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Thread: Political campaigns and operators

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Anxiety Avenue in Tinnitus Town
    Quote Originally Posted by Nineteenx View Post
    They probably 'think' we're conspiracy theorists, 'they' are oblivious that they are conditioned to have this response as one of their pre-programmed responses to anyone questioning their status quo and what the media are telling them

    The thing with autism, I didn't point out the other day, is, you can't really take too much credit for most of it, it does it automatically for you, you don't walk into the Manchester sorting office to do some Christmas temping of overseas mail, have the general manager explain to the group how the system for processing it that he devised 20 years ago to get him in the position he is today works and work out in a split second it is flawed and has one totally unnecessary step for example, your head does that for you all by itself

    It will work out things you want to work towards through your exposing yourself to information or environments with the necessary things in them, for anyone who doesn't know how it works through experience of it, you'll all do what you usually do at my next comment, but I remain entirely convinced that this was the process (and no I am not comparing myself to him, just explaining how it works) that led to Einstein's theory of relativity and many other celebrated people's Eureka moments

    it's called a Eureka moment as it suddenly arrives to you, kind of out of the blue, when you might have been pouring over your studies, theories and documents searching for it to no avail, that is what high functioning autism does for you, it works things out for you, often instantly, alerting you to important information, patterns, process, the truth from obvious lies, lots of things the neurotypical mind can't see because of status quo, status quo including their own created status quo in which they have set parameters for what certain things should be like over many years

    When I was 12 it worked out privatisation was an absolute monster of a lie, despite my not having any interest in the subject, not even watching or paying the remotest attention to the TV News my parents had on in the background while I was eating my dinner each night, it was watching and suddenly, all these alarm bells go off alerting you it's a lie and why it's a lie and make you pay attention
    Many of those supposed 'theories' have come true in the last 2 years....

  2. #22
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    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Martyboy View Post
    Many of those supposed 'theories' have come true in the last 2 years....
    I've called every single cause and affect and what the outcome of the disastrous policy of the last 40 years would be and how they would affect numerous other things, where they would lead, absolutely correctly or rather my autism has in an instant

    It is absolutely fucking torturous knowing what's coming, seeing it develop and then see all the morons playing the media and establishments deliberate Goldfish bowl politics, focusing on the issues caused by disastrous policy instead of the cause of it, the policy, forgetting what they voted for at the last election or last 2 or 3 and whether or not it was delivered or produced the results promised and not having a fucking clue how manipulated away from looking at what to me should be the obvious thing to look at they are

    It is fucking mind numbingly fucking annoying and frustrating
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  3. #23
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    Anxiety Avenue in Tinnitus Town
    Quote Originally Posted by Nineteenx View Post
    I've called every single cause and affect and what the outcome of the disastrous policy of the last 40 years would be and how they would affect numerous other things, where they would lead, absolutely correctly or rather my autism has in an instant

    It is absolutely fucking torturous knowing what's coming, seeing it develop and then see all the morons playing the media and establishments deliberate Goldfish bowl politics, focusing on the issues caused by disastrous policy instead of the cause of it, the policy, forgetting what they voted for at the last election or last 2 or 3 and whether or not it was delivered or produced the results promised and not having a fucking clue how manipulated away from looking at what to me should be the obvious thing to look at they are

    It is fucking mind numbingly fucking annoying and frustrating
    My GF's oldest daughter got diagnosed with Asberger's Syndrome at the age of 15,she's 26 now....Copes fairly well but by god we've been through the ringer with her at times over the years!!...

  4. #24
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    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Martyboy View Post
    My GF's oldest daughter got diagnosed with Asberger's Syndrome at the age of 15,she's 26 now....Copes fairly well but by god we've been through the ringer with her at times over the years!!...
    I've got bipolar and autism, a great many people on mental health forums and from spiritual groups appear to be of the belief a 'came into this world' with an already highly active and highly developed higher conscious by all their accounts, I just think it's something to do with having both and how they work together, oh with some acquired savants thrown in following rewiring after severe head trauma

    I get that neurotypical people have severe issues in believing things that to me are normal, I've been helping my autistic great nephew, since when he has gone from being held back a year, to now being the best in his class at pretty much everything, I had told his parents about my experiences of incredible fast and accurate brain functioning I had experienced frequently, I think, like most here, and most in psychiatry too to be fair, they thought I was spinning them a tale.

