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Thread: Can you fix our midfield/issues for free ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Can you fix our midfield/issues for free ?

    With much discussion about midfield and the season ahead,
    If we're left with our squad as is, how would you utilise it to maximum effect ?

    Assuming everyone's fit.

    What would your plan be ? Selection, rotation, strategy, formation/s.

    What's your best 11 all fit ?

    What does your b-team look like ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    For me in Klopps 433,
    Gini was our more advanced midfielder on the left. This left Hendo deeper on our right with Fab as I saw it.
    This staggering, suited the side. It covers Salah more advanced on the right as he scores, it gives Trent and our rcb more protection.
    With Hendo rcm more like an anchor in terms of duties, we are much better off imo.
    Our left side is much stronger defensively, and our lwf will play deeper than Salah on average. True of Mane/Diaz/Jota
    Gini was/is a more natural 10 than Hendo or Thiago imo, and not the most gifted 10 himself.

    Whereas in a post Gini era I see Hendo playing most advanced when in a 3 on our right.
    Thiago routinely playing deeper on our left side alongside Fab.
    Instead of Hendo being deeper covering Trent & Matip, leading in the engine room.
    Thiago is there on the left to offer a buffer to Virgil & Robbo in defense.

    Last night this pattern was magnified with Milner sitting deeper on the left ahead of Robbo & VVD, alongside Fab.
    Elliot more advanced on the right of midfield ahead of Nat & Trent.
    Under my viewpoint, that midfield 3 should have been Milner right side like an anchor, Elliot attacking on the left side of midfield more advanced.
    This way Virgil, Robbo & Diaz give Elliot the license, and he add some flair/support to the lefts sides attack.
    The right side benefits from Milners defensive nous and experience.

    Iirc in the CL final and maybe the opener v Fulham, Hendos not or very late into frame for goals conceded.
    Taking 19s best 6 and not having him in frame defending those goals... Disgraceful
    Messing up our right side defensively, which could do with our captain playing deeper.

    For me our best 11 all fit, on paper.... and with some consideration of players who stay fitter over quality...
    Thiago loses out folks, but all fit he's playing routinely for Hendo/Fab.

    Klopps 433
    Trent Matip Virgil Robbo
    Hendo Fab Diaz
    Salah Nunez Jota

    Diaz at lcm I'd argue is very Coutinho like in ways, but more explosive in terms of pace and power, even if less pretty on the eye.
    A more dogged player and defender than Phil, who thrived at Porto playing deeper on the left of a 4 man midfield in 442 for example.
    He would offer a direct goal threat from midfield and he drives & dribbles with the ball aggressively. Opening up space.
    There's no confusion about Henos role in this 3 as I see it. Diaz is not sitting back with Fab to let hendo be most advanced on the right.

    Jota at Lwf last season had better goals/minute,
    And goals or assists per minute stats, than both Diaz & Mane at lwf.
    Mane outperformed him at CF but Jota was decent there too.
    Jota works hard and presses well, gets goals and assists.
    Left foot, right foot and headed goals.
    Jotas played mostly as a left wing forward, Centreforward and Secondary striker.

    Obviously over a season you have to adapt, deal with injuries, but I'd like to see the midfield and shape better set in 433. The left sided midfielder with the license to push forward. The right side anchoring the team.
    Last edited by CCTV; 17th August 2022 at 01:55 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Then we're looking at the b-team, and subs bench all fit


    Gomez Nat Konate Tsimi
    Thiago Milner Jones/Keita
    Elliot/Ox Firmino Carvalho

    Obviously Thiago fans will be laughing.

    But instead of starting 2 of the 3 lads Hendo/Fab/Thiago nearly every game when fit.
    You start 2, maybe sub one off, and the sub starts the next game with one making way.
    If only one of these 2 starting players played 90 minutes, he can be on the bench the next day.
    When its 3 games a week you get 1 game on the bench.

    9 Subs all fit:
    Kelleher Gomez Konate Tsimi
    Thiago Milner, Carvalho, Firmino, Elliot/Jones.

    There are a fair few players who would benefit from the front 4 starting and this lcam role too.

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