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Thread: Nhs. Uk.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006
    everywhere and nowhere

    Nhs. Uk.

    Just wondering about people's thoughts on the NHS at present. In the area where I live, South Wales Valleys, GPs appear to be reluctant to meet any of their patients. Instead of surgery appointments, they seem to only carry out telephone consultations.
    I understand COVID has implications for everyone but this doesn't seem right. Many people are reluctant during this pandemic to use the NHS believing they are protecting the service.
    How do others on here find the situation?
    There's too much confusion, I can't get no relief

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    GPs were supposed to be back to full practice, 'back to normal' just like everyone else months ago

    My father has had an issue with his foot, he ended up in hospital and nearly died, because he wasn't seen by a Doctor, only by a nurse

    The podiatry department he attends have no love for GPs surgeries conduct at all, they are putting incredible strain on podiatry and no doubt other services through many people who if diagnosed and treated or referred earlier, would need far fewer visits and far less intensive and extensive treatment ending up in their service.

    I find the situation appalling and unacceptable, that's what happens when you let entities such as GP surgeries self regulate, I guess there is considerable scope for many GP surgeries to face legal action in the future, through misdiagnosis or miss diagnosis, although I encountered that when they were actually still seeing patients - missed diagnosing acid reflux, and the dentists weren't any better, I think they also should have recognised what the issue was from my description of it. Despite doing everything the dentist instructed me to, acid refulx, pooling in my mouth while sleeping, absolutely destroyed my gums and severely damaged my teeth, four of which I will have to have removed before too long.

    My GP surgery diagnosed the acid reflux & (SEVEN) years after I first went to them about it, at the fifth time of my raising the issue with them, through my describing to them what I was experiencing exactly as I has the first four times - Between them and the dentists they should ideally have to foot the bill for implants
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Its crazy that you can go to the dentist but can't have face to face GP appointments.
    I cant help thinking the covid thing is potentially being used as an excuse, it deters people from making appointments. Online or over the phone etc is not what people want and like the situation 19 mentions above it will make people ill or worse case die because of it.

    If the double jab is as effective as the govt have us believe there shouldn't be any reason for not having face to face appointments.

    The waiting list for other things is absolutely outrageous. I've personally been waiting over 2 years for a ENT referral.
    My father has had an veinous ulcer on his leg for a couple of years, this summer it has been really bad. It's like an open sore that wont heal and he only gets seen by a nurse at this point. At one point a couple of months back it looked horrendous, like his leg was being strangled so I told him to demand a hospital referral to see a specialist, 2 fucking months later the appointment is.
    The NHS is just a broken toy that will never get fixed.
    Last edited by teesred; 13th November 2021 at 11:32 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    My mum had been complaining of a sore stomach late 2020 to her doctor but as it was during covid it was only over the phone and fobbed her off. April 2021 and she insisted on getting checked out went for as scan and was diagnosed with stomach cancer. It's been fucking horrible these past 8 months and her doctor has taken a guilt trip and is now visiting her to the house and they have his personal phone number. Luckily for him my mum is a fucking warrior !! They took her stomach out ( oddly you can live without a stomach, who knew) and hopefully she will make a full recovery. But a.. this covid has been hard as my dad couldn't go with her into the hospital during chemo p,us after the major operation which was hard on all of us as we couldn't visit her. All we got was a phone call from the surgeon to tell us everything went well. 5 days later she was allowed to go home. 5 days !!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    What do I think of the National Health Service?
    I think it would be a good idea. (to misquote Gandhi)

    It's in a shameful state and the way it is used politically to manipulate public opinion is just sick. Clap for carers, "Save the NHS", "We send the EU £350m every week, let's fund the NHS instead". yeah right, let's fund it with an old man walking up and down his garden to raise money. It's fucked.

    Twice my Dad needed an ambulance, this first time we were told there isn't one, the second time they said it will take 8 hours. thank god for kind neighbours with a car. sorry about the price of hospital parking. Dad was brought home in an ambulance when a taxi would have done and the ambulance man dropped him off and broke down in tears at the state of things.

  6. #6
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by ianlfc View Post
    My mum had been complaining of a sore stomach late 2020 to her doctor but as it was during covid it was only over the phone and fobbed her off. April 2021 and she insisted on getting checked out went for as scan and was diagnosed with stomach cancer. It's been fucking horrible these past 8 months and her doctor has taken a guilt trip and is now visiting her to the house and they have his personal phone number. Luckily for him my mum is a fucking warrior !! They took her stomach out ( oddly you can live without a stomach, who knew) and hopefully she will make a full recovery. But a.. this covid has been hard as my dad couldn't go with her into the hospital during chemo p,us after the major operation which was hard on all of us as we couldn't visit her. All we got was a phone call from the surgeon to tell us everything went well. 5 days later she was allowed to go home. 5 days !!
    That sounds really rough Ian. Fair play to your mum, rock solid. Hope things go well for the auld boy too.

