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Thread: Coronavirus and the impact on football

  1. #1481
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Like I said,....

    Good entertainment (.....well....."good" is being generous here)
    Nothing more.

    I'm not the one who claimed to be a medical expert here or to have medical or scientific expertise, so I don't really have to provide any credentials proving that which I didn't claim to begin with.

    If you don't want to be "ridiculed" then perhaps don't do ridiculous things like present other people's comments out of context while leaving out important details to try to use (read: 'twist') their comments and credibility to bolster your own arguments' lacking and questionable credibility and cogency.

    It's not that complicated ....or rocket science.

    Medical science, perhaps...
    'I got told there's an English phrase, 'You don't win trophies with kids'. I didn't know that' ... - Jurgen Klopp
    Stone-Cold Savage!

  2. #1482
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Crimson Dynasty View Post

    I'm not the one who claimed to be a medical expert here or to have medical or scientific expertise, so I don't really have to provide any credentials proving that which I didn't claim to begin with.

    I haven't asked you for your credentials. I've asked you to put forward your belief, your understanding or your or anyone else's opinion, rather than descend into trying to score points with insults. I have deliberately tried to avoid insults or even controversy (during the height of the epidemic) on a subject where people will have lost loved ones, as I have done.

    This is a football forum and I believe it is time to argue that we should be able to return to being spectators. In fact I think it is essential for the health of society. There is plenty of evidence to support my view. I have posted the recent testimony of Dr Mike Yeadon above who is calling out the government for reasons that I have echoed in what I have said on here.

    And by the way, I run a clinic here in London that has remained open throughout the lockdown to provide 'essential medical services'. I work without PPE and have been treating people with strong and mild Covid symptoms originally, and now people in the post Covid phase. I have worked hard to understand how safe my patients and I are. I treat a number of doctors, surgeons and auxiliary medics and have a good idea of what has been happening inside the hospitals as a result.

    One of my patients is a doctor who works at the main Covid hub for accepting sick patients in East London. Her and I have a very similar view of what is happening and how much pseudoscience is guiding government policy. On Friday we were discussing the main current anomaly that causes us to pause and rethink our understanding, which is India and its late summer, northern hemisphere, tropical outbreak. There is a huge amount that is still not understood. Her clinic has seen almost no Covid disease for quite some time. We need to start climbing out of the anxiety and that is what I have been trying to promote on here.

    I don't want any emotional conflict on this subject and won't respond to any further personal mocking on this thread. Best wishes to you and your family.

  3. #1483
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    For anyone interested, this interview of a doctor in Madrid (from mid August) illustrates the difference between the quiet and under-control hospitals and the hysterical media who do not want to hear this.

  4. #1484
    I just read on the BBC that in the height of the pandemic Wales set up 17 covid field hospitals at a cost of £166m but only used one of them...

    ...and now as they get decommissioned they're building another one at a cost of £33m to help manage any winter increase.

    When are we gonna spunk some money!

  5. #1485
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    Apr 2007
    They are talking about testing every single person in the country at a cost of £100 million. I think they should spend that on schools, assuming they are still able to borrow that kind of money when the economic reckoning set up by the lockdown expresses itself.

  6. #1486
    Join Date
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    in the past
    Quote Originally Posted by Taksin View Post
    For anyone interested, this interview of a doctor in Madrid (from mid August) illustrates the difference between the quiet and under-control hospitals and the hysterical media who do not want to hear this.

    That is interesting, that the "media" are trying to stir up more worry around the second phase. That's reasonably apparent now, I think many more are questioning the stats and the correlation to risk.

    I didn't quite get what the doctor meant about the media not talking about it in "April, May, June" when hospitals were overflowing? Isn't that all that was being spoken out?
    "...and my inch is like a freight train, so I only use it in self defence"

  7. #1487
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by vin View Post
    That is interesting, that the "media" are trying to stir up more worry around the second phase. That's reasonably apparent now, I think many more are questioning the stats and the correlation to risk.

    I didn't quite get what the doctor meant about the media not talking about it in "April, May, June" when hospitals were overflowing? Isn't that all that was being spoken out?
    I don't know what he meant by that exactly, Vin. I think we have seen a failure of journalism to ask good questions of the policy. The current hysteria about rises in cases is easy to expose as flimsy science with a few well placed questions and a bit of investigation. The national and international conversation has become completely fixated on one thing - Covid-19 - as if there aren't other problems in the world. That Spanish doctor shows how divorced from reality our perception has become as a result.

  8. #1488

    What are you suggesting to do ?

    Masks or not ?
    Social distance or not ?

    Flatten the curve ?

    Travel ?

    Is it all fake news ?

    The vaccine isn't coming ? And maybe won't come .
    Do we just wait and see ?

    The summer months things tried to get back to normal ; because of the economic impact. July August for tourism. But now figures are going up again ... the rate 1 as the objective.

    What are the figures broken down for each area of death ....


    In some countries a lot on the death certificate is "covid" instead of the other factor let's say cancer or old age (if I can use that as a cause of death) .

    What would you suggest joe public do ?

  9. #1489
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Joe Public is not allowed to do what he wants to do. Things like watch football. And now even gather in a group of seven people.

    I have my own conspiracy theories as to why this is happening but it is a decision of our government that is based at least on a portion of false science. Dr Mike Yeadon says that proper scientists don't take the Ferguson model seriously and yet we have crafted our policy around it. I believe he and Fauci belong in jail for what they've done - look at Fauci's vested interests. These figures (chosen scientific advisors to government) always have vested interests as they become priest-like figures who can secure enormous grants to save the world and hand down decrees. We should be suspicious of them rather than 'listen to the scientists'. In the mean time the world has been trashed by their policies. Have you seen footage of New York recently?

    The disease came and went. It did that despite lockdown. It may have been made worse by lockdown - see the nursing homes. Many other things were made worse by lockdown. It may come again this winter but I'm expecting that it won't. Another respiratory disease will kill tens of thousands though - they always do, but lockdown has made us more unhealthy so less resistant this year.

    It will take an enquiry to judge (if a fair judgement could ever be made now) whether the figures for deaths have been manipulated. Thailand reported 58 deaths from Covid and they were one of the only countries not to financially incentivise hospitals for taking in Covid patients. Many hospitals were going bankrupt this year (in countries with private healthcare) as they couldn't see other patients. They were sending staff home. There was a report from Germany that hospitals were putting patients on ventilators for Covid funding pathways, patients who would never be treated that way normally - it meant that doctors were put in the position of having to commit homicide. There are all kinds of distortions like these that could go down as 'fake news' as you put it.

    I think we should be free to function as a society. If we are scared, we can isolate. But almost no one is dying so I am no longer scared for my vulnerable friends and family. We need to lower the anxiety, not crank it up to make people comply. Lord Sumption has been making the case for being free to choose and take risks. I agree with him fully. I think the big story from this year will not be the disease so much as it is the governmental tyranny that the disease has created an excuse for. I think it's going to get worse.

  10. #1490
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Taksin mate, you're a breath of fresh air. Well done, I love reading your posts.
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