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Thread: Reason No. 398,285 why it's not good to have your club owned by a Petro-Oligarch

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Crimson Dynasty View Post
    Very bad, invalid, lazy and dare I say it (...and with all due respect),...silly analogy.

    Are you actually drawing an across the board equalavence between FSG (or American billionaire owners of British football clubs writ large) on the one hand, with Russian Oil barons and Oligarch's (a.l.a. Roman at Chelsea) or with the Middle Eastern Oil barons/state-owned billionaire holding companies on the other?

    Do you really (STILL)need it pointed out to you how and where this comparison fails spectacularly?

    This is beneath of your usual standards.
    Do better.

    And what "Russian Freedoms" are those exactly that The Ukrainians are threatening (by their mere existence as Putin's neighbours) that have spurred him to open-endedly invade their country, or that even remotely justifies himdoing so?

    Because as of the current count stands Russinas have actualy LOST more of their freedoms rather than gained, any from this invasion.
    (specifically economic and their ability to intermingle with the rest of the global human community vis-a-vis sports events and other cultural events, as well as some very real domestic freedoms (which they never really had to begin with) like the ability to protest his actions ostensibly being done in their name).

    And they stand to lose even more by the time these...."military operations" are done given the current rate of decline of their Ruble and their Economy, and what measures Putin will put in the aftermath to mask all that.

    I never really expected that this would be a place we'd find anyone making invasion apologetics or justifications for Putin's actions, but if ever there were, somehow I'm not surprised its coming from you.

    Seriously mate, poor show.
    All around.
    Yours and SRs expectations for me, which seem to be disappointed regularly, are standards that are just beneath me.

    If chelsea players should be considering the source of their income and opportunity, shouldn't other clubs players too.
    Shouldn't we all ?

    I mean English football has taken the knee in solidarity with BLM. Which poses white privilege as the legacy of slavery conferred on white people. The PL with its white managers is postulated as white supremacy.

    The history of their campaign highlights the role of Britain and America as slave prospering peoples.
    Whilst in recent decades each US administration and her nato/eu/global partners has started their own conflicts, except that hitler guy you call trump.

    In a post soviet era ...

    Most of the wars in the middle east boil down to geopolitical power. Bomb country, change regime, look for ways to get gas pipelines into Europe and undermine Russian exports into the EU. Have a pro nato/eu ally. It's a key geopolitical region.

    The battle to take Russian dependence away has literally seen countries bombed to bits. But nothing to fear.

    I can see how Russia sees the Eu/Nato expanding into the previously named lebensraum, as a threat.
    When Nato/eu leaders all have examples of regime change attempts and successes in their portfolios. Though I'm using the term success in the sense of achieving their goal, not a ringing endorsement of their actions or partners or outcomes.

    In a sense the EU is a sly soup providing charity. It offers out soup for a conversion to a belief and economic system.

    It's not surprising that like footballers nations will sell out to the highest bidder.

    Now in British football manu and lfc lose revenue to temper their dominance domestically.
    In Europe we had ffp to prevent rich owners and their plastic creations from dominating.
    In both cases good arguments to give every one a chance and yet wealth still offers a benefit. If Britain was posited as not being able to compete outside the eu, what chance have smaller nations in the region to retain their independence and sovereignty.

    In politics and foreign policy we have seen no restrictions on the biggest economic bloc sucking up nations. The eu. Rapid expansion over the decades.

    Nor the greatest military alliance from reaching further and further towards its nuclear super power rival and not an economic rival. Nato

    What do other regions need to compete ?

    Eu or Nato membership. A billion people. Do we all need to be under the anglo-american franco-german rule to be able to compete as equals.

    Many nations have put material wealth and their lives at risk.
    Russia is doing it presently, Ukraine is doing it against Russia within a decade of regime change and arms trafficking.

    Many nato/eu aligned nations will boycott Russia. They're all fooking off to Qatar for the world Cup. None of their nations boycotted games v England, london Olympics, etc.
    Because the eu and nato holds more power than Russia.

    If it were a principled decision from these celebrities, should we assume they stand with Clinton/Blair/Bush/Cameron/Obama in bombing the middle east.

    James McLean took his stance against the poppy, yet took his salary and paid HMRC his taxes.

    Maybe our Muslim contingent could be offered an opportunity to give their opinion of the Western efforts to liberate the middle east.

    Perhaps I wrongly assumed they don't stand with blair/bush/obama/cameron ?

    If you can't see how a superior economic force and military force, which has had several regime change wars in recent memory approaching your territory is a threat I can't help you.

