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Thread: 2022 World Cup

  1. #261
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by fagin View Post
    If this had happened anywhere but Quatar,i doubt it would have been afforded the overly dramatic coverage,it has been given by the BBC.
    If only those backhanders had been spent on Health & Safety instead, eh?
    Last edited by justincredible; 15th December 2022 at 01:44 PM.

  2. #262
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    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by eggy81 View Post
    30 per year or there abouts apparently
    So a few a month. Never makes the news though does it. It’s over 1,000 a year in the US. Seems a very big discrepancy but they do have more development relative to population. Nothing like the rate of Qatar but you get the point

  3. #263
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  4. #264
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    I work in construction and even here in Ireland the numbers were poor up until fairly recently. It’s still 8 or 10 a year on average which is high given the population. The Middle East is probably 30 years behind in this sector anyway. If the 6000 figure is true in the stadium building it does seem mightily high though.

  5. #265
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    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Steveo View Post
    Not pro Russian really, just feel compelled to defend what I see as a rabidly anti Russian media feeding the brainwash into most people in the west.

    Do I like Putin? Not at all. He is a dictator, but think much of what he says makes sense. It’s clear to me WHY the US military and NATO don’t like him.. he isn’t a pushover. They want compliance.

    Initially I thought Glasnost was great, but the net result was one of the most Uber capitalist societies on earth. A disgusting disparity between the haves and have nots that made even the US look tame.

    As for the revolution, I don’t like the thought of the murder of the family BUT millions were starving and they took it too far with their lavish lifestyles - even warned to tone it down by their British cousins.

    For the record I loathe the regimes in the Gulf though I have defended them over the hypocrisy levelled at Qatar over this World Cup.
    I came across a journalist/author called Owen Matthews.
    He apparently has close family links to Catherine the Great.
    He has written a book called Overreach
    It is mostly about the current conflict in Ukraine.
    I am ordering a copy.

  6. #266
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    Feb 2010
    FIFA have rejected a request by President Zelensky to give a video address before the World Cup Final

  7. #267
    Join Date
    May 2006
    everywhere and nowhere
    Interesting how this thread has developed. Many of you have opened my eyes to the political nuances.
    I decided to watch some of the knockout stages. Thanks for enlightening me.
    There's too much confusion, I can't get no relief

  8. #268
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    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by eggy81 View Post
    I work in construction and even here in Ireland the numbers were poor up until fairly recently. It’s still 8 or 10 a year on average which is high given the population. The Middle East is probably 30 years behind in this sector anyway. If the 6000 figure is true in the stadium building it does seem mightily high though.
    The 6000 + figure is bogus and bs. Even showed to be.. it is close to the total migrant worker deaths form all causes and the country is flooded with migrant workers, was flooded with migrant workers before the World Cup was awarded and will be after it is finished. It’s a politically motivated pile of tripe. There are more than 2,000,000 migrant workers in Qatar. 88% of people in Qatar are migrant workers. This is rarely explained and people chose to ignore it.

    Look at the construction worker death rate in the US. You might find it alarming.

    And the Middle East had schools, hospitals and libraries at least 2,000 years before the Irish left their hunter gatherer life. But it’s good to see that western brainwash in full action. it not just you mate, but we all fall victim to it, it’s all we see in our media, day in day out…drip drip drip. We don’t question our own culture and its impact on others. We think we are more advanced.
    Last edited by Steveo; 18th December 2022 at 03:52 PM.

  9. #269
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Steveo View Post
    What is sad is that despite reaching a WC semi final and a Euro final and then a World Cup Quarter final…we are yet to beat ANYONE of any standing. Some might point the game v Germany in the Euro’s…but it was at Wembley - and that Germany side had been beaten at home by North Macedonia not long before. So weak in fact that a year later they couldn’t get out of their group at this WC.

    Best league in the world they say… but the top players are all from over seas.

    We did well for 35 minutes against a depleted France. However they scored twice and we managed one from 2 spot kicks.

    At some point it has to be faced - even the most successful English squad since ‘66 isn’t good enough.
    But why? We have the"best" league and the "best" players therefore our young English players are brought up in a culture of excellence.
    However, France have a shit league but they seem to do ok.

    so whats actually going wrong?...If we aren't talented enough why?

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