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Thread: Boris Johnson - Mastermind

  1. #111
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Martyboy View Post
    You're getting it all wrong....Fact is the G7 governments,the USA(under Biden)UK(under Johnson),France(Macron),Germany(Merkel),Italy,Japa n,Canada(Trudeau) plus Australia and New Zealand(Ardern) are THE problem.....All current leaders are subservient to the World Economic Forum's Fascistic/Nazi 'Great Reset' Agenda....In the words of Klaus Schwab himself in 2017 'We have penetrated the cabinets of these countries with Our Young Global Leaders' ....He mentions Putin too but Putin basically told em to fuck off and is NOT going along with this crap,neither are the Chinese,Indians,Brazilians,South Africans and a host of other countries hence the BRICS(Brazil,Russia,India,China,South Africa) organization.....Our corrupt government and the rest of the G7 are going down and not before time too!!...Here's Schwab admitting to the 'penetration' in 2017.....Fucking Rothschild Nazi!!...
    Climate change is my major concern Martyboy. Where do those other countries you mention stand on this? The whole world has to come together somehow.

  2. #112
    Join Date
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    Anxiety Avenue in Tinnitus Town
    Quote Originally Posted by scientificred View Post
    Climate change is my major concern Martyboy. Where do those other countries you mention stand on this? The whole world has to come together somehow.

    It's a narrative to push the green agenda/great reset mate....The climate changes all the time and has done for billions of years,it's nowhere near as bad as you seem to think it is....Stop listening to the bullshit you hear on the mainstream media/TV,you'll sleep better....

  3. #113
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    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Martyboy View Post
    It's a narrative to push the green agenda/great reset mate....The climate changes all the time and has done for billions of years,it's nowhere near as bad as you seem to think it is....Stop listening to the bullshit you hear on the mainstream media/TV,you'll sleep better....
    No thanks Martyboy! I trust David Attenborough. You should too and start worrying too and stop peddling that gobbledygook!

  4. #114
    Join Date
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    Anxiety Avenue in Tinnitus Town
    Quote Originally Posted by scientificred View Post
    No thanks Martyboy! I trust David Attenborough. You should too and start worrying too and stop peddling that gobbledygook!
    You're one of the masses tuned into the mainstream BS...You'll be telling me next you trust the BBC,ITV,Sky and Channel 4 OR even better the government when in May 2020 while we were all locked down those bastards were in Downing Street partying like crazy!! That's how scared they were of the supposed black death(Covid)...THEY knew it was BS then ya fool!...LOL laughable....
    Last edited by Martyboy; 14th July 2022 at 12:42 AM.

  5. #115
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    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Martyboy View Post
    You're one of the masses tuned into the mainstream BS...You'll be telling me next you trust the BBC,ITV,Sky and Channel 4 OR even better the government when in May 2020 while we were all locked down those bastards were in Downing Street partying like crazy!! That's how scared they were of the supposed black death(Covid)...THEY knew it was BS then ya fool!...LOL laughable....
    You are wrong on all counts there Martyboy. I listen to David Attenborough. If you have evidence to discredit him then post it.

  6. #116
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by scientificred View Post
    No thanks Martyboy! I trust David Attenborough. You should too and start worrying too and stop peddling that gobbledygook!
    Quote Originally Posted by scientificred View Post
    You are wrong on all counts there Martyboy. I listen to David Attenborough. If you have evidence to discredit him then post it.
    What do you have to say on these matters ?

    I'd say Attenborough is a rather failed campaigner. The tone and manner of his message is not a successful campaign strategy.
    Does very little productive messaging with respect to Global warming from what I've seen.
    Just makes his documentaries unsharable with smaller children.

  7. #117
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Here's some of my takes

    A doubling of atmospheric co2 will likely produce around 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming.
    The next doubling of Co2 would produce another 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming.

    If we take the projectsed Co2 level of 2040 of 450ppm, and extrapolate that growth to 2100 atmospheric co2 will be close to the doubling rate of 560 ppm.
    Producing about 0.5-0.6 degrees of further warming.

    Best way for energy to go is lots of nuclear power.

    There are quite a few tech solutions for carbon sequestration. But imo the best benefits will be through engineering the biosphere.
    Banning fishing largely and leaving the seas replenish. Bony fish filter co2 out of the water and create calcium carbonate which will help with the oceans PH balance. We've devastated fishing stocks.
    Then promote grass fed beef/lamb etc.
    Give Allen Savoury more tools to restore desertified soils and sequester co2 in soils making the rich and fertile.

    Positives of a warmer planet. Food production up. Massive greening of the world. Plants use less water for photosynthesis. The pending ice age due in around 50 thousand years has been pushed back by about 450,000 years.
    We can expect more rain and clouds, rains good for water collection, more clouds seem to be a natural counterbalance to warming.

  8. #118
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    Feb 2010
    The answer is in the soil. And trees. Not any old trees but broadleaf deciduous trees. And our relationship with Nature. But you can't sell that. If we continue to pursue technological solutions we are fucked.

    I'd love to hear Attenborough's thoughts on the carbon footprint of the Ukraine war, or better still the thoughts of the candidates for next Tory leader. Policies need to dovetail.

  9. #119
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    Jun 2014
    How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change

    Here's an introduction to Allen Savory, Joel Salatin is another whose a disciple of sorts. Savoury works in Africa, but this practice is applicable in any area and simple measures like adding clover to fields adds nitrogen into soils.
    Of course in Oirland we have the issue of too much water, but using his methods can see cattle stay out in fields for even longer.

  10. #120
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change

    Here's an introduction to Allen Savory, Joel Salatin is another whose a disciple of sorts. Savoury works in Africa, but this practice is applicable in any area and simple measures like adding clover to fields adds nitrogen into soils.
    Of course in Oirland we have the issue of too much water, but using his methods can see cattle stay out in fields for even longer.
    Climate change reversal needs the world to pull together.



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