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Thread: Match Thread : Toulouse v Liverpool

  1. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by eggy81 View Post
    Can’t win a single tackle
    I cannot recall us winning a tackle in our last three games, its one thing not giving away cheap free kicks but its a completely different matter when our tackling is fucking powder puff at best, bloody shocking performance tbh…

    Jota shone briefly when he came on, but the rest oh my days the attitude on display out there was shocking..

    Lazy, sloppy, far too casual, slack attitude, poor passes all over the park and no movement off the ball….

    We were given a Xmas present for our first goal, we then immediately gave them an Xmas present back for their third goal, our tackling and defending was positively woeful…. Jota scored a blinder though which was the only highlight…

    End of the day we deserved everything we got tonight… fuck all….

    Attitude throughout was just shocking…

    Brentford will love watching this video before Sundays game… their game plan will be “ These show ponies don’t like it up them….” let em ave it… ffs,

    I just might give Sundays game a miss tbh …lol!!

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by faridtoxteth View Post
    Klopp said before the game that half the squad have got flu. That surely explains for example the worst performance I've seen from Szoboslai in a Liverpool shirt.
    Better to blip in a game like this than in the prem.
    If it is Flu then its being affecting them since the Luton game. That's both games we've been a shadow of the good form up to the Forest game.

  3. #53
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Over the Hill
    Fair result, beaten by a better team.
    After Luton , seeing what happened there, see the same again.
    People on the forum can see our weaknesses and so too can teams coaches.
    Fall back, close down space and wait for casual play from us, drive forward and shoot. (easy peasy).
    We have absolutely pathetic movement in possession, and defend by throwing 3 to 4 bodies at the ball.(No tackles)
    90% of our energy is gut busting to get the ball back without closing anyone down.
    Our passing is too close to defenders (forcing passes) and our shooting is a health concern for speccys at the back.
    Sorry but Klopp has no idea how to get movement when we have possession.
    We have better players and yet struggle because we do not play properly.
    My biggest gripe is the money they are being paid for committing the same errors week after week.
    The best friendships are built on a solid foundation of alcohol, cake, sarcasm and a dislike of the same people.

  4. #54
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Well good grief another absolutely appalling performance against possibly the weakest team we will play all season.

    And we conceded three goals to them as well!!

    We just don’t seem capable of stopping any team whatever their quality or lack of it, from creating and scoring against us. From when they scored they looked dangerous every time the came forward.

    14th in the Farmers league … FOURTEENTH!!!

  5. #55
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Over the Hill
    To be absolutely serious , right now I would swop Klopp for BOBPAISLEYFAN.
    The best friendships are built on a solid foundation of alcohol, cake, sarcasm and a dislike of the same people.

  6. #56
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    We just need to sort the midfield lads - bring in some younger fresher legs...then we'll be back on the horse. You'll see

    Ahem.. title charge...

  7. #57
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    it was a game very much like last season, the lack of running back when teams attack. is there to see. we got caught to many times. with 3 on 3.. I guess the flu issue could be it. if they are not fully fit, But we have seen it a lot.Even when theres no illness in the camp.
    Just a bad day at the office. we can't afford this tripe to continue though.or we'll be lagging behind in the league.
    Cleaning up the Scots since the 13th century

  8. #58
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    MacAllister is starting to concern me, another poor performance and not in his 6 role either. Thought he was just as bad as Tsimikas in the first half

  9. #59
    Join Date
    May 2006
    everywhere and nowhere
    Quote Originally Posted by miller0863 View Post
    MacAllister is starting to concern me, another poor performance and not in his 6 role either. Thought he was just as bad as Tsimikas in the first half
    Frustrating that he couldn't control the ball without using his arm.
    Bad day at the office. We go again on Sunday, let's hope we are better.

  10. #60
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyliver View Post
    Where had this slump come from , just don’t think the quality under the surface is there, even szoboslai looks like he’s dropped his high standards , bad performance all around
    Agree. I thought that on Sunday. He's dropped off.

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