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Thread: Qatar World Cup 2022

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006
    everywhere and nowhere

    Qatar World Cup 2022

    Due to start in November, I believe.

    Human Rights issues.
    Reportedly more than 2,000 deaths among the immigrant workers building the stadiums etc.
    LGBTQ+ issues.
    First ever World Cup not played during summer months (I believe).
    National leagues throughout the World disrupted to allow this competition to go ahead.
    What can go wrong? Anyone on here think this should go ahead?
    There's too much confusion, I can't get no relief

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    They keep asking the players what they think of the human rights issues etc

    It’s so boring - as if you’re going to get high philosophy from footballers trying their best to be neutral.

    I’m dying for one of them to say -

    “Look. I’m a footballer. I didn’t chose to host it in Qatar. Can you ask FIFA why it’s being played there so I can get on with my job, please”

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Wasn't there a Mexican woman on the World Cup Committee in Qatar sentenced to 7 years in prison and 100 lashes after she had been sexually abused?

    Amongst the wealth (pun not intended) of other crap going on around this World Cup and that part of the World?

    I will honestly be surprised if I follow that World Cup. Perhaps the odd ticker-tape style update or threads in here to keep an eye on injuries/form that could have an impact on our League campaign, but the traditional glued-to-the-telly type stuff - nah.

    Do hope someone can cut some more of the rot out of Football at some point. Don't foresee it mind.

    The 90s weren't perfect by any stretch (certainly not for our Club!) but Football has changed so much since then. Element of rose-tinted goggles I know but it feels like that was the last gasp of there being an element of mystery to "star" players at international level or several League sides having a "diamond" of a player at the same time rather than them all being hoovered up by an elite few. I'd quite like Football to feel closer to that - without the Mancs pocketing all the Silverware of course.

    90s little anticipation for the upcoming World Cup and I don't think it's purely down to getting older.
    Your hobbies are rollerblading and you're also a bit of a rat-hound? Steel Wool
    Sid knows he's crazy and he likes it. Balinkay

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    everywhere and nowhere
    England may possibly end up playing Scotland or Wales in their WC group.
    Luckily they won't have to face Iceland.



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