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Thread: Reason No. 398,285 why it's not good to have your club owned by a Petro-Oligarch

  1. #511
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Taksin View Post
    No I don't but I'm talking to you so that's irrelevant.

    I've told you that I consider many of your topics on this thread not only irrelevant but bizarrely irrelevant. I've shown you clearly that this isn't just a matter of opinion, it is reflected in the topic widely - as expressed in the BBC article about Qatar reflecting the European footballing community's attitude towards human rights.

    I've even told you that you have no argument essentially from me on the topic of arbortion, for example, but that it is irrelevant to the discussion. So I have already tended to your meandering, solipsistic, obsessive quest to describe the moral landscape. I'm not interested in thrashing out the details of the moral landscape with you - I'm interested in describing what happens in Sports Washing. Not what happens in your head.

    You came close to admitting you were wrong to accuse me of contradicting myself - I didn't - but then at the last minute you equivocated using a semantic slight of hand, as if that proves your point, and you subsequently claimed it wasn't important and it wasn't interesting - both as ways to avoid the simple act of setting the record straight.

    That's dishonest and insincere. There's no getting away from that unless you still want to claim I contradicted myself. Until you clarify, there is no moving on.
    I said pages back:
    "It's hard to accept your two opposing views here as coherent.

    1) Poland or Argentina don't have to fear American abuse in order to oppose the subjugation of the Uighurs or, for example, the totalitarian abuse of the people of North Korea. Some decent standards are held widely.

    2) Our government asked the queen to entertain their head of state despite discomfort about their human rights record. Our government is much happier to make a song and dance about the human rights records of governments who we are less reliant upon economically and who America wishes to destroy, such as Syria or Russia"

    This was the claim, not coherent, contradictory.
    1) free from American abuse to criticise China say, some decent standards are held widely.
    2) the song and dance are dictated by who America wants to destroy and the importance to the uk economy. Doesn't seem to be a decent standard at play.

    The head of state here in your post was Xi, president of China's Uighurs, and strongly associated with North Korea.
    Though Assad was courted previously before refusing to undermine Russian gas exports in favour of the gulf state pipeline.

    This has been expanded upon. The idea being that nations are free to conform, and not free to disobey. Therefore they are not free, they operate within the range of freedoms permitted to them by more powerful nations. They suffer the consequences of non-compliance.

    So far, I've brought up
    Abortion #BLM #LGBTQ codified out of existence, eugenic social engineering. 9 million extra blacks missing in America, and 9 million missing brits.
    Uk Police facilitating the gangrape of children as they didn't want to be racist #BLM No such fear of being labelled racist against white girls in favour of bame gangrapers - see Kill Whitey studies. The theory of the rich couldn't be oppressed by the poor/er. The white working class privileged girls couldn't be victims of racism form bame gangrapers, kind of decency..
    Tavistock #LGBTQ
    Aids reform California #LGBTQ Etc etc

    You've cited LGBTQ campaigners from the BBC article, but these lgbtq activism issues are obscure issues to the discussion. Uk courts likely not settled either. Discussing and questioning the validity of this moral authority. Haram.

    The BBC who had issues with the whiteness of the womens football team. But promoted the diversity of the men's team as a virtue #DiversityIsOurStrength. Fascinating take on the say no to racism activism promoted on the BBC and PL. Women were more representative of the demography. Yet homogeneity being a strength isn't a political slogan. Both have negative and positive implications.

    We have the Queen paying off Andrews rape accuser through the Jeffrey Epstein saga.
    12 million pounds for Andrews girl, as said if each of the white girls were compensated by the state similarly that would be 1.2 trillion pounds. The nation would owe the girls a fair wedge of cash.

    Yet footballers, and the community, and BLM and LGBTQ didn't have a slogan for them.
    WhiteGirlsMatter is pretty close to WhiteLivesMatter which is haram under the ayatollah Tony Blairs Blasphemy laws and the UKs morality policing.

    The same police who gave up on policing criminals as they were scared of being labelled racist.
    Like the BLM/Labour end stop and frisk, that predicts more kids getting sliced and stabbed. Stop kids getting stabbed or peoples feelings on stop n frisk - which targets males more than women primarily rather than race.
    The worse it gets the more stigma there'll be around those communities. The more kids from those communities will be failed as victims, like aids/hiv reform in California. Protecting the offenders at the expense of victims.

