunt. If you look at the news and what people of various faiths are doing to try and help people, you would describe what this tiny minority of people from numerous different faiths are doing as Christian

    Man is a cunt, it's natural for us to behave like selfish self serving pricks, if you look at any model for society it is always something that if people did have faith, they could restrict their urges for excessive power and wealth and could work for everyone, but whether it's communism or capitalism, there are always people who have absolutely no faith and no control whose God is money and power
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  8. #918
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    Consider Christianity and the people who work in our media, are they not all akin to Judas, taking their thirty pieces of silver to sell the rest of us out and peddle the propaganda of the powerful and wealthy? That's how I view them, at least Judas did the decent thing in the end to try and atone
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  9. #919
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    Sep 2006
    I really love the incredible work that our lads do to help other people, I really appreciate it, they are very wealthy lads by virtue of having worked really fucking hard at something they had a passion for, most top sports people are, but most are complete egomaniac self serving up their own arseholes greedy grabbing bastards who don't do a single thing for other people and continually seek to amass more and more wealth they spend frivolously on things of material value that have no real value or substance other than being 'the best that money can buy', our lads stand out as not being like these people and set a really good example and values

    People make the mistake of assuming other people have wealth envy, there are a lot of people who do to be fair, I've never had an problem with people being incredibly wealthy through hard work, dumb luck or birth right, I have a problem with people who amass that wealth to the detriment of billions of other people and the devolution of our society and a lesser problem, as it is their money after all, with how they behave, the values they set for others and them not giving anything back

    In the last election there was a lot of press coverage about Labour having wealth envy and hating people being wealthy, I heard so many people repeat it, that was a complete load of bollocks, their issue isn't those people's wealth, it is their tax evasion and tax avoidance and making that money to the detriment of society and everyone else
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  10. #920
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Nineteenx View Post
    It didn't change my perception of Muslims, I have always had respect for people of all faiths, people of genuine faith, the world is littered with people who use religion in a perverse way, look at western society, we claim to be a Christian society, but if you look at it objectively having ever studied RE we're very clearly not one, God save the Queen, God bless America? London and New York (inset names of any number of different cities) are more comparable to Sodom and Gomorrah than anything else you'd find in a bible. We're the polar opposite of a Christian society, there's fuck all Christian about it.

    The way I look at religion is different prophets at different times in different cultures delivering a message that would be most readily accepted in that culture, no-one's right or wrong, no-one's better or worse, if you believe in God, whatever your definition of God is, then there's obviously only one and anyone who worships God is free to do so as they please and most people do so through the religion that is based on the teachings of their prophet who delivered teachings to fit their culture.

    Could a Muslim or anyone of any other faith accuse me of being a non believer? Absolutely not, I don't deny anyone else's religious beliefs or their prophets, I believe they existed and delivered their teachings
    I dont think its debatable that the perception of muslims was changed irrevocably after 9-11. I'm not saying its right but it definitely changed. Plenty of people had no idea who Bin Laden was prior to it and also Islam as a whole. It changed the world in terms of how we deal with the threat of terrorism, something that's always been there but after 9-11 proved it was possible to do pretty much anything with careful planning.
    Personally I have no time for religion at all. It is in my opinion always been used as a measure to strike fear into people to gain control.
    Anyhow maybe this is a debate for another day or another thread.



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