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Thread: Elliott opens up about fear of joining Liverpool

  1. #181
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by darrenpotter View Post
    Weak deflection fucker, you are the mentally challenged one, whinging like a fucking child on a forum non stop, press counter press fucking dickhead. Some of the nonsense you post is beyong belief. Calling players shit cunts obsessing against certain players for no apparent reason and making outbyou are some fucking genius would you ever go fuck off. Everyone here can see you for what you are, you provide noting of worth to the forum, your unfounded superiority complex over people on this forum is baffling given what you've done in your life.
    I'm a genius mate, sorry to disappoint you, there's a reason my doctor says certain techniques that are designed to fool the brain, the neurotypical brain to be more precise, simply can't fool mine because I'm super intelligent (according to her) and every single manager I have ever had in anything, bar none, have all said "You are FAR too clever for your own good"

    Your idea of being clever is abusing someone with foul language on an internet forum, oh dear, Steveo's and CCTVs is persisting with what their status quo dictates MUST be right, even when it has been comprehensively proven wrong, a really common trait of neurotypical people, and the thing is, they simply can' see it and never will, that's the effect status quo has on people
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  2. #182
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    On CCTV and Steveo, they only serve to remind me of every middle manager, team manager, line manager, area manager, general manager or director I have wiped the floor with, mostly in sales and marketing with their backwards 1970's 1980's approach to everything and working practices I encountered again and again and again and again, often having to go round the houses and nicely nicely and try different ways of putting the same thing across until eventually it broke through their status quo of "That's how we've always done things"

    I did it and had to do it in every sales environment and on every campaign, at London Underground to resolve a long standing ticketing issue, involving my station and a national Rail one and EVEN, even temping one Christmas we had no gigs on at the major sorting office in Manchester

    So the General manager comes in first day the Christmas post operation begins, to do the old I'm the General Manager, 100s of 1000s of people at home and abroad are relying on us and you in order to get their Christmas post so we've a long three/four weeks ahead of us. This is how we work, it's my system I devised and why I'm standing here as GM talking to you today speech

    He then explains to us how this miraculous system he devised ALL Royal Mail sorting offices use for processing and sorting the Christmas post works, he's getting to the end of it and my head goes 'Click, Eureka, whatever, he has an extra step in there that doesn't need to be there' that's what it does

    So I obviously can't go and tell him his system if fatally flawed and has been all these years can I, so with the people doing it with me, I just organise us to take the unnecessary step out of the process, which is simply, he transfer the sort post into crates, to then be transferred from those crates into another crate they're sent out in, obvious, just put the relevant post into the crate it goes out in, not rocket science at all, by no-one sees it but me, nor have they for TWENTY years because they're blinded by status quo

    So the result of this is we get through 4 times more Christmas post at that sorting office than they have managed in any other previous year, getting trucks of other sorting offices post redirected for the sorting office I'm temping at with my new system to handle

    The result for me is the middle managers, get really pissed off with me, they realise that (status quo again) I have broken the chain of command, and under their noses put a better, updated system in place and furthermore, when we're waiting for new post to arrive, i've been tidying and found over 200 plastic crates they astonishingly pay £6.50 each for, not a good look for them and they think that my tweak has us getting through so much post so quickly, they are going to miss out on some Christmas overtime.

    So as punishment for being behind future savings on crates and THE most productive handling of Christmas post in their history, they stick me in the trucks lugging and throwing heavy sacks of mail about and a pull my back and have to stop temping

    That's what I did in 2 weeks and discovered on my very first day in something I had no prior experience, understanding or knowledge of, that's what I have always done
    Last edited by Nineteenx; 18th April 2023 at 11:34 PM.
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  3. #183
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    So CCTVs status quo revolves around stats, how he comes across I suspect he is involved in some stats site or other and thinks they are the be all and end all of everything, but when he then can't use them to make the point he wants, when his status quo tells him this stats shows this guy is making more tackles, so that must mean he is performing better than this guy, or all our other guys, because he's only looking at one of the small pictures, whereas I am looking at all the small pictures and the big overall picture in combination.

