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Thread: The President's brain is missing

  1. #191
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    City of Self Doubt
    Quote Originally Posted by fagin View Post
    Hey i read an article in relation to what i was saying re: car battery pack recycling or not and i don't know how to include it in a post
    I guess you can just paste the URL from your browser. It should automatically be recognised as a link.
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

  2. #192
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Another terrific speech from Biden today, Joe's knocking them out of the park
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  3. #193
    Knocking them out like rohypnol.

  4. #194
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Byron Bay Australia
    Does anyone else get the feeling that Trump will literally need to be dragged kicking and screaming out of the white house?

  5. #195
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by reddownunder View Post
    Does anyone else get the feeling that Trump will literally need to be dragged kicking and screaming out of the white house?
    Me too.
    For someone who uses 'loser!' as a major insult he must especially hate losing to a 77 year old.
    Perhaps he will leave something in the pan for Joe.
    Hope he doesn't do anything crazy before he gets kicked out.

  6. #196
    I can't see Trump accepting defeat and happily attending the Inauguration of Joe Biden.

    They are hoping a covid vaccine will be ready by then so the crowds can be bigger than Trump's in 2016.

    Unless the plan is for Biden to get the covid so Kamala can step in...

  7. #197
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Joe Biden has fractured his foot...... playing with his dog

    Honestly how long is he gonna last with the pressures of the job and at 78?

    He's got nothing to lose I suppose, fuck up? oh well he'll be gone soon

  8. #198
    Rumours that Biden hasn't broken his foot but he's turned himself in to the law and the boot is to hide his security tag.

    Chinese whistleblower Mr Lude says Biden made a plea bargain with Mitch McConnell so he can admit Trump won the election in return for a pardon.

    Kinell it's a mad world. Totally off its tits. LMFAO

  9. #199
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    in the past
    Quote Originally Posted by stevie harkness View Post
    Rumours that Biden hasn't broken his foot but he's turned himself in to the law and the boot is to hide his security tag.

    Chinese whistleblower Mr Lude says Biden made a plea bargain with Mitch McConnell so he can admit Trump won the election in return for a pardon.

    Kinell it's a mad world. Totally off its tits. LMFAO
    These theories that tend to stem from the weirdo sect on the right are just nuts.

    Anything that you say that picks holes in their arguments are met with "that's what the MSM tells you"

    Now that it's all starting to unravel a bit, the people behind it have started appealing to religious zealots in that group. Messaging is around "it being biblical", "gods plan" etc and unsubstantiated bullshit like "work has been done, the hammer is about to fall"

    It's text book cult "shaping"

    Even their logic based arguments fail. Trump got more votes than any other President running for a 2nd term! Yes, he has - but that's because more people voted. Biden got 6 million more. They also forget that Trump lost the "popular vote" in 2016

    Stupid fucking cunts the lot of them
    "...and my inch is like a freight train, so I only use it in self defence"

  10. #200
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    City of Self Doubt
    You use the word "logic" quite liberally there vin!
    Etiam si omnes, ego non



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