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Thread: Around the world News

  1. #271
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Balinkay View Post
    The issue is that people aren't used to questioning every single piece of info they see in the media, tees. Be it social or not. And they must.
    Exactly. You cant trust anything anymore unless youve seen it with your own eyes.
    There was an incident a couple of days ago where a Tory party member was "punched" by a protester/member of the public. The BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg tweeted immedietley condemning it as did ITVs Robert Peston. Turns out it was complete bullshit,,nobody was "punchrd" or "struck" at all. They issued tweets without even checking if it happened.
    Then there was the "a friend of mine works at Leeds Royal infirmary" in response to the child on the floor in the hospital. Same response tweeted multiple times by different people. Blatent lies and thick idiots on social media believe it and retweet, share it.
    Who puts out this vile content? The blatent smearing of Corbyn in this country is shameful.
    People/news agencies and Journalists should be prosecuted for such acts. Even that probably wouldnt do a thing.
    Even after the Leveson inquiry the press in this country still operate with total contempt and lack of morals. Theyre filthy and disgusting.

  2. #272
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedNoodle View Post
    Most people don't like asking questions as it often involves facing reality and hard truths, whilst many others are either incapable of doing so, or profit from not asking questions. Lots of people prefer to live by the proverb "ignorance is bliss".
    Which is why this horrendous govt will have another term. The middle group of people are "happy with their lot" as Janet Street Porter said. People who dont give a fuck about anyone but "me and mine".

  3. #273
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    Quote Originally Posted by teesred View Post
    Which is why this horrendous govt will have another term. The middle group of people are "happy with their lot" as Janet Street Porter said. People who dont give a fuck about anyone but "me and mine".
    All politicians care about are themselves and those who they come into contact with. They are all effectively the same kind of people, with the only difference being that they wear slightly different costumes/disguises.

  4. #274
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    Quote Originally Posted by teesred View Post
    He surely has to. If this horrid govt cant be defeated he couldt beat a one legged man in an arse kicking contest. Theyre the worst govt in living memory, they have destroyed lives with their austerity and for what? A tripled debt.
    They win tomorrow and it shows this country is beyond help.
    Homelessness at an all time high? Probably.
    Benefits system in meltdown.
    Unemployment levels don't seem so high. Only because so many people have to manage multiple jobs to survive.
    Migrants, and others, earning minimum wage or below. Zero hours contracts. Slave labour.

    What are we complaining about? We've never had it so good.
    (some other countries would have a revolution if/when things were this bad)

    Don't worry, London and the Home Counties are living like pigs in shit, they've never been so affluent.
    The rest of the UK, fuck it - they don't matter.
    There's too much confusion, I can't get no relief

  5. #275
    So... where do they start to make Britain great again?

  6. #276
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    Quote Originally Posted by redebreck View Post
    Homelessness at an all time high? Probably.
    Benefits system in meltdown.
    Unemployment levels don't seem so high. Only because so many people have to manage multiple jobs to survive.
    Migrants, and others, earning minimum wage or below. Zero hours contracts. Slave labour.

    What are we complaining about? We've never had it so good.
    (some other countries would have a revolution if/when things were this bad)

    Don't worry, London and the Home Counties are living like pigs in shit, they've never been so affluent.
    The rest of the UK, fuck it - they don't matter.
    Redebreck, if you get peed off at how people from the north, particularly Liverpool are seen/represented, I suggest you take a step back for a second, take a deep breath, and refrain from doing exactly the same in regards to the south.

    As a southerner I can tell you for a fact that many people down south are not "living like pigs in s**t". I'm on less than most of these "poor migrants" and one of the reasons many people are so poor is because of suppressed wages and because those in need (like myself) are expected to live on peanuts (the same amount as everywhere else in the country) despite living in the most expensive city.

  7. #277
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedNoodle View Post
    Redebreck, if you get peed off at how people from the north, particularly Liverpool are seen/represented, I suggest you take a step back for a second, take a deep breath, and refrain from doing exactly the same in regards to the south.

    As a southerner I can tell you for a fact that many people down south are not "living like pigs in s**t". I'm on less than most of these "poor migrants" and one of the reasons many people are so poor is because of suppressed wages and because those in need (like myself) are expected to live on peanuts (the same amount as everywhere else in the country) despite living in the most expensive city.
    Sorry Noods, I should have stated "certain elements of" or "Tory supporters in".

    I was thinking of the upper classes in those areas, rather than the entire areas.
    Bankers, Stockbrokers. Maggie's elite yuppies I believe they used to be called.

    As you can see, I'm not always spot on when trying to express myself!
    There's too much confusion, I can't get no relief

  8. #278
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    Nov 2005
    There's a picture of Diane Abbott voting this morning and she's wearing two odd shoes. And people want her to help run the country 😂😂😂

  9. #279
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ianlfc View Post
    There's a picture of Diane Abbott voting this morning and she's wearing two odd shoes. And people want her to help run the country 😂😂😂
    Diane is a loon.

    Strategically, I don't understand why Labour don't demote her.

  10. #280
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    Just been down to vote. God what a choice. Apart from the two main muppet parties (lab & con) there's a choice of candidates who don't even live in our constituency.
    I live in Tredegar, the birthplace of the NHS - Google it. Local heavy industry has been wiped out over the years - mining & steelworks mainly. The area is historically a labour stronghold. Tories haven't a snowball's chance in hell of winning this constituency, anyway their candidate lives about 30 miles away.
    I've spoken to a few people today and recently, most think the country is in a mess.
    What hope do we have after today's election?

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