    As said when I asked you to demonstrate the logic of your morality. Puff, away you went. Calling to go fight in the name of dead heroes, expalin your logic please, demonstrate it, laters...

    Then it's defer to these modern authorities as presented by the BBC, and then run from obscure concerns like the treatment of migrants workers from Eastern Europe and elsewhere, with sex trafficking increasing in Germany under misguided laws, as 1 in 115 of all females are in the sexwork/prostitution game.
    Despite their education and claims to universal morality.

    63% of whom are foreign, meaning for all foreign females in Germany 1 in 40 is a sex worker roughly. This contains a large, but unknown specifically number of trafficked women.
    Maybe your dead heroes would invade Germany to free them, but then they might start in Britain first. They might have a lot to do with decent standards widely held.

    When you ask me questions about afghan girls getting educated, I simply answered yes. I didn't defer to crescent and moon people don't care as they believe in their universal morality.
    It's not important what you think, it's these authorities... when you ask me, I answer.
    I said many other people like nomads don't want it, and many have survived without it. I would promote it but not at the costs of US invasion and the thousands of deaths.
    Not everywhere needs to be California with 160,000 plus homeless largely drug addicted folks living in tents etc.

    You've referred me to 2 different types of authorities, the first I presume you support, a British one with Sir Francis Galton a modern eugenics progenitor, the second the one you defer to as theirs/western-euro-footballs.
    I'm not sure I have an external authority that leaves me short for comment. No issue that's too obscure.

    Isn't it peculiar that here with me, instead of with steveo, you have a criteria that affords you a barrier to moving on to matters for discussion, which you have said are too obscure, and are unimportant due to the moral authorities in the football community you defer to presently but avoid having to answer for. As they are not your opinions.

    Sex slaves in Germany, or an image of coherence on a forum. It appears an image of coherence is more important to you.

    Would you like to talk about slaves elsewhere. I've already given a shout out to the sex slaves in China from North Korea owing to China's one child policy and the results of people aborting their first child as it was a girl. But I've also posited the negative impacts of abortion on society elsewhere.

    Your government is making a song and dance about nations its not dependent on, or wishes to destroy/target. That is a better synopsis of the state of affairs.
    People who only pass comment where it comes at little expense, or has the benefit of targeting an enemy. Who are coy for comment and find sex slaves in Germany, girls/kids abused by state closer to home etc obscure.
    Like our minister for children, no comment.

    That's my response. If you can explain clearly how those 2 cited statements are coherent, I'll look at it.
    It does seem you are like the nation, making a song and dance about some issues, whilst declaring other issues to be irrelevant or obscure.
    Last edited by CCTV; 10th November 2022 at 09:20 PM.

  2. #512
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Insidious View Post
    This thread is becoming increasingly difficult to masturbate to.

    But God damn it I'll try.
    How are you getting on Sid?
    Is it becoming any easier?

  3. #513
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by scientificred View Post
    How are you getting on Sid?
    Is it becoming any easier?
    I recently discovered salted caramel Toblerone.


  4. #514
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Insidious View Post
    I recently discovered salted caramel Toblerone.

    Fantastic alternatives!

  5. #515
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    I said pages back:
    "It's hard to accept your two opposing views here as coherent.
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    This was the claim, not coherent, contradictory.
    First off, this is more pedantic use of semantics. The two words mean the same thing. Google definition:
    Coherent - (of an argument, theory, or policy) logical and consistent.

    Incoherent, inconsistent, contradictory all mean the same thing

    Secondly, you originally said my arguments were contradictory so this won't wash.

    Thirdly, I've already answered the passage above and you appeared to accept it, now you don't for some bizarre reason. Bizarre because you have gone off again on your meandering, solipsistic moral enquiry, which I keep telling you is irrelevant.

    This was my earlier response to the same passage you've just quoted above;

    No they are not contradictory statements - they are both descriptions of factually true phenomena. So they can't be contradictory.

    The only way they are required to be consistent is if I make the claim that sports washing is consistent. I haven't. This whole debate has been a bizarre attempt to establish whether sports washing exists despite all of your and Steveo's protestations.

