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Thread: Post your thoughts 2019 edition

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    City of Self Doubt
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    Not sure I follow you.
    So you work every other day for 56 days- 28 on 28 off -and then get 18 days off ?
    Every 74 days you work 28.
    Or work roughly 140 days a year.
    Yet have an issue with the kids summer holidays !
    I have a mate who applied for a similar job - think they have 10 or 12 hour shifts.
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

  2. #42
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    Sort out the compensation culture. Some really scandalous stories in this area.
    Tell kids what's happening and imo they'd enjoy it. Those familiar with research in tech dont let their kids access it.
    In nursing homes you leave people do what they can do. Parents of today are the personification of nanny states. This last year I've met 9 year olds that cant tie their shoelaces or have never used a knife and were unable to use a plastic knife to cut nuggets/sausages at a birthday party. Parents today cripple their kids in many ways.

    Where theres a will theres a way. What I find is kids miss meeting up with their buddies at school but enjoy getting away from school. These types of avenues afford them the chance to meet their pals without having to sit in a classroom. Producing something of worth and contributing.
    The change in childhood in 3-4 familial generations is alarming, with impacts on mental and physical health in childhood presently. Reversing some of the negatives while keeping the more positive aspects is desirable.
    There are techical issues but you start off on a path and you solve those as you go to a point. It'll save money, be good for kids and have parents and professionals overseeing and socialising.
    Totally agree.
    Its something that needs to be instilled early. At school now theres an early approach to budgeting money so kids will know how to manage it better than previous genetations. Wheres the educating in terms of family values and the things you talk of like growing their own food? Its all geated towards the whole birth,school,work,marraige,mortgage,retirement,dea th cycle. This country is hung up on totally. Theres more to life than owning a home.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    Not sure I follow you.
    So you work every other day for 56 days- 28 on 28 off -and then get 18 days off ?
    Every 74 days you work 28.
    Or work roughly 140 days a year.
    Yet have an issue with the kids summer holidays !
    2 12 hour days, 2 12 hour nights, 4 days off
    After 7th cycle you get 18 days off. Rubbish for weekends though. Dont get many where youre off fri,sat,sunday.

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    Maybe if ye pooled together you could reduce childcare costs and have kids working in the garden/allotments picking fruits, planting crops etc theyd benefit from the rich and historical traditions, while also reducing dependency on grocers saving more money for the family. Giving them a sense of pride.
    That sounds lovely but first things first, some people aren't on speaking terms with their next door neighbours, don't have gardens and they keep building on any patch of urban green they can get their hands on. As for reducing dependency, great idea but dependency is what makes the economy tick. Consumerism.

    Atrophy and Dependence. Back in 1870 you may have squatted behind a bush to take a dump but now you have a nice seat so your perineal muscles atrophy and you become dependent on your nursing homes, same with tying knots, using a knife, if you can't do the basic skills they atrophy and you become dependent on others or the state, and that costs you, and not just in money.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by stevie harkness View Post
    That sounds lovely but first things first, some people aren't on speaking terms with their next door neighbours, don't have gardens and they keep building on any patch of urban green they can get their hands on. As for reducing dependency, great idea but dependency is what makes the economy tick. Consumerism.

    Atrophy and Dependence. Back in 1870 you may have squatted behind a bush to take a dump but now you have a nice seat so your perineal muscles atrophy and you become dependent on your nursing homes, same with tying knots, using a knife, if you can't do the basic skills they atrophy and you become dependent on others or the state, and that costs you, and not just in money.
    Well it's a means for developing bonds, or at least some level of tolerance. Agree on the dependency and economics. People/society cant get their heads around the idea of their being a limited amount of work. With automation etc we go towards having 24/7 Tesco's and pubs. Open up sex work to employ single mothers as advertised in UK social services or dole offices cant remember which one. It's like North Korea just making jobs to keep people busy in the absence of a capacity to simply live. That art is dying.

    It's one of my beefs with the NHS system, weve a very poor version of it over here. While I agree with universal healthcare I can also see how it's a massive cash cow for suppliers.
    Keep expiring some token and going way over the word count in the climate change thread but those electric cars had the same capacity as the ones today. At&t who own CNN, bought Stan Ovshinskys company and withdrew the patent and recalled the cars. There are some issues around electric cars and they may not be all people think but it just demonstrates how big financing works. Buy up numerous sectors and increase profits via more problems.
    Think it's rather similar in the food and health industry. Change the diet, make more sick people then give them the bandages etc and you've more customers or market share and profits.
    While as part of the attack on the diet, a wealth of mental health statistics show people are worse off now than before in terms of health statistics.

    Just do the hover dump, at least it'll take the weight off the seat.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by teesred View Post
    Totally agree.
    Its something that needs to be instilled early. At school now theres an early approach to budgeting money so kids will know how to manage it better than previous genetations. Wheres the educating in terms of family values and the things you talk of like growing their own food? Its all geated towards the whole birth,school,work,marraige,mortgage,retirement,dea th cycle. This country is hung up on totally. Theres more to life than owning a home.
    Primary schools are pretty decent but overall imo society has made massive mistakes in the last half century. Naturally I blame the left foremost as I think they are an inherently failed ideology, much like the eu. Might do a highly biased thread on left v right v centre and see how it goes.
    Supra-nationalists trying to make supra-humans and we know how that supra-shit ends.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Balinkay View Post
    I have a mate who applied for a similar job - think they have 10 or 12 hour shifts.
    Not bad for a lazy cookie muncher

    Quote Originally Posted by teesred View Post
    2 12 hour days, 2 12 hour nights, 4 days off
    After 7th cycle you get 18 days off. Rubbish for weekends though. Dont get many where youre off fri,sat,sunday.
    Sounds crap doing 2 days and 2 nights. I get thrown out swapping regularly between the 2.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    City of Self Doubt
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    Not bad for a lazy cookie muncher
    What, having a friend?
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Balinkay View Post
    What, having a friend?
    Eh, what ?
    Oh right, Stick to the cookies my Cannibal-yanki associate.

    Edit I meant the effort in replying, always imagine you as a sociable type
    Last edited by CCTV; 25th July 2019 at 12:33 AM.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    May 2006
    everywhere and nowhere
    I find the discussions around family and so on really interesting.
    Here's my take, from an old'un - random thoughts I'm afraid.

    Years ago, perhaps pre-war as much as anything, parents would have anything from two to seven kids. Lack or shortage of contraception, anything available was financially out of reach.
    Back in those days, one parent, only, was usually in (full-time) work. Families would live from hand to mouth. People grew their own food (vegetables). There were no benefits available.
    With a shortage of cars/other transport, families generally remained in a smaller geographical area. This meant family could all support each other.

    The whole family dynamic has changed, IMO, because of the availability of transport.
    Today, with so many cars on the road, families can be spread all around the UK or even abroad. the UK has become a benefits society. some families have more and more kids in order to obtain the benefits available.
    In the past twenty to thirty years, maybe more, multiple generations of families have never worked, in some cases it's economically not viable for them to do so.
    The employment market has changed. Post-war the UK had a huge amount of mining, shipbuilding, steel production.
    What does the UK have today that can employ thousands of people?
    There's too much confusion, I can't get no relief

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