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Thread: Prison sentences too lenient?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Prison sentences too lenient?

    I've always thought they are for many crimes, just watching CI on Sky documenting a few cases in which offenders were given ridiculously lenient sentences and released only to commit further atrocities.

    I think sentences for certain crimes are far too lenient, my sister's estranged husband, who she still regularly saw as she had 2 kids with him was doped and murdered by 2 knobs who decided to dope him and beat him up because they were out with some silly bitch who liked to cause trouble by claiming blokes were cracking on to her, they killed him by beating him repeatedly with pool cues, a part of this was ramming them as hard as they could into one of his ears, which caused bleeding on the brain and killed him.

    They were only found out because one of the guys had returned home and was having a laugh and a joke about it and bragging about it to his girlfriend, the babysitter overheard and grassed him up, then in the trial it transpired that someone living in the pub they did it after hours had heard it happening and my sister's ex repeatedly pleading with them to 'please stop'

    The pair got charged with manslaughter, were given 8 years and were both out in 3, how the fuck can that be right?
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    City of Self Doubt
    Very sorry to hear that 19.

    It sounds pretty awful if true - both the crime and the brevity of the sentence.
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Think it's one of the areas where the public is largely in agreement and believes sentencing is a joke. Especially around home invasion, sex crimes, violent assaults and murders/manslaughter.
    Seems we've gone for the interests of offenders over victims. While mental health reports are merely another area for diminished personal responsibility in many cases.

    Lad I worked with was on a door that opened from the inside only. 2 lads tried to get in to a gig and he explained he couldn't open the door from the outside. Thought they were cool about it and heading off. Got stabbed 13 times in the torso and gut, lucky not to be killed there and then. The fella who stabbed him served less than 18 months.
    Thats the example I'm willing to talk about.

    People might be in disagreement about the death penalty. But I suspect we might see it return. Few years in prison for reform.

    At Bali in Germany do the still have special sentencing for extreme crimes. Like you serve 25 years in maximum security prison and the remainder of your life in a nicer prison ?

    Making people serve the vast majority of their sentence for violent crimes wouldn't go amiss either imo

  4. #4
    Prison sentencing is a farce, and unjust, but prison doesn't work anyway. And we've run out of islands for penal colonies, and outer space isn't an option.

    Where does the concept of punishment come from anyway? I suspect it's so ingrained in us from before we can remember that we don't even question it. Our society was founded on old testament religion and it still hasn't recovered from that yet. Of course there is punishment in the animal kingdom, sometimes to the death, but humans seem more vindictive and use it as a form of revenge. They feel hurt so they want the criminal hurt too. What's best for society?

    Lao Tzu said that every country is just made up of homes so if we govern each home correctly then the country is sorted. But we've got it the other way round. Community and family is the key to so much crime prevention, a fact that is lost on recent governments.

  5. #5
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    everywhere and nowhere
    Quote Originally Posted by stevie harkness View Post
    Lao Tzu said that every country is just made up of homes so if we govern each home correctly then the country is sorted. But we've got it the other way round. Community and family is the key to so much crime prevention, a fact that is lost on recent governments.
    I think that is spot on.
    So many "broken" homes today.
    There's too much confusion, I can't get no relief

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevie harkness View Post
    Community and family is the key to so much crime prevention, a fact that is lost on recent governments.
    Thank the Tories for our complete loss of it then and the fucking baby boomers for continually voting the cunts in with whopping majorities giving them carte blanche. Baby boomers are seriously pissing me off now, sold us all down the fucking river for years, now they're at it again with the Brexit business when it really won't have any affect on them, shouldn't even get to vote on something that won't have an affect on them, well it will, even more crime
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nineteenx View Post
    Thank the Tories for our complete loss of it then and the fucking baby boomers for continually voting the cunts in with whopping majorities giving them carte blanche. Baby boomers are seriously pissing me off now, sold us all down the fucking river for years, now they're at it again with the Brexit business when it really won't have any affect on them, shouldn't even get to vote on something that won't have an affect on them, well it will, even more crime
    How very left wing of you, any other groups you'd take the right to vote off ?

  8. #8
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    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    How very left wing of you, any other groups you'd take the right to vote off ?
    Lol you can't take the vote off anyone, not that it stopped Thatcher trying to with her attempted no vote for none poll tax payers policy while coincidentally setting poll tax ridiculously high in non Tory voting areas.

