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Thread: Cavani Should Face the same ban as Suarez

  1. #221
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by justme View Post
    But when you go on to chat to fans and others. You shouldnt have to deal with someone popping onto your account to attack you racially. Its not easy to say why allow it to bother you. It does.
    You'll find humans tend to be want to be accepted for who they are. Not to be abused for something that is used to make someone feel bad.
    Lots of things bother people. People imo tend to be a bit tyrannical. They want to see their selves and values accepted, but rarely those who they oppose - crush those who object into submission seems to be a part of wanting acceptance paradoxically. Accept me - reject not me.

  2. #222
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by teesred View Post
    I'm actually just getting towards the end of Malcolm X's biography. Its really good. He makes some amazing points that are very apt at this point in time, not just about systemic racism but of other things happening in the world too.

    When the latest club stopped taking the knee I said to a few pals I wonder which Premier league club will be the first. Its clearly become a box ticking excercise for the league and the clubs and this kind of PR based approach isn't solving the problem.
    The Irish and Welsh side all stood during the event last weekend. 14/30 English lads with the Big Billy V (no8) not kneeling and being a critic of BLM for their espoused values conflicting with his own values.
    The rugby associations had to release press pieces as a result, whereby the basics of it is that it is their habit to stand and not to kneel. They will keep with their tradition and not submit to the demands for new habits. Billy V a more vocal critic.

    It's an interesting book, I read it when I was 13 or so, doubt many people today are too aware of how he described himself as living like a N and how he viewed himself as a proud black man and the ways he carried himself then.
    I never did get the matchbox of nutmeg to work iirc.

  3. #223
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Will reply to you later CD as it's a bit longer.

  4. #224
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    Lots of things bother people. People imo tend to be a bit tyrannical. They want to see their selves and values accepted, but rarely those who they oppose - crush those who object into submission seems to be a part of wanting acceptance paradoxically. Accept me - reject not me.
    I dont understand how you come to this conclusion over racism and people being abused about their skin colour. But hey it takes all sorts i suppose
    Cleaning up the Scots since the 13th century

  5. #225
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by justme View Post
    I dont understand how you come to this conclusion over racism and people being abused about their skin colour. But hey it takes all sorts i suppose
    It does, it is the cost of living in a changing world, a more diverse nation and a multicultural Society.
    Homogeneity or less diversity has been shown to produce higher social and civic life outcomes.
    Merkel like Farage, has said multiculturalism is broke and doesn't work, unlike Farage she hasn't been dubbed a nazi. The imagined desires of intent do have to deal with reality.
    I'd like to make the world a better place, doesn't mean I'm correct or my theories produce results.

    Remember you called those people different to you bible bashers.
    That wasn't very sensitive, whilst it would appear other bible bashers, as in not the devout religious folk you called bible bashers, but the atheists like Dawkins troll religious people even muslims on occasions and aren't sensitive to others feelings either.

    Same with many other terms, they cause division, you either live with the division, argue your points or crush the enemy of your desires for some imaginary utopia.
    Seems your justice means condemning in line with justme, and thinking bible bashers is an appropriate term again in line with yourself.
    Racial abuse being wrong because it hurts peoples feelings, but bible bashers is ok because it doesn't hurt your feelings.

    Now people will say religion is a choice, but it is also a choice to live where you do by and large, especially outside of your own nation. Migration is a choice. Sometimes a desperate one.

    If bame people chose to live in a society where the msm detail how they can be used to win elections and eliminate their domestic traditionally white rivals as with the UK, that too is a choice. Some even describe demographic changes as we're winning.

    It's not surprising to me that where a half of natives are projected to be dispossessed politically that tensions would arise. One half of white seemingly using bame cohort as a means to an end. One half even saying you ain't black for voting otherwise, or that you are multiracial white supremacy. That bame Tory voters are in need of more derision and exclusion than whites embodying whiteness, as they are race traitors.

    Similarly the dubbed whitelash (from backlash) isn't a surprise to me. Where a system reacts differently than the expectations of those with simple thoughts are looking to fix outcomes.

    Similarly with online media abuse that those dubbed most blasphemous to the new cathedral are more frequently utilised to provoke.

    Personally I try to stay away from slurs, I do cite them, but I do defend other peoples rights to say what they like about the Tory scum, bible bashers, trumptards etc.

    For me it's better to find solutions and agreements and upsetting people with the realities of life is just a reality. A spoilt kid could get upset at not getting the supercar they desired. Doesn't mean I should walk in their shoes so as to understand their feelings.
    I already know what it is like to have desires that didn't materialise. I know what it is to be spoilt or blessed.

    With respect to Dawkins or you, I support your right to be offensive in the utterances you make.



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