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Thread: Racism

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Something the media doesnt tell you. out of the 105 accounts of vile racists used. only 5 of the accounts emanated from people inside the UK.
    I am not DEFENDING racism. The UK has a far few of them.. But its not has wide spread has spread has its made out.
    Cleaning up the Scots since the 13th century

  2. #62
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by justme View Post
    Something the media doesnt tell you. out of the 105 accounts of vile racists used. only 5 of the accounts emanated from people inside the UK.
    I am not DEFENDING racism. The UK has a far few of them.. But its not has wide spread has spread has its made out.
    Dear Justme,
    I do not vote labour and do not vote conservative and do not vote lib dem but still perhaps foolishly I believe in the UK democracy.
    I like this forum, I appreciate your inputs here and on the football forum and take your views on board.
    But you have a different view of racism from where I live and have worked.
    It is just dormant and waiting for a little push to gather more momentum. Back to the 80s!
    It is time now for BoJo to retract publicly his past thoughts, and apologise if he ever wants to be revered as a serious person, and move us forward as a truly multi-cultural post empire nation.
    I doubt he will but here is hoping!

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by justme View Post
    yeah i like Doris"". The Canadian Prime minister blackend his face several times. Hes not considered a racist in this day and age. he gets over looked because hes part of the chosen people who arent classed racist.

    Again. there are FAR worse racist countries on earth, The eastern block. the middle east African nations. China is the worse nation on earth when it comes to racism against black people. and so on.
    You will always get bigots. But when it comes to the UK. there are a tiny minority.. if you wanna disagree so be it
    Spot on, same in the states republican hounded into resignation for blackface, Democrat not hounded or resigned over it.

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    It's a bit ironic for an Englishman to be seen as racially abusing an Asian by telling him to stick to the quintessentially English sport of cricket.

  5. #65
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    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    Spot on, same in the states republican hounded into resignation for blackface, Democrat not hounded or resigned over it.
    Where do you live CCTV.
    I cannot truly comment on other nations but England needs to get its house in order.
    It is smouldering. Still living and fuelled by its history. A once great island race wanting to be that again with everything that goes with it and scant recognition for the building blocks.

  6. #66
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by scientificred View Post
    Disagree Justme.
    England is full of closet racists with their tongues tied owing to EU employment rules.
    Expect more to come out of the closet post Brexit
    regarding jokes..
    Some people have big chins but for others there is no way of knowing what effect that has on their personality.
    People may think they should laugh it off.
    Maybe those people think they laugh it off and they are 'a good old boy with a sense of humour'
    No-one really knows what that person takes home
    I have worked many places where there is always a class A bigot as per Alf Garnett.
    They all say ' yes he's racist but at least he admits it'
    The anti-racist people find him funny on that basis.
    Does that make it ok?
    Does that make them ok?

    Quote Originally Posted by scientificred View Post
    What facts?
    Not moving on Justme!
    You are like BJ.
    Have you never met that sub-culture that persists behind the scenes in the UK?
    Today BJ will denounce racism in the UK.
    Do you admire his stand?
    Are you aware of his ridiculous comments in what he apparently wants to commit to his past?
    Quote Originally Posted by scientificred View Post
    Are you aware of the 'dormant' English sub- culture that persists in english culture?
    You remind me of those youtube videos where someone is asked to comment on trump quotes but given dem quotes.
    They pontificate on the matter and his heinous words, then are embarrassed to find out its hillary/obama/Joe poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids. Then they typically try to deny their reaction and embody dissonance.
    (There are more poor white kids than any other race in America)

    What percentage of labour voters voted to leave the eu ?
    You do realise Corbyn (the not far right winger) has been over here talking about rejecting the eu empire. Corbyn is a brexiteer.

    Here's bernie Sanders talking about the need for borders, open borders being a right wing conspiracy with the koch brothers (Soros a prominent left winger to name one), how it impacts wages and makes everyone in America poorer, suppressing wages and in particular job opportunities for the younger and also the working class.
    But for immigration Britains youth would be looking at higher wages and cheaper houses, what they have is lower wages relatively and more likely to be living at home due to the cost of housing and not reproducing grandkids for their parents.

    I'm pretty sure Bernie Sanders isnt a right wing capitalist either. I'm not sure how you dont think these same issues resonate with left wingers and why they must be far right.

    To be honest, far right (ooohhhh 👻👻👻&#128123 is probably a hindrance to left wing activism and their champagne socialist celebrity millionaires who preach to the lower class masses.
    It's funny watching people trying to codify trump as their nazi, because he wanted strong borders like Hitler, because he wanted American soldiers to not be overseas like hitler, because he reverted the Biden crime bill, because under his tenure lowest paid workers started to buck the trend of ever widening income gaps. Entered North Korea and brought a few peace deals to the table. Because the media leaked photos they had from the Obama admin of kids in cages.

    What we know about mass migration is that it diversity increases, social and civic life declines.
    Migrants nearly always outperform their own race/ethnicity who were born in the host nation.
    Bame votes, coming from poorer nations as is typical with migration, overwhelmingly leading to labour votes.
    You have dumb cunts on the left and in print media who talk about using bame demographics and importing of even more voters to win election, so the brains trust of the labour benches can deliver a utopian Britain. They just need a hand in winning elections... all the answers just couldnt win an election

    Now if I have an indigenous population that is historically divided on politics and one side is just so caring and charitable and all about fairness to the extent that they are going to crush their domestic rival for evermore with the importation of the worlds needy..
    Do you wonder why this might threaten your domestic opponent, who might perceive the foreigners as a threat to their hitherto existence, maybe even like mercenaries or foreign actors interfering in a civil war.

  7. #67
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by scientificred View Post
    Where do you live CCTV.
    I cannot truly comment on other nations but England needs to get its house in order.
    It is smouldering. Still living and fuelled by its history. A once great island race wanting to be that again with everything that goes with it and scant recognition for the building blocks.
    I live in my home. What are you building blocks ?

  8. #68
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    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    I live in my home. What are you building blocks ?
    Typical evasive reply CCTV
    You are never going to nail your colours to any mast.
    Great Britain and it's empire was built on a very organised and offensive strategy to conquer and subdue many countries of this world. If it was not for WWII they may have still persisted to this day.
    There is always a price to pay for an empire.
    History tells it so.
    Only in recent times is it coming home to roost.
    Much of the building blocks was slave labour.
    Do you deny this?

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by scientificred View Post
    Typical evasive reply CCTV
    You are never going to nail your colours to any mast.
    Great Britain and it's empire was built on a very organised and offensive strategy to conquer and subdue many countries of this world. If it was not for WWII they may have still persisted to this day.
    There is always a price to pay for an empire.
    History tells it so.
    Only in recent times is it coming home to roost.
    Much of the building blocks was slave labour.
    Do you deny this?
    I live in Ireland, born and from here. I'm not giving you my address though.

    Can you give an example of another evasive reply ?

  10. #70
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    I live in Ireland, born and from here. I'm not giving you my address though.

    Can you give an example of another evasive reply ?
    You quite often do not reply but rather pose a further question. When I have replied you pose a further question.
    It is a bit reminiscent of Dougal from Father Ted.
    I started this thread with the hope that people could freely express their perhaps very different views and perhaps learn from them.
    I do not think I have learned anything from you whereas you have learned a lot of my and others viewpoints



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