  7. #7
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by teesred View Post
    Its crazy that you can go to the dentist but can't have face to face GP appointments.
    I cant help thinking the covid thing is potentially being used as an excuse, it deters people from making appointments. Online or over the phone etc is not what people want and like the situation 19 mentions above it will make people ill or worse case die because of it.

    If the double jab is as effective as the govt have us believe there shouldn't be any reason for not having face to face appointments.

    The waiting list for other things is absolutely outrageous. I've personally been waiting over 2 years for a ENT referral.
    My father has had an veinous ulcer on his leg for a couple of years, this summer it has been really bad. It's like an open sore that wont heal and he only gets seen by a nurse at this point. At one point a couple of months back it looked horrendous, like his leg was being strangled so I told him to demand a hospital referral to see a specialist, 2 fucking months later the appointment is.
    The NHS is just a broken toy that will never get fixed.
    The vaccine is supposed to provide a 7 times less likely to transmit factor. But that lab produced finding seems very dubious imo when you look at real life.

    We've 90% of all folks over 12 double vaxxed and it's not solved the problem. By conventional standards of vaccinations we should be finished with covid.
    Still got mask mandates, restrictions, passporting and people are still hesitant about covid.

    From what I've seen, no taksin mind, the vaccine will reduce you odds of hospitalisation or going into the icu. But whatever prevention of spreading claims are made this claim doesn't seem to last very long at all, if true at the outset.

    All health systems are essentially fucked going forward.

  8. #8
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    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by ianlfc View Post
    My mum had been complaining of a sore stomach late 2020 to her doctor but as it was during covid it was only over the phone and fobbed her off. April 2021 and she insisted on getting checked out went for as scan and was diagnosed with stomach cancer. It's been fucking horrible these past 8 months and her doctor has taken a guilt trip and is now visiting her to the house and they have his personal phone number. Luckily for him my mum is a fucking warrior !! They took her stomach out ( oddly you can live without a stomach, who knew) and hopefully she will make a full recovery. But a.. this covid has been hard as my dad couldn't go with her into the hospital during chemo p,us after the major operation which was hard on all of us as we couldn't visit her. All we got was a phone call from the surgeon to tell us everything went well. 5 days later she was allowed to go home. 5 days !!
    Fucking hell mate! Hope she's doing OK.
    Sounds like she's nails!
    Kind of a ditto situation, my partner had a bad pain in her leg during lockdiwn. Couldn't move it at at all. First they said Sciatica, then it was trapped nerves. After more than a week of back and forth it was finally narrowed down to fucking Leukaemia! In hospital for 8 months , bone marrow transplant, bowel removal. Don't get me wrong they've been amazing since with her treatment but to think she could have just been fobbed off with things and was very close to dying a couple of times during it all.
    Covid was awful for anyone in hospital not going able to have support and care from family members but luckily my Girl is nails like your mum and is now doing well in her recovery.

  9. #9
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    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    The vaccine is supposed to provide a 7 times less likely to transmit factor. But that lab produced finding seems very dubious imo when you look at real life.

    We've 90% of all folks over 12 double vaxxed and it's not solved the problem. By conventional standards of vaccinations we should be finished with covid.
    Still got mask mandates, restrictions, passporting and people are still hesitant about covid.

    From what I've seen, no taksin mind, the vaccine will reduce you odds of hospitalisation or going into the icu. But whatever prevention of spreading claims are made this claim doesn't seem to last very long at all, if true at the outset.

    All health systems are essentially fucked going forward.
    Yeah I agree,it's been 2 years now. I'm sceptical about it and gave a view that govt are just hoping against hope it's going to right itself as if the vaccine doesn't work they're out of ideas.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by teesred View Post
    Fucking hell mate! Hope she's doing OK.
    Sounds like she's nails!
    Kind of a ditto situation, my partner had a bad pain in her leg during lockdiwn. Couldn't move it at at all. First they said Sciatica, then it was trapped nerves. After more than a week of back and forth it was finally narrowed down to fucking Leukaemia! In hospital for 8 months , bone marrow transplant, bowel removal. Don't get me wrong they've been amazing since with her treatment but to think she could have just been fobbed off with things and was very close to dying a couple of times during it all.
    Covid was awful for anyone in hospital not going able to have support and care from family members but luckily my Girl is nails like your mum and is now doing well in her recovery.
    That's also sounds rough on all of you. The people at the cancer centre have been amazing plus the McMillian people couldn't do any more . How they get through their day listening and seeing what they do , I couldn't.
    What's now hard is she's only ever been in hospital to have us and never been sick in her life and a very independent person,To a nervous bloody wreck who worries about everything and can't watch TV for the fear of watching something scary. It's a long haul but hopefully she pulls through. It's only 6 weeks since the operation, so fingers crossed.
    Cheers lads.



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