    So when I produce stats that are amassed through all the small pictures in combination, to produce the overall big picture and try to relay to him a quite simply and obvious point that if a player makes more tackles, that means the opposition play is coming more through his area than others, his show reel shows he is often making recovery tackles through being caught out of position, the stats and his show reel do not show the times he was caught out of position and didn't get any tackle or challenge in at all, and that led to the opposition having an attempt an attempt on target or scoring.

    By the incredible volume and number of additional attempts, attempts on target and goals scored by the opposition in games he played in compared to those he didn't, with the overwhelming evidence of all the opposition small picture stats combined shows that defensively he is far less effective than any of our other midfielders in that position, despite making more tackles, which means he is undoubtedly frequently not in the right positions

    This is highly logical and perfectly well presented, reasoned and processed analysis and there can't be any other possible explanation, by his own stats and all the small picture opposition stats combined to make the big picture, but as his status quo maybe including in his small group of statto buddies tells him presenting an incredibly limited and basic argument that x player is contributing hugely based on his tackling stats alone without considering anything else should be a successful argument, when it pertinently isn't. he is simply, (status quo) unable to accept the reality that it isn't

    I have offered him numerous opportunities to explain what other reasons there could possibly be for a player making more tackles and the opposition play coming mostly through his area and our defensive stats being so much worse as a result of that players inclusion, he has of course, decline to answer that question
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  4. #184
    General manager comes in first day the Christmas post operation.......give over you gimp you have a split personality not a hope anyone would listen to you non of that happened fucking pinnochiox

  5. #185
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    Sep 2006
    In Steveo's case it's a lot simpler, and I'm not trying to be argumentative or insulting, but every single poster here is guilty of what Steveo is, if not in the same way

    I would expect the repost of 'Well so are you then' but I would disagree on the grounds that contrary to everything I have seen before Jurgen came to Anfield, except for his Dortmund side, the status quo view of how players should and must play certain positions and which positions were the ones who should contribute certain stats like goals or assists or key pass before an assist which isn't actually a stat yet, but bloody well should be, I readily accepted and embraced Jurgen's new and completely different way of playing that changed all these things dramatically and destroyed everyone's status quo of how things should be, or should of, but didn't because they simply can't accept it and never have and i remain the only person here who has ever fully accepted it

    I am an absolute stickler for continuous improvement, evolution and best practice, I have frequently created it in whatever i have done and I never give up looking for it or how it can be improved. I complain about our changes because they are not evolutionary or best practice, I have already shown myself to be ultimately far more capable than anyone else here of accepting and embracing that our midfield would be more workman like and our extra forward and full backs would instead be our more creative influences as well as our two wide/inside forwards who would also get the bulk of the goals, and more than most of our best past sides front 2 and best attacking midfielder combined ever did, capable of accepting change as long as it is progressive

    Steveo however, it still stuck in the status quo from about 2005 of a view of the game, a template, which he believes to be the best, that his love of and self created status quo will never let him see past. He believes still in a style of play in which the midfielders should still be the creators in chief and scoring the extra goals, making the assists and playing the passes before the assists above all else and that a designated playmaker should be the chief contributor in doing all those things, as if the emergence of so many teams playing a high level tactical pressing and counter pressing game that makes trying to operate successfully with a designated playmaker virtually impossible never happened

    It seems clear Steveo has never accepted or embraced how brilliant Jurgen's new system that went against every football status quo he ever knew or loved was =, especially in winning the Champions League and Premier League and he simply cannot wait to see the back of it and believes that what we have attempted this season is somehow better and evolution because it fits in with what he has always wanted and how he thinks all the very best sides play or need to play to be successful, despite our absolutely handing a Bayern and Barca side who played like that their arse in 18-19, with several of our players destroying Thiago in the process and a City side who play like that theirs so emphatically in 19-20

    He will never change his mind, it doesn't matter how well documented, presented and conclusive the stats, all the small picture to present a big picture stats are or how many different ways you try and present them to him, he will never change his view point of deviate from his status quo

