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Thread: Jake Daniels, Gay Footballer.

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Whatever happened to that Oz chap who's son was an uphill gardener?
    Has he been back?

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Well if I was guessing, I'd say the mood is indicative of a lack of respect for Islam and their laws. A bit of queer supremacy.
    These are two civilizations at odds, and they're both at odds with other cultures and civilisations. Both rather strict on blaspheming.

    Team lgbtq - ideogically/politically - opposes sexual repression, favours sexual freedom, left wing, Jewish, Protestant, twitter, favours choice of abortion, not anti-porn at all really, oversexualises children (a psychological phenomenon), in favour of premarital sex, opposes strict/higher age of consent for voting/sex, knows how to party (pro drink/drugs rights), supports brave sisters a) career women with no children, b) single mothers, and obviously the LGBTQpluses

    Internally there are divides between the lgbtq identities, and obviously this ideology is prevalent in straight adults. White gay men are in theory the scummiest of the lgbtq as ideologically they are only 1 degree away from a straight cis white male. Who are born evil.
    This scumminess can also be seen in blm literature where the word men and boys was not mentioned, though BLM mostly used statistics/clips about males cops/prison to develop their brand.
    Never forget straight black man you are only one degree from being a straight white male.
    Single mothers supported as they attack the nuclear family, completely at odds with MLK, and black transwomen (Black men who say they are women) featured mostly in their brief literature due to the violence they encountered.
    Males who declare they are women are typically the most aggressive of males, same for t women. Aggressive males encounter violence.

    The knock on effects associated:
    Sex is a commodity - sex workers rights lobby, fuck the patriarchy
    Single parent children rise and live impoverished lives
    Children's lives are oversexualised
    Abortions are common enough
    Population dwindles
    Procreation outsourced - import other nations children
    A sex saturated culture
    With actual sex on decline per generation
    Decline in birth rates
    Trending towards higher infertility rates due to redefined gender roles
    Isolation & loneliness rise
    Increased materialism/hedonism/narcissism
    More people expecting other people's children to look after them in their elder years
    A disturbance to the distribution of sex through tech apps - swipe to ride tech - a minority of men smashing lots of lasses - why should women get married when they can just share the alpha males, fuck you patriarchy
    An increase in sexual behaviours/life-strategies indicative of less caring parents
    4000% increase in trans referrals to Tavistock/Gender reassignment in one decade

    The Saudis or any opponent can say they find this type of society somewhat disturbing.

    Below is a clip from the Bill Maher show
    Here he discusses some of the disturbing aspects of the rise of LGBTQ and what is dubbed the grooming of children in right wing circles stateside. The power of influence/persuasion over impressionable young children.

    Due to the environment the trans level in the space of a few generations has jumped from around 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 50 stateside. This increase is not seen in previous generations. You can find very left wing parents with 3 transkids a statistically very unlikely outcome naturally, and likely a means of the kids pleasing their parents.

    You can find plenty of examples of a popular student becoming say non-binary then lots of kids becoming the same to be cool like the head girl.
    Kids crave attention and validation from grown ups, for teens it becomes more about their peers.
    You can also find activist groups on twitter that encourage people and validate them to become trans etc
    In these spaces being gay in the traditional sense is to be far right nazi gay bigots

    Hey teachers leave those kids alone.....
    #letkidsbekids v #loveislove

    Teachers are routinely pushing gender ideology onto their students and the pandemic has shown how teachers don't think your kids are your kids, they are their kids.
    Embarrassing videos about not being able to share their gender identity tales with kids, or subvert kids from their parents.
    Telling kids they can become other genders a few class years before they get the talk (on puberty/changing bodies)
    You can identify as a cat, an earthworm, a cake because you are sweet and have layers etc etc
    Where court cases have occurred identifying as a minor was ruled against versus biological age, thankfully.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    And of course you can be an actual gay etc and not support LGBTQ ideology, in which case you might be naturally worse than a straight white male.



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