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Thread: Nhs. Uk.

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    under the chicken hat
    Quote Originally Posted by redebreck View Post
    Just wondering about people's thoughts on the NHS at present. In the area where I live, South Wales Valleys, GPs appear to be reluctant to meet any of their patients. Instead of surgery appointments, they seem to only carry out telephone consultations.
    I understand COVID has implications for everyone but this doesn't seem right. Many people are reluctant during this pandemic to use the NHS believing they are protecting the service.
    How do others on here find the situation?
    LFConline forum signature checks out
    Well done buddy

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    everywhere and nowhere
    Quote Originally Posted by dublinlfc View Post
    LFConline forum signature checks out
    Well done buddy

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    I fucking hated that Captain Tom clown, I'm sure he meant well, so I'm probably being over harsh on him personally, but he was a Tory and UK media poster boy for privatising the NHS and anyone who can't afford it, which would be over 60% of the population, having to rely on charity, THAT is exactly what they fucking want.

    Meanwhile, all the latest and most advanced treatment and equipment needed for those able to pay for it would be paid for by the UK fucking taxpayer as would the maintenance and infrastructure as it is with all privatised entities, that's the fucking ridiculous thing about privatisation, the maintenance and infrastructure of almost every privatised entity is STILL fucking paid for by the UK public purse, by the fucking taxpayer, and at least 50% of those tax payers can't afford to use a lot of the services or have to severely ration their use of them

    Meanwhile, as well as the 250-400bn in tax evasion and avoidance their thieving from the public purse every year, they thieve billions more by handing vastly overpriced contracts for contract and maintenance to companies they or people in their select groups have shares in or own

    The people in power in the UK have been systematically robbing the taxpayers, while mostly not paying any themselves for over 40 years now, there absolutely IS a magic money tree, well there is for those people, not for the things it is supposed to be used for, its name? The Public Purse

    It fucking pisses me off every fucking day and has done for 39 of those years that the vast majority of people in the UK are too conditioned by the media, too thick or too self interested and couldn't give a fuck about anyone else not to realise what goes on and to keep voting for the same fucking bent bastards to run the country
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  4. #14
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Hated him? Really?
    He was 90 odd years old for fucks sake. Served his country in the war.
    He did mean well by doing what he did and raised more money than pretty much anybody has. I get your not happy with the media but that's a harsh assessment of what seems a genuinely nice person.
    There wasn't a bad bone in the guy

  5. #15
    Join Date
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    everywhere and nowhere
    NHS is an absolute money magnet. Billions wasted and ripped off year after year after year.
    Take a look at, for example, the computer system that was supposed to standardise and connect every NHS region in the UK.
    It was binned after wasting something like £13 BILLIONS.
    Captain Tom meant well, but the NHS should not have to rely on charity.

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    everywhere and nowhere
    I went to our surgery yesterday for routine bloods. Waiting room was virtually empty. I asked the nurse "are the GPs still not seeing people?" The reply was " oh they've been seeing people AS NORMAL ever since the start of the pandemic".
    My fecking arse they have. The waiting room two years ago would have been almost full, 15-25 people. Yesterday - one person waiting to see the GP.
    I shudder to think how much money they are on.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    They are on too much, plus add ons and bonuses. It's obscene.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Anxiety Avenue in Tinnitus Town
    Quote Originally Posted by Nineteenx View Post
    I fucking hated that Captain Tom clown, I'm sure he meant well, so I'm probably being over harsh on him personally, but he was a Tory and UK media poster boy for privatising the NHS and anyone who can't afford it, which would be over 60% of the population, having to rely on charity, THAT is exactly what they fucking want.

    Meanwhile, all the latest and most advanced treatment and equipment needed for those able to pay for it would be paid for by the UK fucking taxpayer as would the maintenance and infrastructure as it is with all privatised entities, that's the fucking ridiculous thing about privatisation, the maintenance and infrastructure of almost every privatised entity is STILL fucking paid for by the UK public purse, by the fucking taxpayer, and at least 50% of those tax payers can't afford to use a lot of the services or have to severely ration their use of them

    Meanwhile, as well as the 250-400bn in tax evasion and avoidance their thieving from the public purse every year, they thieve billions more by handing vastly overpriced contracts for contract and maintenance to companies they or people in their select groups have shares in or own

    The people in power in the UK have been systematically robbing the taxpayers, while mostly not paying any themselves for over 40 years now, there absolutely IS a magic money tree, well there is for those people, not for the things it is supposed to be used for, its name? The Public Purse

    It fucking pisses me off every fucking day and has done for 39 of those years that the vast majority of people in the UK are too conditioned by the media, too thick or too self interested and couldn't give a fuck about anyone else not to realise what goes on and to keep voting for the same fucking bent bastards to run the country

    Yep it's called the Federal Reserve...Deep State/Cabal owned,printing money backed by nothing for decades,ripping everyone off on earth....Check out the new Quantum Financial System(it's been up and running alongside the old Fiat/Swift system since August 2020)....For the good of the people(not the billionaire elites) backed by gold...



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