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Thread: Coronavirus and the impact on football

  1. #251
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by 3underpar View Post
    Yeah it’s crazy. At the start of the week there were rumors of everything shutting down over here and I said no way, complete over reaction. Three days later it’s happening and much further than I thought it would be with tons of confirmed cases which we don’t have. I think the League was waiting for a player or two or a head coach to get sick and they would call for a halt. Insurers have been calling all these clubs I’m sure and making them aware of liability issues too. It’s happening very fast.
    I guess my point is Arsenal, and both Manchester clubs are calling for the Premier League to be abandoned, yet, their participation in European competition has been the only source of any confirmed Coronavirus infection to date, so the first step is for these clubs to withdraw from European competition as they are putting their own players and staff and all other Premier League players and staff at potential risk by continuing their participation in European competition. AND if they are so genuinely concerned on the grounds of the health and safety of their players and staff, WHY are they continuing to play in European competition which has been the only source of confirmed Coronavirus infection?
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  2. #252
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Nineteenx View Post
    I guess my point is Arsenal, and both Manchester clubs are calling for the Premier League to be abandoned, yet, their participation in European competition has been the only source of any confirmed Coronavirus infection to date, so the first step is for these clubs to withdraw from European competition as they are putting their own players and staff and all other Premier League players and staff at potential risk by continuing their participation in European competition. AND if they are so genuinely concerned on the grounds of the health and safety of their players and staff, WHY are they continuing to play in European competition which has been the only source of confirmed Coronavirus infection?
    Well of course because they are being hypocrites. They wouldn’t care if they had a major league or cup position to lose. City still has a CL chance so naturally they want to continue. And hope the PL screw us somehow. They are in full slash and burn mode now that the ban has happened. They want to win it badly to rub UEFA’s nose in it. Arsenal have nothing to play for left this season. Sure they’d have no problem with cancellations. And postponements help Utd’s injury woes.
    Last edited by 3underpar; 13th March 2020 at 04:20 AM.

  3. #253
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    According to the mirror Brendan Rodgers is shouting for a PL shut down ( arse ole )
    Play the euro's 2021, means no meaningless internationals in the fall 2020, start next season in September or later, after letting this season run into june.

  4. #254
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    I think that would be the final nail in my football coffin if they manage to find a way to stop us winning the league that way. Literally only watch our games now so it's been slowly dying anyway but that'd do it for me.

  5. #255
    Quote Originally Posted by Kev0909 View Post
    What if spreads to the UK bigtime?

    What would be the damage to the league?

    We've been that lucky lately, I wouldn't be surprised if it stopped us winning the league.

    Hopefully it would just end how it is?

    I'm still pissed from last night but it's a valid point, and it's all very much doom doom about it and over-drastic atm, but you never know

    Your opening thread

    Uefa and the European Clubs Association will propose Euro 2020 be postponed for a year to give European leagues delayed because of coronavirus time to complete their seasons this summer
    “We have to change, from doubters to believers—now.”

  6. #256
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    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by retired View Post
    According to the mirror Brendan Rodgers is shouting for a PL shut down ( arse ole )
    Play the euro's 2021, means no meaningless internationals in the fall 2020, start next season in September or later, after letting this season run into june.
    Makes perfect sense if they do stop matches for any period, it is not remotely feasible for the Euros to go ahead

    2 week period of quarantine for all players and staff
    Only essential football staff and catering staff allowed anywhere near the players
    The players, football staff and associated support staff live in relative isolation (as the players do anyway) avoiding social gatherings and contact with people who might represent a risk
    Press conferences to be conducted online with no press allowed in the ground or in close proximity to players or football staff as they must also be viewed as potentially high risk

    Play the remaining games with everyone having a clean bill of health

    I think Rodgers wants it cancelled and Champions, European qualification and relegation to be based on current standings as he fears Leicester will slip outside the top four if the season is played to its conclusion

    All in all, if they cancelled it outright, I think the teams who would qualify for Europe (except the filthy) and all those who are safe from relegation would want Champions, European places and relegation decided on final standings at the point of cancellation, most likely 14 to 15 clubs wanting that and 5 to 6 clubs opposing it
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  7. #257
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    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by dicko1969 View Post
    Your opening thread

    Uefa and the European Clubs Association will propose Euro 2020 be postponed for a year to give European leagues delayed because of coronavirus time to complete their seasons this summer

    The only issue with that being, what is the situation with Coronavirus worsens rather than improves during that time.

    I don't think it is an immediate risk to players and staff from other players and staff, except those who have become infected due to their participation in the Europa and Champions League who can just have a 2 weeks quarantine.

    Any players other than that who may have become infected are obviously just incredibly stupid, as they are professional footballers who get paid millions a year to play football, if that were most of us and a virus like this emerged, I'm quite sure most of us would be avoiding contact with general society and anyone daily exposed to the increased risks of people in general society, I know I would

    I don't really get out or go out anywhere for various reasons, my brother goes out, once or twice a month to Northern Soul nights, he drinks, he mingles and he pretty much always develops whatever cold, flu or virus has been going around within a week of that activity

    I'd be avoiding bars, restaurants, supermarkets, schools, kids are bastards for spreading germs, my nephew has 2 and they're always bringing something back from school and infecting both parents with it, I am avoiding all unnecessary contact with people I don't need to have any with, given their resources and their considerable salaries, I don't think it is asking a lot for professional footballers and training staff to do the same while this virus is escalating, surely it's just common sense
    Last edited by Nineteenx; 13th March 2020 at 06:09 AM.
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  8. #258
    Positives ...

    Pollution reduced
    A stops the protests in france every weekend (gillets jaunes)
    Hong kong the same I guess

    I suppose 4 to 6 weeks suspend the leagues
    No Internationals
    No Euro 2020

    To finish season 2019/20 at the end of june

    A massive reprogramming of games

    Not only effects us but also Leeds United for example or WBA and so on

    Anyone gaining promotion going to be really upset

    Most of the deaths are the elderly or people already with underlying health issues.

    The biggest issue is imagine the NHS coping with an extra 10,000 patients a day

    Without imagining how to look after an already overrun health service.

    Especially as not enough qualified brit nurses or doctors

    And the massive decrease in expat foreign people coming to work in the UK

  9. #259
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    @Dicko deliberately underfunded and run down were the words for the NHS you were looking for, not overrun
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  10. #260
    I read somewhere here I think that if the uk used funds to invest from north sea oil like a Norway then many things like education, health and services would be in a better way today.

    What did the governments do with the money from privatised national treasures or even ex council houses... how did the invest these monies ?



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