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Thread: RiP Queen Elizabeth II

  1. #71
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Daffydd View Post
    If your ancestors had had a bigger sword you might be Prince Kev now.
    Oh that explains why I have a small willy

    (Sorry couldn't resist)

    we are liverpool football club, not fucking norwich.

  2. #72
    Join Date
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    everywhere and nowhere
    Quote Originally Posted by Kev0909 View Post
    I'm not all that fussed eitherway to be honest, it doesn't effect my life just think they're very lucky, and now with the queen passing, I don't think it's needed or will ever have the same "pull" in this country or world-wide. think she was last of the era in all honesty.

    but I'm not going to pretend to really care and be in "mourning" for someone i've never met or spoke with, I'd never be important enough for that! - I'd be much more sad if someone on here for example passed (Shame we probably won't know if someone has I.E Rednoodle)because at least i've interacted with people on here, even if i've never met them, some people for years (I feel sorry for them lol)

    crazy I joined this forum when I was 17- this forum must have been along time tees for example 2005! vin 2004! I guess that's roughly when the forum was born.

    Anyway I posted my opinion on a public forum, if scientificred or whoever doesn't like it or get's upset, well I am sorry that's not my intentinon, my thoughts only, I shall not be saying anymore in said thread- as I don't want to cause arguements, it's a sensitive subject for some, and a whole royalist v non-royalist thing.

    Always makes me laugh with the complete "royalists" fanclub though, they think the royals are imore important than themselves(they don't give a shit about you), the most important person in the world is always yourself, followed by any family, people forget this and get a bit "lost" in life by putting everyone and everything before themselves.
    Agree with your sentiments, well written.
    Unfortunately these days it all seems to come down to money - the Haves and the Have-nots.
    Money is the reason for the disgusting increases in the price of fuel and energy, which is quite possibly going to bankrupt people and cause deaths among the poorest in our society.
    Can't see things changing much any time soon, unless we follow up the French and have a revolution.
    There's too much confusion, I can't get no relief

  3. #73
    Join Date
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    in the past
    Quote Originally Posted by Kev0909 View Post

    crazy I joined this forum when I was 17- this forum must have been along time tees for example 2005! vin 2004! I guess that's roughly when the forum was born.

    I think it had been going for a few years before then, I know that this is my second username.

    Also, I'm mostly with you on the royalty/monarchy stuff.
    "...and my inch is like a freight train, so I only use it in self defence"

  4. #74
    Join Date
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    Anxiety Avenue in Tinnitus Town
    Quote Originally Posted by Kev0909 View Post
    No important than me and you, we didn't get born into the "royal" family that's the difference and not rich as fuck.

    Everyone is the same, we are all human, we are important as each other, in the end we all end up dead and in a distant memory, a small tiny tiny tiny tiny part in a very big universe.

    Do one.

    Did she ever talk to you? ever change your life? so stop acting like it's a close relation u wetwipe

    No she was just a figurehead, in a Old system that shouldn't be around anymore.

    "Oh but look how much she did with people, tourists and everything else etc etc" that was her job- and she was bloody well off and loved for it, and very looked after, very lucky lady.

    Plenty of people out there that don't get any praise they deserve that do ALOT for people, I don't buy it sorry.

    This a forum, and I shall put my opinion hate it or love it, I can say what I want to a extent.

    P.S the funeral was lovely, nice to see buildings are incredible, and the music was great, none of us will ever see a funeral like that because we don't have millions and millions and millions to spend, that I know of, or family so it was nice to see in that regards I guess.

    Imo people are lucky into what family they get born into and circumstances, I can't complain i've never been to a food bank or needing to beg, or Live in a 3rd world country with war and nothing, but that's the only difference we are all HUMAN same with everything, who your parents are / where your born your life is already mostly shaped, with genetics etc and how you look too,(some people do manage to get out of the shithole they was born into) but they have a huge fight and can take a long time, something we don't have to spend our lives doing, we're blessed.

    same queen that spent millions defending "Prince andrew" for sexual abuse, also shows off the inequality of this country, all that money.. ever spent on helping poor people in this country? that have very tough lives???? So rich it's a joke, so much money spent on funeral- and probably her fucking bed at home and everything else with it.

    probably see a few more funerals in the next 10 years, I don't think King charles should be king, yes he is by right blabla, but not enough time to have much of a impact, if I had my way it would end with the queen, the best tribute.

    The world would be a better place, if people didn't think they're all high almighty and better than everyone else, like I said we are all human, that chav in the street that walks past you, is no different to you, and probably a "chav" due to the parents, or a bad crowd he got pulled into, in school. (not all chavs are bad) noone was ever born "bad" - mainly down to circumstances, addictions and the likes as posted above about what circumstances you're born into.

    I for one, have as much time for rich snobby people, as i do for "chavs"

    "commonwealth" makes me laugh too, like the commonwealth games "Friendly games it's nickname"

    Are people forgetting the slavery and horrible acts that went on?? Disgusting, this country was as bad as russia, if not worse, actually probably a lot worse. proud of barbados and other countries going independent

    Long Live the people, one of the most ignorant countries in the world it must be we seem to forget and the media about all the bad things or history, and focus on every other countries bad points and history instead, because we are perfecet!

    Thanks for your service queen and everything you did good- but it now should rest with you.

    Superb post Kev me old china....well said....

  5. #75
    Join Date
    May 2012
    The Queen is dead!
    Long live the King!

  6. #76
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Martyboy View Post
    Superb post Kev me old china....well said....
    That kind of post deserves it's own thread if you feel that way.
    Then let's see what people are prepared to say!
    Disrespectful on this thread!

  7. #77
    Join Date
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    Anxiety Avenue in Tinnitus Town
    Quote Originally Posted by scientificred View Post
    That kind of post deserves it's own thread if you feel that way.
    Then let's see what people are prepared to say!
    Disrespectful on this thread!
    You're obviously a dedicated royalist red...I'm not...I liked the Queen but not any of the others...If you don't like that and the fact there are millions who don't or aren't fussed....TOUGH SHIT!!...

  8. #78
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Martyboy View Post
    You're obviously a dedicated royalist red...I'm not...I liked the Queen but not any of the others...If you don't like that and the fact there are millions who don't or aren't fussed....TOUGH SHIT!!...
    I thought kev made a well constructed post but which did not belong on this particular thread.
    Very few viewers on this thread.
    This is an RIP thread.
    A new thread e.g. anti monarchy thread would have perhaps got a bigger viewing to justify his efforts!

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