    He genuinely believes, despite all the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, that Thiago makes us tick, that we only won certain games or runs of games because Thiago was in the team, and only lost others because he wasn't in the tea, and that Thiago is this world class irrepressible creative force carving out or releasing other to carve out chance after chance after chance and goals galore, while also being our best midfielder in defence stopping opposition attacks single handedly before sending us up the other end to score, despite there being no stats available to support his fantasy

    That is what status quo does to neurotypical people, that's how we end up with broken social and economic models like the Uks and being stuck with it since it was changed for 4 decades because our media tells people, that's how we've always done it, or that is how it MUST be done, because of people like Steveo, millions of you
    Last edited by Nineteenx; 19th April 2023 at 12:07 AM.
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  6. #186
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    "The best moment to win the ball is immediately after your team just lost it. The opponent is still looking for orientation where to pass the ball. He will have taken his eyes off the game to make his tackle or interception and he will have expended energy. Both make him vulnerable.”"
    (I mean losing the ball and winning it back immediately would seem to be valued by Klopp, Pep and just about every manager - but thats a Klopp quote)

    "The Reds' overall style of play has evolved in the six years they have been under Klopp’s tutelage, but their ability to press has remained a constant. Opta data shows that Liverpool have made 122 high turnovers (sequences that start in open play and begin 40m or less from the opponent’s goal) this season, the most in the Premier League.

    This means they have moved past Manchester City, who led the league for this metric in 2020/21, with the Reds’ average having moved from 9.7 to 11.1 per game, an increase of 14.4 per cent.

    And though this only applies to turnovers high up the pitch, a data viz graphic created by Jon Ollington highlights that this trend continues across all pressing....

    The data for the chart is taken from Understat and utilises their PPDA statistics. This is a measure of pressing and signifies the number of passes allowed per defensive action in the opposition half, with OPPDA the same metric but for a team’s opponents.

    As the graphic illustrates, Liverpool’s own press intensity has remained largely the same this season as it did in 2020/21, but their press resistance has improved. indeed, their average of 27.08 opposition half passes per defensive action faced is higher than any team has posted in the previous six seasons of Premier League football."

  7. #187
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Nineteenx View Post
    On CCTV and Steveo, they only serve to remind me of every middle manager, team manager, line manager, area manager, general manager or director I have wiped the floor with, mostly in sales and marketing with their backwards 1970's 1980's approach to everything and working practices I encountered again and again and again and again, often having to go round the houses and nicely nicely and try different ways of putting the same thing across until eventually it broke through their status quo of "That's how we've always done things"

    I did it and had to do it in every sales environment and on every campaign, at London Underground to resolve a long standing ticketing issue, involving my station and a national Rail one and EVEN, even temping one Christmas we had no gigs on at the major sorting office in Manchester

    So the General manager comes in first day the Christmas post operation begins, to do the old I'm the General Manager, 100s of 1000s of people at home and abroad are relying on us and you in order to get their Christmas post so we've a long three/four weeks ahead of us. This is how we work, it's my system I devised and why I'm standing here as GM talking to you today speech

    He then explains to us how this miraculous system he devised ALL Royal Mail sorting offices use for processing and sorting the Christmas post works, he's getting to the end of it and my head goes 'Click, Eureka, whatever, he has an extra step in there that doesn't need to be there' that's what it does

    So I obviously can't go and tell him his system if fatally flawed and has been all these years can I, so with the people doing it with me, I just organise us to take the unnecessary step out of the process, which is simply, he transfer the sort post into crates, to then be transferred from those crates into another crate they're sent out in, obvious, just put the relevant post into the crate it goes out in, not rocket science at all, by no-one sees it but me, nor have they for TWENTY years because they're blinded by status quo

    So the result of this is we get through 4 times more Christmas post at that sorting office than they have managed in any other previous year, getting trucks of other sorting offices post redirected for the sorting office I'm temping at with my new system to handle

    The result for me is the middle managers, get really pissed off with me, they realise that (status quo again) I have broken the chain of command, and under their noses put a better, updated system in place and furthermore, when we're waiting for new post to arrive, i've been tidying and found over 200 plastic crates they astonishingly pay £6.50 each for, not a good look for them and they think that my tweak has us getting through so much post so quickly, they are going to miss out on some Christmas overtime.

