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Thread: Boris Johnson - Mastermind

  1. #41
    The Welsh have been having a firebreak lockdown these last two weeks and they're planning another in New Year. Who knows, they may even do it in sync with England next time.

    Government know there's no point having a lockdown over Christmas because people would break it no bother. It's of almost religious importance to some.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Anxiety Avenue in Tinnitus Town
    Don't know if any of you guys have heard of this document written in 2010....They knew about Covid 19 then apparently.....Check out the 3 phases,I'd say we're at the end of phase 1 at the moment heading for phase 2.....Food for thought....

  3. #43
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    Nov 2004
    in the past
    Quote Originally Posted by Martyboy View Post
    Don't know if any of you guys have heard of this document written in 2010....They knew about Covid 19 then apparently.....Check out the 3 phases,I'd say we're at the end of phase 1 at the moment heading for phase 2.....Food for thought....
    Have you actually read the full article on the link?

    Unless you are of the opinion that Snopes is a fake fact-checking site, then it actually describes how the extract is bullshit.

    I'm surrounded by this stuff through friends who follow these things down rabbit holes. It ends up being a circular conversation. If you don't believe snopes and rely entirely on info sourced from twitter and the web then you can end up believing anything.

    A lot of this is stemming from right-wing groups in the US who are trying to discredit media outlets and news sources (many of which do a shit job and have an agenda) to create an "alternative" which is actually far more dangerous and bias.
    "...and my inch is like a freight train, so I only use it in self defence"

  4. #44
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    Sep 2006
    With Biden the trade wars Trump was manufacturing worldwide and desperately wanted one with Europe which the Tories entire Brexit no deal was a part of is completely gone and that's a very good thingg. I imagine Johnson's going to have to engage in an incredible rethink and into making huge concessions and Barnier and his EU team will be licking their lips
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  5. #45
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    everywhere and nowhere
    Quote Originally Posted by stevie harkness View Post
    The Welsh have been having a firebreak lockdown these last two weeks and they're planning another in New Year. Who knows, they may even do it in sync with England next time.

    Government know there's no point having a lockdown over Christmas because people would break it no bother. It's of almost religious importance to some.
    So much for the "United" Kingdom.
    Can't they see that having a nation-wide plan of action would be beneficial?

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Seems like the knives are out for Johnson in the media, they're the ones who worked harder than anyone except Keir Starmer and his ideologue Blair cult to get him elected, surely they have to shoulder some of the blame?
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Anxiety Avenue in Tinnitus Town
    I was less than a mile away from Boris today shopping with the missus in Cwmbran.....Shame Matt Hancock wasn't there with him....I'd love to throttle that horrible little fucker...He's right up Klaus Shwab's arse is old Matty boy with this 'Great Reset' and '4th industrial Revolution'........By 2030 they want us all to own fuck all and like it apparently!!.....

  8. #48
    By 2021 they wanted us all masked up, vaccinated and stay at home and like it. That would've sounded mad 12 months ago.

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by stevie harkness View Post
    By 2021 they wanted us all masked up, vaccinated and stay at home and like it. That would've sounded mad 12 months ago.
    Really, not far off the XR demands. Global poverty increases, assisted suicide for the elderly, death to herds who maintain soils.

    Any credible () conspiracy theorist follower isn't surprised.

    Heres their (WEF) second short video in reply to the criticism of their first.

    Here the post election results time piece titled, "The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election"

    Then there's the update at the nyt to a story after the impeachment debacle.

    Democrat and police turned down national guatd for the 6th. Then ran pieces about how BLM were treated differently
    Yes, you turned down the national guard and enabled the different treatment. Almost facilitating the events.

    In time, people should look back at this period as one of Trump persuading and leading a massive effort against China, with his detractors being those who would fuse the powers of the corporate and the state, like China.

    Russia stole the 2016 election with a few memes not reaching a million bucks across all social media platforms.
    Many running in red states, many running after the election day.
    Only Russians could spend so little, on shitty memes, a large amount running in deep red states and many after the election results. Their MKUltrability is vast !!

    Yet a joint venture of antifa, blm, union chiefs, CEOs, fbi, CIA, Wall street helped remove the fascist Trump.
    Back to sleep America

  10. #50
    Interesting article there about the election CCTV.

    I hadn't seen that WEF video before, but those marketing techniques always make me suspicious, drumbeat, buzzword bingo! "so many are calling for a Great Reset" hmmm really? just like in the year 2000. It sounds good but "trust is hard to come by". I reckon that Davos bloke has got an agenda.



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