    The conflict in Ukraine as already said, is sadly predictable and a result of failed foreign policy.
    The reverse of the Cuban misile crisis in many ways.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Not enjoying the media harassing Tuchel constantly about it, I don't mind Tuchel at all, Jurgen likes him and respects him, so very clearly a decent bloke, there's nothing he can do about it, they should just ask him about football

    On a plus point, Everton's Russian backer has had his assets frozen, imagine if they go down and then the money for their new stadium isn't there either
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  3. #23
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    Sep 2006
    I'd put my money on the conflict being ended by Putin being assassinated, not by the West, but it has to be remembered that a lot of the Russian billionaires having their shit well and truly fucked up by Putin's invasion are also ex KGB and Russian forces, if anything ends it prematurely, it'll likely be one of them having one of their contacts bump Putin off

    Although, China stood side by side with Putin only recently jointly warning the West about continuing their cold war mentality, more than likely China shared Putin's concerns CCTV has alluded to and were aware of Putin's planned invasion of the Ukraine

    You'd suspect, like with a new aftershave, the next Chinese Covid release will be an improved version, more highly contagious, more deadly and far faster acting from infection to mortality, now they've trialed the test version successfully
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  4. #24
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    Apr 2007
    All they have to do is give the Donbas region it’s independence and it’s all over. The question is whether there are forces in the West pushing the Ukrainian president to see it is a matter of pride.

    It shouldn’t be as the history of Ukraine is not exactly stable and not exactly Independant from Russia.

  5. #25
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    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Taksin View Post
    All they have to do is give the Donbas region it’s independence and it’s all over. The question is whether there are forces in the West pushing the Ukrainian president to see it is a matter of pride.

    It shouldn’t be as the history of Ukraine is not exactly stable and not exactly Independant from Russia.
    After China recently backing Russia and there being an appearance the 2 nations had made some kind of pact before Russia's invasion of the Ukraine, it seems incredibly foolhardy for anyone to unnecessarily agitate the situation
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  6. #26
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Taksin View Post
    All they have to do is give the Donbas region it’s independence and it’s all over. The question is whether there are forces in the West pushing the Ukrainian president to see it is a matter of pride.

    It shouldn’t be as the history of Ukraine is not exactly stable and not exactly Independant from Russia.
    I would bet the house on it. The western influence in getting their guy in has been huge.
    Loads of imf, world Bank money and nato arms gone into the region. All that money and the political capital to be had.
    When zelensky replaced their guy, I had high hopes for a peaceful resolution to the area. Elected to clear up the rampant increase in corruption and rebuild relations with Russia.
    He didn't last long and to be kind a smaller power like Ukraine is gonna get bent over 7 ways from Sundays from its partners and enemies. The grip of money leveraged against him left him a weak leader.

  7. #27
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    Nov 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Nineteenx View Post
    Not enjoying the media harassing Tuchel constantly about it, I don't mind Tuchel at all, Jurgen likes him and respects him, so very clearly a decent bloke, there's nothing he can do about it, they should just ask him about football
    It's a grey one for me rather than being as black and white as that.

    On the one hand the media are absolute Sharks and I don't take any pleasure in them circling around a fella who, like so many hundreds of thousands for us, doesn't have a particularly in-depth understanding of an ever-evolving situation.

    On the other hand he's a multi-millionaire, one who has taken large chunks of his money from PSG and Chelsea. If he has any problem with being Abramovich-affiliated he could resign, as he can always find more work. Same for any of those involved with Sports-washing outfits.

    "You lie with dogs, expect fleas" - he doesn’t get to pick and choose the questions he faces, given who he chose to work for.

    I do know what you mean though - I think the media are right to hunt for legitimate answers to tough questions, but Tuchel isn't necessarily the the best funnel to pour their scorn into. He's not a politician or white collar lawyer or whatever.

  8. #28
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Nineteenx View Post
    it seems incredibly foolhardy for anyone to unnecessarily agitate the situation
    It does, but the West has never had more foolish leadership

  9. #29
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Nineteenx View Post
    I'd put my money on the conflict being ended by Putin being assassinated, not by the West, but it has to be remembered that a lot of the Russian billionaires having their shit well and truly fucked up by Putin's invasion are also ex KGB and Russian forces, if anything ends it prematurely, it'll likely be one of them having one of their contacts bump Putin off

    Although, China stood side by side with Putin only recently jointly warning the West about continuing their cold war mentality, more than likely China shared Putin's concerns CCTV has alluded to and were aware of Putin's planned invasion of the Ukraine

    You'd suspect, like with a new aftershave, the next Chinese Covid release will be an improved version, more highly contagious, more deadly and far faster acting from infection to mortality, now they've trialed the test version successfully
    Military coup?
    Hes harming his own people despite what's right or wrong. They've had a taste of a decent life but at a price, that price bring always vote for him and never question him.
    Do those people want to go back to the wilderness years? Being ostracised by everyone? Not likely.

  10. #30
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    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by teesred View Post
    Military coup?
    Hes harming his own people despite what's right or wrong. They've had a taste of a decent life but at a price, that price bring always vote for him and never question him.
    Do those people want to go back to the wilderness years? Being ostracised by everyone? Not likely.
    It's more the other Russian billionaires who were also former KGB and military with contacts he's undoubtedly pissing off I'm thinking about

    Seems odd being able to discuss it so freely without any internet police, I once got a 2 week twitter ban for suggesting to Trump he might enjoy a nice open top car ride past a grassy knoll, still can't believe they had me banned, some people can't take the craic
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”



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