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Thread: Define woke

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by faridtoxteth View Post
    By the way if the BBC are so woke about women's football, then how come the deep colonial mentality behind the 'commonwealth' games gets a pass..
    Because being reasonable is not the aim. The aim is to pursue the agenda, which is ultimately the most complete revolution ever attempted.

    That’s why you shouldn’t boo the national anthem, fellow reds. It’s seems like a healthy rebellion due to various injustices but it is actually the rejection of one of the remaining things that unifies us. Once destroyed, the only thing that can unify us is a crazy ideology forced upon us from above. That’s been tried, it doesn’t end well, and in the case of North Korea it may lead to a hell that goes on forever.

    North Korea looks to me to represent the world that woke ideology leads to.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    That is an interesting question.
    I didn't watch many of the games.
    Is she a really good manager? Didn't she always play the same first eleven and then later bring on the same subs? I didn't see much to make me think she was a game changing tactician.
    But I wouldn't be against the idea. But some of these prem big ego players who are so up themselves, they might struggle with being managed by her. Also the men's game is not the same as the women's game, despite what everyone and his dog are telling us now. Look at the quality of the goal keeping for a start.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by worldpanel View Post
    Sidebar question: How long before the manager(ess) of the England team gets offered a job in the Prem?
    God knows if they let one of the Neville's do it, surely she could manage a smaller side like one in the Salford area perhaps?
    A long time. I think we'll have an openly gay England (men's team) captain first.

  4. #14
    Define woke?

    Taking the knee!

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Don’t really want to get into this particular question as the whole subject annoys me intensely.
    However, I will say that the line.. “ equal rights for queer people” will not be bettered if this debate goes on for a hundred pages.

    It sums up the differences between the generations perfectly

  6. #16
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Originally coined to highlight social injustice in the US, particularly black people.
    Now hijacked by racist bigots like those who complain about booing the national anthem but are equally outraged at players taking the knee or gay people being allowed marraige.
    The Tories are peddling it so its lapped up by the right wing press in the UK.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    It's what I do at 5am every weekday morning. Yeah, White privilege n all that!

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Woke is putting BLM on #Nike Kit of LFC for 2 years,
    Whereas a dude who flies WLM over a stadium is interviewed by Police, loses his job to mass reaction pressures, whilst his partner was forced to attend reeeeeducation training by her employer or lose her job over his actions.
    It's that fusion of state and corporate.

    It's likely losing your job in media for pointing out blacks were over represented in the men's side last summer, cause ya #racist.
    And increasing your career chances for saying there are too many white women in the women's side this summer. Cause you sjw

    It's looking up at men being the very top earners, and claiming discrimination. But never looking at who dominates the lower paid jobs, men. It's refusing to understand the distribution curves of intelligence, men have wider distributions of intelligence than women. This means you would excpet men to be overrepresented at both ends.

    It's a police force exposed as having covered up a likely 100,000+ minor sex victims, gang raped, because the Police didn't want to be seen as racist.....
    Because of the homogeneity of the diverse group doing the gang rapes.
    But then these police, police social media posts that are problematic.. to check your thinking, as the are clearly social justice thought experts...
    Empowered by new age blasphemy laws from the very party that covered up these rapes in the main

    It's knowing which tragedies are good for the corporate and sponsors desires.
    It's knowing standing up for grooming gang victims just isn't worth it.
    It's knowing that condemning a player for kicking a cat has more social media capital than standing up for an 11 year old gang rape victim.
    It's knowing your stop Asian hate should be silent on whose doing the Asian hate. Wokeists posit that Asians success in the west is because the are allied to white supremacy.

    It's publishing demographic data and discussing dispossesing the native/right of a chance of holding power via a pro-immigration policy, how bames can see the gammon dispossessed of office forever.
    Whilst declaring anti-immigration discussion as racist. Replacement theory a conspiracy theory.

    It's publishing sections of main kampf in your academic journals, where jew/jewry is replaced with white and German with black, and not realising you've been trolled.

    It's screaming about increased inequality, but failing to see how immigration of more and less successful groups than the natives naturally increases inequality within a society.

    It's screaming diversity is our strength, without any indication of the downsides.
    It's screaming about how racist your countries are then wondering why people in Africa think Klopp is a racist.

    It's being thoroughly unfair, whilst believing yourself the fairest of them all.

    It's creating a social capital around lgbtq issues to the point where your kids will ideally be trans to please their parent/s. To provide the known social capital and validate their parents desires

    It's calling gays who won't have sex with 'the same sex as them but other genitals' far right homomsexuals. So you can bash a gay man as far right, because he won't have sex with a man with a vagina.
    It's running hate campaigns against lesbians who felt they were forced to have sex with women with chest hair and a penis, by others in the community.
    It's calling people bigots for denying their dad gave birth to them, or denying that they were a woman when they inserted semen into your mum.
    It's telling people men can have periods and get pregnant, because women who say they are men have a baby in their womb. Again bigot if you disagree

    It's giving a month to pride, and a day to mothers and fathers. It's recording a bumming which culminates in the baptismal font, because they are softer than the Muslims.
    Maybe a victims of state sanctioned rape day might be required.

    It's claiming trans people are more oppressed than blacks in the slave trade or Jews in concentration camps because their suicide rate are higher.

    It's being very think skinned, so you can refuse discussion and play victim.
    But being strong enough to dish it out, and be relentless.

    It's supporting abortion as part of your social justice work, when abortion is a eugenics tool.
    Getting rid of working class babies, in the USA a lot of black babies.
    It's calling men who mass exterminate disableds out of existence, monsters.
    Then calling women who eradicate babies with downs syndrome, stunning and brave.

    You can go from condemning Hitler/Stalin whoever, for eradicating these people, to rationalising its for the persons best interests when mothers do it.

    If an 11 year boy dances in a gay/trans club for men dressed as a girl, it's stunning and brave. If it's a cis girl dancing for men, it's different, because trans girls are really girls.

    It's discussing the issues around consent in our modern age, like everyone is in a long married relationship.
    It's pretending the society doesn't have an extremely different tone around sex.
    It's saying porn is toxic masculinity. But you want your kids to be at a pride gay bdsm, even after they asked for no kids. It's saying you want porn for kids.

    It's petitioning dictionaries to change definitions to win arguments.

    It's disingenuous, hypocrisy, believing you are better than others not on the virtue of your deeds or actions, but because of your views. It's believing you would do more were you richer and had power.
    It is a lazy narcissists wetdream.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Oh and you can become the...

    Blackface of white supremacy
    Far right gays
    Not the right type of diveristy etc

    Where you don't vote left for social justice parties.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    in the past
    I think it's too broad to define and actually a bit meaningless. Just look at some of the posts on here. Some very subjective definitions.
    "...and my inch is like a freight train, so I only use it in self defence"



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