    I still can't believe people make any political decision based off MSM coverage, I remember 'the London poll tax riots' reporting, when Thatch sent mounted police wading into marchers, like she had done in the miners strikes. I'd actually been on the poll tax protest march, police just waded into people peacefully marching, there was all this MSM coverage of 'violent protesters' carrying batons, batons being the 2 x 1 pieces of wood from the placards they'd been carrying that had got damaged during the police brutality
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nineteenx View Post
    Lol you can't take the vote off anyone, not that it stopped Thatcher trying to with her attempted no vote for none poll tax payers policy while coincidentally setting poll tax ridiculously high in non Tory voting areas.

    I still can't believe people make any political decision based off MSM coverage, I remember 'the London poll tax riots' reporting, when Thatch sent mounted police wading into marchers, like she had done in the miners strikes. I'd actually been on the poll tax protest march, police just waded into people peacefully marching, there was all this MSM coverage of 'violent protesters' carrying batons, batons being the 2 x 1 pieces of wood from the placards they'd been carrying that had got damaged during the police brutality
    From the other thread somewhat, fake news only upsets people cause trump has cornered the term, faaake neeeews.
    Otherwise there's be very little disagreement with the phrase. Generally the media ranks lowest in terms of being trusted.

    It's one of the bizarre elements of the Brexit vote and the claims about being mislead by politicians and the media. A tiny minority of people trust either so what they say is of little importance to society in general and why there are such crisis across the western world.

    People tend to believe what is in line with their gut feeling. Gut feelings or intuition isn't a bad basis for deciding imo generally.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    From the other thread somewhat, fake news only upsets people cause trump has cornered the term, faaake neeeews.
    Otherwise there's be very little disagreement with the phrase. Generally the media ranks lowest in terms of being trusted.

    It's one of the bizarre elements of the Brexit vote and the claims about being mislead by politicians and the media. A tiny minority of people trust either so what they say is of little importance to society in general and why there are such crisis across the western world.

    People tend to believe what is in line with their gut feeling. Gut feelings or intuition isn't a bad basis for deciding imo generally.
    Have to disagree, a lot of people are sadly led by it, the 'drip feed' of numerous sources continually driving the same agenda gives a lot of people the 'they can't all be wrong' mentality and subconsiously it goes in on some level.

    There are lots of myths perpetuated by the media that people happily trot out:

    Corbyn is a communist - Socialism in the form of the state trying to level the playing field to support the less well off and to try and develop greater community spirit and togetherness, the things that once made Britain great is not communism and as pointed out in this thread by others, they're many of the aspects that help reduce crime, because a greater percentage of people have a chance, are supported by the Government and their community and aren't so desperate. It's trotted out as communisim because doing those things affects the wealth of the wealthy, most of whom have incredible influence in the media "Never believe the wealthy will permit you to vote away their wealth"

    Corbyn is a terrorist sympathiser - Hmmm, let's see, insisted on dialogue being the way to end the troubles in Northern Ireland, was labelled 'a supporter of terrorism' 'a friend of the iRA' oh wait a minute, the Northern Ireland conflict was resolved through dialogue, only Blair achieved it by giving far too many people 'free passes' from facing justice for their atrocities that Corbyn wouldn't have.

    Corbyn is an anti-semite - The latest angle of attack from the Blair disciples in the party, they've tried practically everything else, I'm yet to see any concrete evidence of this alleged anti-semitism in the Labour party, the media keep trotting it out, where's the evidence? None has been forthcoming. I think there's a lot of people from all areas of the spectrum who got involved with Labour under Blair who perhaps are claiming discrimination as a lot of people don't agree with or want their Blairite policies in the party anymore. Oh wait, apparently pointing out that Israel are hugely guilty of continual and historic atrocities against the Palestinians is anti-semitism. Trying to democratically unseat a council member or leader whose politics aren't in tune with how the party is trying to move forward and who is obstructive and destructive to progress, who is coincidentally Jewish is anti-semitism. Suggesting an MP who has continually tried to undermine the party and it's leader through leaked or made up stories to the media is working hand in hand with the right wing media is apparently anti-semetic because one of the papers happened to be the telegraph

    Of course it's in no way discriminatory to picture a party leader known to be Jewish taking a very uncomfortable bite from a bacon sandwich and publishing a half page photo of it accompanied by lots of absolute guff about him not being one of us, not being like us, not understanding us, never being capable of understanding us, during a general election campaign, that's not antisemitic at all is it?
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”



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