    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    That's my response. If you can explain clearly how those 2 cited statements are coherent, I'll look at it.
    It does seem you are like the nation, making a song and dance about some issues, whilst declaring other issues to be irrelevant or obscure.

    See above for the second time. Maybe you should try explaining why two factual statements about the world can be incoherent.

    I'm not making a song and dance about anything. That would be a far better description of your and Steveo's song and dance about the evils in other countries when it is pointed out that the human rights record of places like China and Qatar is frowned upon by Western countries.

    My position is factual and coherent. That you won't admit to it is very strange.

    Do you not think the human rights record of places like China and Qatar is frowned upon by Western countries?

  6. #516
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    Sorry mate buy you are just too silly, you said black was OK for MalcolmX Jim Crow, what was I up to ? You posted BLM yourself and the B stands for Black Lives Matter.

    1) group think is very common based on identity. Its not a few people. The example of the misogyny was to show how strong it is, saying things you cannot explain.

    2) science is greater than 1 person, 1 nation. Irish chose to fight on occasion, would take a break and give it another go. They didn't need Einsteins theories of relativity, fighting predated modern science.

    3) OK, don't look at US history.

    4) omg "you" have 'literally' killed Trump with your "body shaming". #SoNotBodyPositive

    5) if you know anything about Hitler, that is a matter of fact underlying his politics. If explaining bad things means you must support them, I guess one shouldn't talk about bad things and then hope for the best. That's not for me.
    Fear of being labelled a Hitler supporter is not too great a concern for me, as I don't support Hitler.
    Your little insinuations are just silly. Black Lives Matter - stop saying black you racist. That all "you".

    6) I've given you several studies that show racial bias is present in large cohorts. If you want to have one of your arguments about it, fine, don't look at the studies.
    1)No point made here. Nothing said, nothing to respond to.

    2)I don't even know what the hell you're talking about here.
    Talk about rambling without actually communicating any (useful) information

    3)Again,....what does this have to do with your ridiculous conflation between immigration and abortion on the one hand, and eugenics on the other?
    I'm pretty sure that both of those things predate eugenics by orders of magnitude in human society that to claim that immigration and abortion are the creation or plan of eugenicists is frankly speaking, idiotic.

    4) What? You don't like it when people body shame and insult other people, particularly someone you admire?
    Then why are you supporting someone who does that on a regular basis?
    Why that would make you,......what's the word I'm looking for here?...ah yes,... a HYPOCRITE (another thing that he is, coincidentally).

    And I wasn't trying to kill him.

    I was DESCRIBING him to you to let you know what he is (as if you didn't already).

    Here, let me help you out and do it again....

    The most objectively LAZIEST person to ever occupy the office of the presidency, and a bully, a bigot, a racist, sexist, a coward and quite possible the DUMBEST person to ever occupy any public office of service.

    And it's weird that out of all those descriptors, the only one you seem to take issue with (I guess you accept all those others as fact),...was when I called him....


    FAT, lazy stupid, racist, coward, bully

    Now is the point where you cry for me more tears that I insulted and body-shamed your hero, and I remind you that I don't give a toss.

    Isn't this what people like you admire about him?
    That he says what he thinks,...and "calls it as it is™",.... even if it offends other people?

    Then this should be right up you alley and you should applaud it that I'm describing him for exactly what he is.


    5)Yes, which is why I said you were backhandedly justifying Hitler's atrocities.

    You can dress it up any way you feel like, but that's what you were doing.

    6)You've given me no studies. Perhaps you're confusing me with Taksin, the other person you're arguing with here.
    Not that it would make any difference if you did. I've seen those "studies" and proof you keep providing to others, and I'll let you know right off that I wouldn't be interested in engaging or responding to that cherry-picked nonsense

    You only find "studies" that affirm your world-view but ignore the (98% of the) rest that contradicts you.
    Everybody knows the type of person who argues like his.
    What is the point to such a discussion?
    So yes, spare me your "Studies".

    I think I've had my fill of this....."discussion",....and I'm done here.
    Feel free to respond (we all know you will. The sort of person who loves to have the last word whether or not it's worth anything), but know that from this point on it will be akin to you pissing in the wind and shouting at clouds, as I'm not responding anymore.

