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Thread: Coronavirus and the impact on football

  1. #2461
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by reddownunder View Post
    That figure from Australia is completely bogus and based on a slip of the tongue by the Victorian Health Minister.

    Those numbers from America are concerning though. Why do you think they are so high when, in Australia for example, there has been less than 1 death per million vaccines? Now admittedly that figure is from the start of September when the pfizer uptake in Australia was lower compared to Astrazeneca. Do you think its to do with the new mRNA technology utilised in the pfizer and moderna etc. vaccines?
    The Medical professional are blaming a vast amount of back to college and university parties and gatherings in general as the Mask mandates had been eased.Also it was reported that quite a few travellers coming back into the country did so knowing they had Covid but falsified the test before flying which is actually easy to do.When flying back from the US you have to have your test in the drive through myself i rented a taxi for this then the Pharmacist hands the kit to you and you swab your nostrils yourself before putting into the vial and handing it back results are emailed within 2/3 days.
    It has to be completed within 72hrs of your flight.
    Last edited by fagin; 3rd October 2021 at 12:49 PM.

  2. #2462
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by teesred View Post
    @Taksin. Where is the evidence that 15k have died from the vaccine in the US?
    2021 10:30 AM

    Nearly 15,000 Deaths, More Than 700,000 Injuries Reported to VAERS Since December 2020 Rollout of COVID Vaccines in U.S

    You can go into the VAERS website yourself and the data is there - probably a higher number now as the article is not up to date

  3. #2463
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by reddownunder View Post
    That figure from Australia is completely bogus and based on a slip of the tongue by the Victorian Health Minister.
    Yes I thought that would be the case but the actual numbers are similar. Will respond in full later

  4. #2464
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    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Taksin View Post
    2021 10:30 AM

    Nearly 15,000 Deaths, More Than 700,000 Injuries Reported to VAERS Since December 2020 Rollout of COVID Vaccines in U.S

    You can go into the VAERS website yourself and the data is there - probably a higher number now as the article is not up to date
    I just read that report and from Dec 2020 to now the death toll is 2.12% . Do you not think that is a small percentage on a country with over 350 million people.

  5. #2465
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    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by fagin View Post
    I am in agreement that it is up to the individual to be vaccinated or not BUT as i have said our hospitals are bursting at the seams with unvaccinated people to the point on TV last night it had patients on interviewing them about their operations that have had to be postponed or cancelled as a result of the unvaccinated jumping the queue.
    Personally i think their operations should go ahead as scheduled and the unvaccinated should be made to wait for treatment.It's only fair.
    If you don't wish to be vaccinated no-one else should be deprived of their operations while they get treated.
    Why not further divide people and give priority to those with a healthy diet and lifestyle while others should be made to wait for treatment.

    Perhaps people should only have free access to society if they can show proof of adequate vitamin D levels, or sufficient diversity in their gut bacteria.

    I find it strange how hospitals are full to bursting with the unvaccinated minority this year, when 12 months ago they somehow coped with 100% of the population unvaccinated!
    Last edited by Daffydd; 3rd October 2021 at 01:59 PM.

  6. #2466
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by fagin View Post
    I just read that report and from Dec 2020 to now the death toll is 2.12% . Do you not think that is a small percentage on a country with over 350 million people.
    What do you think is an acceptable death rate for a virus in order to justify shutting down the world economy, causing death by starvation to a million children in the third world (by disrupting supply chains) and giving away our hard earned liberties, won over millennia of struggle against authority, at the drop of a hat?

    30,000 deaths and 200,000 serious injuries in the US and Europe is, in my opinion, unacceptable for a medicine. Especially one that doesn't work. Especially for one that is being forced upon a healthy population by tyrants. The last vaccine that was withdrawn from use had caused, I believe, 58 deaths. that was deemed an unacceptable risk.

  7. #2467
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by reddownunder View Post
    Do you think its to do with the new mRNA technology utilised in the pfizer and moderna etc. vaccines?
    yes. the early deaths are connected to blood clotting, that thing they keep telling us is rare. that accounts for the myocarditis that is afflicting young boys - I know three people hit by this cause varying degrees of chronic illness. Damage to heart muscle is considered irreversible so that's a lot to take for a young lad who stands no chance of death from Covid and is told he's selfish for not wanting the experimental vaccine.

    This vaccine is still an emergency medicine, with liability waved for its manufacturers. It was granted emergency status to give some protection to the vulnerable. There is no way it should be forced on the less vulnerable. Something has gone badly wrong with regulation and it is not scientific, it is political.

  8. #2468
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    Quote Originally Posted by shminkyred View Post
    the babys developed into bronchilitis which almost killed him......Why was the cold worse.....
    Prof Luc Montagnier, the virologist who won the Nobel prize for his work on the HIV virus, predicts that the vaccinated adults will be harming or poisoning their children due to the 'shedding' of the vaccinated when exposed to new viruses. Your experience might fit well with his prediction. You will notice that no one is investigating this possibility.

    I got the disease for the second time this July. In some ways it was worse than the first time - stronger fever and then I was exhausted for about 5 weeks. When it happened I had the instinct that it was at least partially caused by how closely I work with other human bodies - most of my patients are vaccinated. And I had the sense that I was being exposed to this shedding effect. I have no proof but its something I've been keeping in the back of my mind.

  9. #2469
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    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Taksin View Post
    2021 10:30 AM

    Nearly 15,000 Deaths, More Than 700,000 Injuries Reported to VAERS Since December 2020 Rollout of COVID Vaccines in U.S

    You can go into the VAERS website yourself and the data is there - probably a higher number now as the article is not up to date
    VAERS isn't 100% reliable it seems.
    Anyone would find 15k deaths in one country from a vaccine alarming, some say VAERS is being used by anti vaccine activists to skew data. Do you believe the US would be okay with using a vaccine thats caused 15k deaths? That seems like a stretch.
    Might just be me being cynical.
    A vaccination program like this has never been done over such a short period, maybe other programs would have comparable stats but over a longer time frame?

  10. #2470
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by reddownunder View Post
    That figure from Australia is completely bogus and based on a slip of the tongue by the Victorian Health Minister.
    I haven't got time to look into that just now - completely bogus is a bit strong. Australia is a bit behind with vaccination so its unlikely, but if they were as highly vaccinated as us the figures would be similar. Here is an interesting look at good morning TV from an American Libertarian podcast (the original seems to have disappeared) where the same basic problem is cropping up and is being ignored and glossed over (or, dare we say it, suppressed) by the establishment.

    Dr Hilary's desire to defend the establishment view is patently biased and therefore corrupt.

    The figures showing hospital admissions and covid deaths are worse this year that the same point last year are presented on Good Morning Britain, pretty much proving the vaccines have not worked. Original footage not available but these guys do a good job of pointing out how corrupt Dr Hilary's attempts are to keep the story going and explain away the obvious.

    Relevant section starts at 27.30

    The insight about doing away with the control group is profound

    As they say at the end, we've reached the point where we know that we could do away with every single government mandated measure and it would not make a single difference to the covid outcomes.
    Last edited by Taksin; 3rd October 2021 at 02:52 PM.



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