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Thread: Define woke

  1. #51
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    "New pm
    Never a Tory myself but for new Tory leader ? Someone who denounces Bojo."
    Etc etc

  2. #52
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    "New pm
    Never a Tory myself but for new Tory leader ? Someone who denounces Bojo."
    Etc etc
    That does not mean I am labour.
    Never have been!
    Bojo is a buffoon! Clever but stupid!
    You are muddled!

  3. #53
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    You are a pathological liar.

  4. #54
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    You are a pathological liar.
    Strange comment and once again based on muddled thinking dear CCTV. I think you are hurting! Take a rest!

  5. #55
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    I find the whole trans thing a bit out of keeping with how they treat other mental health conditions, or that they don't treat a man who believes he's a woman trapped in a woman's body or a woman who believes she's a man trapped in a woman's body as a mental disorder considering other ways of thinking they consider a disorder

    Woke to me is people trying to rewrite history because they don't like how things were a few decades ago, getting programs from that period banned

    Having set quotas of people from certain groups to appear in programming on soaps, dramas and films when doing so isn't in keeping with what was acceptable or real in a certain era and isn't realistic, places you've been and lived and it just isn't like that

    Prattling on about calling it just football, not men's football and women's football, when there are some absolutely glaring differences between the 2 and prattling on about how much the men get paid when the get paid according to the revenue they generate and that money has also been pumped into the women's team of their club way in excess of any money they generate to give them the best possible chance to develop and evolve their game and succeed, a bit of gratitude wouldn't go amiss
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  6. #56
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Thank you all for your comments! That was the reasoning for my post! It is not cut and dried.

  7. #57
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Good point about mental health, NineteenX

  8. #58
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Just heard about "Black Pound Day" and thought it was an anti woke joke but it's real. Spend your money in a black owned business, what could possibly go wrong?

    Whatever happened to the term "Bame"? or was it considered too woke?

  9. #59
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by vin View Post
    Here's the thing. I know people who say they'll never, and I quote, "date a black girl" - that's their call. No one is forcing them to. Nothing to do with society or political correctness but what a random restriction to put on yourself.
    This is one I'm working on,

    It's not that strange. When we look at how the races rank beauty, on average each race rates its own most beautiful.
    Where interracial sex is banned, people are restricted to their own race, on average the most beautiful race for them.
    For far right black/asian/white, a ban on interracial sex is nothing to fret about. Opening up interracial sex economy has little interest for them. The interracial sex economy is a left wing thing.

    When we rate the other races, we see the emergence of what might be called racial inequality in the sex game.
    Here each race perceives the races from most beautiful to least, with what appears to be the races economic/ses status as perceived globally. The power of influence of money, as a primer, and not without reason.
    The richer races being rated the most beautiful. The poorer races being rated least beautiful.

    Beauty drives sexual interest. Where interracial sex is permitted, racial inequality enters the fray. By being racist, banning interracial sex, you can reduce racial inequality.

    The biggest benefactors are white left wing men.

    They are predisposed to be more likely interracial breeders/slutmakers than right wingers, who are more intraracial and essentially lose people from their race who they probably wouldn't align with politically. No major loss for the same race sex enthusiasts.

    In the market place racial preferences between races, raises them/whites highest. Their beauty status will be highest.
    Whereas the black will be paddy last on average for all the other races.
    We see this claimed as racism by BLM types who document the lower wages of black sex workers as racism, just never stating the role of interracial sex preferences as the cause and facilitator.
    The white whore/sexworker is found most beautiful by her own race on average, and second highest by all other races. The black whore/sexworker is found most beautiful by her own race, and least beautiful by all other races.
    In a market where interracial sex is permitted, these racial preferences play their roles in income inequality. The sexworker supporter is more likely to pick a white over a black.

    For the white left wing man, it's also better than it is for women. As women tend to seek status more than men. So we see the white man is rated most beautiful by other races, seemingly correlated with the ses/success of whites perceived globally. Then he has this same status advantage in attracting women.
    Women having higher levels of disgust naturally, and starker pressures around reproduction, isn't as naturally inclined to enjoy banging a different bame/white every night. For younger men this excess pussy, and interracial advantage is much more easily availed of and enjoyed hedonsitically.
    Interracial sex widens the marketplace for left wingers, reduces it for right wingers. For the white man whose left wing London is a paradise of desperate pussy, one where they perceive you most beautiful (likely due to racial status) and where you benefit from your racial status. It's a bame creampie recipe.

    So when you see a person refusing to date a black girl, but not other races, it is likely because that in a world where interracial sex is permitted, you'd expect to see the blacks lose out.
    Its why I believe the black prostitute gets paid about half of the white prostitute.
    Because pro-interracial sex/love types, value the act of interracial breeding and these interracial preferences predict that poorer races lose out more than richer ones.

    It's much like the moaning about inequality and being pro-immigration. When immigration will almost always increase inequality within a society.
    You want interracial sex to be legal, you better accept the racial inequality, your racial equality brings with it.

    If you banned interracial sex, you would reduce racial inequality in the sex/love game, and in the whore/sexworker game.
    But you'd disadvantage those races perceived as most successful races. You'd have to ban a highly valued left wing act, interracial sex, to reduce racial inequality.

    Doing this would bring a victory of sorts to the various peoples predisposed for intraracial preferences. Those who oppose interracial sex and offspring, a big no no in modern Western eugenics. Where the mixed race offspring sits atop.

    It would be a crushing blow to left wing white men. Their market would be reduced drastically, they'd be restricted to the white market and lose all that racial prefferenicng/inequality.

  10. #60
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    The only friends of yours that would surprise me saying that, would be if they were also blacks.



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