    Then, my great nephew (aged 6) got a special award from the school headmaster, he got it for completing a 20 question maths test in just 3 minutes with every answer correct while the rest of his class were still on the first question, his Mum said "It was so almost identical to your experiences you've told me about, when his teacher said what the award was for, I was like 'Jesus Christ that shit is actually real'"

    As proud of the incredible work I have done with him as I am, I am a little concerned at how accelerated he is becoming at such a young age, as whatever it is I do or possess, my accelerating others in a positive way is well known, my friends used to call it 'the quickening'

    From my experiences I no longer believe that people on the spectrum are stuck with certain negative aspects for life, but most won't have anything like the amount of one on one time with someone who understands exactly what's happening and is able to give them an alternative and positive way of looking at it or feeling it and mechanism to overcome it, who knows which buttons to press
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  5. #25
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    May 2006
    everywhere and nowhere
    Quote Originally Posted by Nineteenx View Post
    I've got bipolar and autism, a great many people on mental health forums and from spiritual groups appear to be of the belief a 'came into this world' with an already highly active and highly developed higher conscious by all their accounts, I just think it's something to do with having both and how they work together, oh with some acquired savants thrown in following rewiring after severe head trauma

    I get that neurotypical people have severe issues in believing things that to me are normal, I've been helping my autistic great nephew, since when he has gone from being held back a year, to now being the best in his class at pretty much everything, I had told his parents about my experiences of incredible fast and accurate brain functioning I had experienced frequently, I think, like most here, and most in psychiatry too to be fair, they thought I was spinning them a tale.

    Then, my great nephew (aged 6) got a special award from the school headmaster, he got it for completing a 20 question maths test in just 3 minutes with every answer correct while the rest of his class were still on the first question, his Mum said "It was so almost identical to your experiences you've told me about, when his teacher said what the award was for, I was like 'Jesus Christ that shit is actually real'"

    As proud of the incredible work I have done with him as I am, I am a little concerned at how accelerated he is becoming at such a young age, as whatever it is I do or possess, my accelerating others in a positive way is well known, my friends used to call it 'the quickening'

    From my experiences I no longer believe that people on the spectrum are stuck with certain negative aspects for life, but most won't have anything like the amount of one on one time with someone who understands exactly what's happening and is able to give them an alternative and positive way of looking at it or feeling it and mechanism to overcome it, who knows which buttons to press
    Back in the day, it's likely that such people would possibly be diagnosed as being mentally ill, and locked away! Thankfully, I hope, that is no longer the case.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by redebreck View Post
    Back in the day, it's likely that such people would possibly be diagnosed as being mentally ill, and locked away! Thankfully, I hope, that is no longer the case.
    Back in the day I'd have likely been burned for being a witch or something, it is very common place for neurotypical people to attack people with my mental make up, it is like we're entirely different species, and they know and can't help themselves, you can have all the learned and studied ways of presenting and behaving in the world when around them, but some of them still know

    On a positive note there is a growing body of evidence that many of the most celebrated artists, composers, inventors and philosophers in the entire history of mankind suffered from autism or bipolar or both, Einstein absolutely suffered from both, without a shadow of a doubt, and they didn't lock any of them up
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  7. #27
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    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Nineteenx View Post
    Back in the day I'd have likely been burned for being a witch or something, it is very common place for neurotypical people to attack people with my mental make up, it is like we're entirely different species, and they know and can't help themselves, you can have all the learned and studied ways of presenting and behaving in the world when around them, but some of them still know

    On a positive note there is a growing body of evidence that many of the most celebrated artists, composers, inventors and philosophers in the entire history of mankind suffered from autism or bipolar or both, Einstein absolutely suffered from both, without a shadow of a doubt, and they didn't lock any of them up
    Actually not so long ago you'd have been sectioned or committed. I'm not saying that in jest either, 60s,70s and 80s look at how mental illness or difference was treated. It's fucking disgraceful.
    The only reason the people you mention there were not is because they stood tall and refused or made breakthroughs that benefitted people wether it be art or philosophy,science,music.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by teesred View Post
    Actually not so long ago you'd have been sectioned or committed. I'm not saying that in jest either, 60s,70s and 80s look at how mental illness or difference was treated. It's fucking disgraceful.
    The only reason the people you mention there were not is because they stood tall and refused or made breakthroughs that benefitted people wether it be art or philosophy,science,music.
    Normal people do attack people with certain considered mental disabilities that also give some of them incredible abilities, "Weird, aloof, off the wall, ignorant, arrogant, anti-social" because you don't generally interact a lot outside of your small, very carefully selected group apart from learned and studied 'right things to say' pre-programmed automatic responses in brief encounters

    And in a place of work in which targets are involved, for smashing targets through running incredibly hot (as in fast) while having incredible focus that sees their targets raised to levels they can't possible reach and that work being a means to an end, go in work hard, get paid, go home, not a social environment for you as most people view their workplace
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  9. #29
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    Apr 2009

    we are liverpool football club, not fucking norwich.



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