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Thread: What you watched last good or bad.

  1. #51
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Crime City
    Quote Originally Posted by Clungeman View Post
    I've watched the first three episodes of The Mandalorian and so far it's okay - nothing special for me though. I'm sure it's pure coincidence that Disney have put out a show with the cute little baby Yoda in it just before Christmas shopping season starts...

    Personally, I'm absolutely hooked on Critical Role on YouTube at the moment.

    Are you a RPG/D&D fan then?

  2. #52
    Join Date
    May 2018
    I am yes, getting a game going over here in January - AD&D 5th edition rules, DMing for a bunch of guys completely new to the game.

    Can't wait!

    (By the way, moved to Windows 10 here at work so the quote function in Chrome just hangs...)

  3. #53
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    Crime City
    Quote Originally Posted by Clungeman View Post
    I am yes, getting a game going over here in January - AD&D 5th edition rules, DMing for a bunch of guys completely new to the game.

    Can't wait!

    (By the way, moved to Windows 10 here at work so the quote function in Chrome just hangs...)
    Your own scenarios or pre made?

    If I could get out the house it's something I'd like to do. I wish I knew where I put my tub of dice and various manuals. I enjoyed reading my various monster manuals.

  4. #54
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    May 2018
    My own scenarios for the most part with a few bits "borrowed" here and there from a variety of sources.

    I've read that there's loads of people play over skype, whatsapp etc these days - so you don't necessarily have to be there in person. Although I must admit, I wouldn't be keen on doing it that way myself - as a DM it must be easier to control a game if everyone is in the same place. I'm pretty sure you'd still need your dice though!

    I honestly can't recommend Critical Role highly enough - all the players are professional voice actors so their characterisations are superb, and Matt Mercer is the Dungeon Master we all wish we had running a campaign when we were younger. The episodes are very long though, each one covers an entire session which can be anything from three hours up to six and a half hours. There are two campaigns that they've done so far, which is about 200 episodes. I'm only seven episodes in, so the basic maths there suggests that it'lll be a fair while until I'm entirely up to date!

  5. #55
    Money Heist
    Top Boy

  6. #56
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    Well at least you've got something to keep you entertained for a while. I've had the first few episodes of "Critcal Juice" on my phone for a while but I seem to get distracted and never get past the first one. With that being the case I don't think I'll be listening to "Critical Hit" for a while.

    In terms of 'online D&D' a virtual dice roller/RNG is used to stop cheating. Are you into minatures/figurines as well? I liked looking at them back in the day. Painting them and getting them looking good is a real skill.

  7. #57
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    May 2018
    I tried with the miniatures back when I was a kid, but it became swiftly apparent that I had no talent for painting them whatsoever! I do use unpainted miniatures in games because as much as it is played in the mind, in combat scenes it is pretty much essential that everyone knows where everything is.

    One thing I did for everyone in the group I'll be playing with in January is buy them each their own set of dice. I had wanted to get each of them a miniature for their character, but then one of them decided he was going to be a half-orc ranger which apparently has never previously been chosen so no company ever bothered to make the figurine!

  8. #58
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    "make us dream"

    About gerrard/lfc obvs


  9. #59
    Join Date
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    everywhere and nowhere
    Quote Originally Posted by Kev0909 View Post
    "make us dream"

    About gerrard/lfc obvs

    There's too much confusion, I can't get no relief

  10. #60
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    City of Self Doubt
    With every passing episode of the Mandalorian I get the feeling that it should have been an animated show.
    Etiam si omnes, ego non



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