    So as punishment for being behind future savings on crates and THE most productive handling of Christmas post in their history, they stick me in the trucks lugging and throwing heavy sacks of mail about and a pull my back and have to stop temping

    That's what I did in 2 weeks and discovered on my very first day in something I had no prior experience, understanding or knowledge of, that's what I have always done
    Confessions of a neurotypical.... boring

  8. #188
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    "The best moment to win the ball is immediately after your team just lost it. The opponent is still looking for orientation where to pass the ball. He will have taken his eyes off the game to make his tackle or interception and he will have expended energy. Both make him vulnerable.”"
    (I mean losing the ball and winning it back immediately would seem to be valued by Klopp, Pep and just about every manager - but thats a Klopp quote)
    The quote isn't entirely inaccurate, as in, players with great vision and peripheral vision who see more of the game and read it exceptionally well who constantly paint or see very clear pictures of what's on and what they want to do will often win back the ball or intercept the ball using precious little energy and knowing perfectly well where their team mates are positioned and how they are going to use the ball before they even make the tackle or intercept

    Some coaches set up now to take advantage of players or managers belief in this quote, knowing their managers will have their players try and win the ball back so quickly, so setting up to win it off certain players in certain areas with their other players drilled to quickly support it or make certain runs to support it as soon as it is won, in order to give the player who will be quickly pressed options to take 4 or 5 or our players of other managers employing this belief out of the game, and do so successfully

    It's what City did to us more than once and in the 4-1 and did successfully for their second goal against us, set up deliberately to try and do that

    If you win the ball back through a recovery tackle, it means you were out of position if the first place, and you're not winning it back through the pressing and counter pressing ethos, as that relies on consistent good reading and anticipation of the game and positioning, of all the players in combination, you're getting back after a player YOU have let break the press.

    As will be or should be entirely obvious to everyone, if you are winning the ball back through a recovery tackle, you are often not fully in control, your team mates are often out of position, you will quite often give away fouls attempting to win it back and you will also quite often not be in a position to make a recovery tackles or any challenge, that's the game

    Please tell me you at least understand and accept that?
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  9. #189
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    As the graphic illustrates, Liverpool’s own press intensity has remained largely the same this season as it did in 2020/21, but their press resistance has improved. indeed, their average of 27.08 opposition half passes per defensive action faced is higher than any team has posted in the previous six seasons of Premier League football."
    It's called overplaying CCTV, teams letting us have it where we're not hurting them, letting us play in front of them without hurting them in their own half, something we've done far too much of in the last 2 seasons, something I've frequently complained about, going side to side looking pretty in front of the opposition with little or no penetration

    It would have been much much lower in 18-20 because we played switches to Mane and Mo frequently, which drew a challenge, we played attempted balls over the top with runs in behind far more frequently, which draw challenges

    I trust you understand these things are highly contributory to and the fundamental reason for the change in those stats
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  10. #190
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    )"The Reds' overall style of play has evolved in the six years they have been under Klopp’s tutelage, but their ability to press has remained a constant. Opta data shows that Liverpool have made 122 high turnovers (sequences that start in open play and begin 40m or less from the opponent’s goal) this season, the most in the Premier League
    Overplaying in front of the opposition, turning the ball over high to then go backwards and begin overplaying again are not evolution, we haven't evolved, we have gone backwards

    Try and put the stats together for how many goals we scored and how quickly after winning the ball back high we scored them and how few passes we scored them in through 18-20 and then through 21-present

    Also how many goals we scored from high recoveries, (picking up the second ball) creating a new point of attack that was difficult to defend through our prowess at this, how many we scored, how quickly we scored them, from the recovery and effective start of the new point of attack and in how few passes through 18-20 and then through 21-present
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

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