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Thread: The Barca Rebuild.

  1. #121
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Don’t think they’ve got the money Kev.

  2. #122
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    City of Self Doubt
    Quote Originally Posted by miller0863 View Post
    Don’t think they’ve got the money Kev.
    But if they sell Messi? That'll free up a lot of wages and generate a fee.
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

  3. #123
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Balinkay View Post
    And you put Messi with Pasarella and Burruchaga and Maradona's in big trouble. What's your point?

    Messi has played consistently in stronger Argentina sides than Diego ever did. That isn’t much of a debate unless we are talking to a Messi hero worshipper..?

    Messi has consistently been outperformed on the international stage - not just by Zlatan or Ronaldo but by Luka Modric FFS. He has repeatedly looked bloody ordinary when he isn’t playing for Barca.

    First comment in the video is for you...

    If you have played the game at a reasonable level - you know..

  4. #124
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    Aug 2003
    Think Messi is trying to get out on a free due to a clause in his contract.
    I suppose though if they sold Phil and got Messi and Suárez off the wage bill they could afford it.

  5. #125
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    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by miller0863 View Post
    Don’t think they’ve got the money Kev.
    Well if they get rid of suarez too, depends what they do, probably will have enough money next season.

    They'll get the money somewhere.

  6. #126
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    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Balinkay View Post
    Like I said - you don't want to have a reasoned discussion. You want to look teary eyed at videos of your past hero. Go ahead. I wouldn't want to take away any of that enjoyment from you even if could.

    Enjoy your videos and have a good night mate. I have work in the morning. Fun as ever to take a trip down someone else's memory lane. I am extremely envious that you got to see him live... I really am.
    A reasoned discussion about what..? Your world view that trophies won and goals scored is the only marker.? For you to actually have that debate you need to SEE.. Counting won’t help you here.

    Seems you want to belittle my view and pass me off as some old romantic... Well I feel a little sorry for you - I try to be nice but there is a little nasty streak in you. Perhaps the Strain of that Balkan blood striving its very best to conform to the lousy beat of the Teutonic drum?

    Anyways - There are many reasons why you cannot really compare these players...different era’s, different characters and very different refereeing and circumstances.

    But here is an attempt.

    If anyone believes that any player is going to have stats like Messi or Ronaldo before the tackle from behind was outlawed and benefit of doubt switched from defenders to attackers introduced - they are wildly wrong. Then let’s also look at the teams Diego played for versus Messi’s Barca..

    On the different characters...Messi wants to be at the best team ( and largely has been ) take all the chances and rack up all the goals. Diego was never like that. He relished the almost impossible challenge. Often more concerned with showmanship than actually scoring - as happy to beat 4 men and assist as bury a shot in the net. He would fight as hard to win the ball back as any Mascherano and was better at it too..! A born entertainer. He wanted to win as much as anyone and in the big games - the really big ones in Serie A and at the World Cup he almost always delivered. Remember - A 1 nil WC final defeat to West Germany away from 2 consecutive World Cups..! He drove sides that had simply no right to win to do just that. To win Serie A twice in the toughest league on the planet at that time - with Napoli.. It is off the charts nuts.

    IMO and that of many others...and not all old Grandads - Messi has to prove himself outside of the setup that he has always been cosseted by. And to date - at that - he has failed. So despite his amazing numbers - and they are quite stupendous AND his utter brilliance - and he is utterly brilliant make no mistake ( best we have still ) - he has a good way to go before he can be put in Maradona’s bracket as a player.
    Last edited by Steveo; 25th August 2020 at 11:50 PM.

  7. #127
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    May 2012
    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
    For what it's worth I thought Suarez in his last season for us was the best footballer I had ever seen. Before that, and in order: Cantona, Maradonna, Cruyff, Greaves.

  8. #128
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    I love how you say I have nasty streak, yet bring up my grasp of the English language and / or nationality every time we have a relatively fundamental disagreement. Every single time. Quite a bit of anti-Balkan sentiment. I'm surprised you weren't more of a stauch Brexiteer. Would have thought such views align you pretty well with the likes of Farage... And you say I'm the one with the nasty streak. On this topic, every single time, you've been as confrontational and snide as they come. I just try to answer in kind.

    We've also talked about stats many times as well - when numbers speak, even the Gods listen. However, goals scored and trophies won are not the only numbers that matter though - something people like you, who for some reason dislike stats, fail to get through their skulls. Those two numbers matter. A lot. But they are not the only ones that do. I would't know where to get more comprehensive stats on Maradona, but any self-respecting statistical model would let Maradona shine as bright as he deserves with the right stats. The whole "SEE" thing is just a heuristic for a proper analysis.

    I agree it's extremely difficult to compare them, which is why I once tried to have a structured argument about the topic, alas noone was interested. Or at least not in the format I proposed.

    As for the bit about noone matching their numbers with the old laws - I think you'll find a certain three time WC winning Brazillian got pretty close for a comparable amount of time.

    In any case - I consider the issue closed. You tug one off to the Fat Junkie, I'll do the same to the Tiny Tax Evader.
    Last edited by Balinkay; 26th August 2020 at 08:13 AM.
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

  9. #129
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    City of Self Doubt
    I'm sorry Steveo - I'm not being just here - I'll leave the previous post, it would feel wrong removing it, once I've put it out there.

    You get emotional about Maradona (my dad, who's a bit older than you loves him nearly as much, and he's the same way with Cruyff) and I get unreasonably irritated when someone brings up my age or heritage, as both are a bit of a touchy subject.

    Let's leave this.
    Last edited by Balinkay; 26th August 2020 at 08:24 AM.
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

  10. #130
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Maradona would throw one hell of a party after the game !!
    That has to make him the better player 😃😃
    Both players are/were brilliant but in different eras. No point arguing about it.



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