    I hate that you've turned this thread into whatever the hell this is that had nothing to do with the original threat subject matter, but then again, considering the person involved here..... no surprise here, really.

    It's beyond obvious now that you're not changing anyone's minds, nor does anyone stand any chance of doing the same to you, so all it really is, or has become, is an exercise in enabling someone who loves to hear themselves speak and "argue" while turning the thread into self-fellating, self-wanking spectacle,...aaand I'm not really interested in that.

    'I got told there's an English phrase, 'You don't win trophies with kids'. I didn't know that' ... - Jurgen Klopp
    Stone-Cold Savage!

  7. #517
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Taksin View Post
    First off, this is more pedantic use of semantics. The two words mean the same thing. Google definition:
    Coherent - (of an argument, theory, or policy) logical and consistent.

    Incoherent, inconsistent, contradictory all mean the same thing

    Secondly, you originally said my arguments were contradictory so this won't wash.

    Thirdly, I've already answered the passage above and you appeared to accept it, now you don't for some bizarre reason. Bizarre because you have gone off again on your meandering, solipsistic moral enquiry, which I keep telling you is irrelevant.

    This was my earlier response to the same passage you've just quoted above;

    No they are not contradictory statements - they are both descriptions of factually true phenomena. So they can't be contradictory.

    The only way they are required to be consistent is if I make the claim that sports washing is consistent. I haven't. This whole debate has been a bizarre attempt to establish whether sports washing exists despite all of your and Steveo's protestations.

    See above for the second time. Maybe you should try explaining why two factual statements about the world can be incoherent.

    I'm not making a song and dance about anything. That would be a far better description of your and Steveo's song and dance about the evils in other countries when it is pointed out that the human rights record of places like China and Qatar is frowned upon by Western countries.

    My position is factual and coherent. That you won't admit to it is very strange.

    Do you not think the human rights record of places like China and Qatar is frowned upon by Western countries?
    I started out saying it was hard to accept those 2 statements as coherent.
    Thereafter I said these incoherent statements, were contradictory.

    1) Arg/Poland is free to criticise, decent standards are widely held.
    2) a description of song and dance around human rights issues, dependent on economic dependence and who USA wants to destroy.

    You can say both are true as you please, but they contradict each other.
    If decent standards were held, they wouldn't be selected on occasion, at the whim of America or where they come at little cost.

    As said if decent standards are widely held, the UK state would give the gangraped girls an equal payout to the royals rape victim.
    1.2 trillion pounds. Etc etc

    I tried to set out on a means of assessing issues of morality. At which point you bailed out, only to return with a new moral authority, a second one. Lgbtq campaigners.

    I've said you've come across as a fella who seems keen to focus on China/Islam but little care for the western victims.
    You asked me to fight slavery, you've said nothing about going into Germany to free sex trafficked slaves.
    I just find that peculiar. It seems more about China than the Slaves.

  8. #518
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Sarah - 'Nobody listened'

    A damning report into the Rotherham child sex abuse scandal has branded the town's council "not fit for purpose" and prompted proposals to hand control to a team of commissioners.

    Communities secretary Eric Pickles, said: "The voice of victims has to be clearly heard."

    Some of the 1,400 children abused in the town between 1997 and 2013 have previously spoken to the BBC about what happened to them.

    The catalogue of abuse they suffered included beatings, rape and trafficking to various towns and cities in England. It was first revealed in a report released in August 2014.

    One woman, who has been called Sarah to protect her identity, was 11 when she was first groomed and abused in Rotherham.

    She has claimed a police officer found her naked in a bed and left without doing anything.

    Sarah, who was living in a care home at the time, said: "I was just taken to a house with two Asian males and shown what to do by another girl.

    "While I was there I'm assuming I was reported missing because police arrived.

    "Me and the other girl were pushed to the side of the bed, naked, no clothes on, and a police officer came to the side of the bed.

    "I recall locking eyes with that police officer and he said 'there is nobody here', and he left. We got dropped off back at the kids' home the next day."

    Sarah said the abuse went on for five or six years and involved 40 or 50 men.

    She said police accused her of lying when she spoke out about the abuse.

    "They didn't believe me," she said. "They told me I was trouble - I went out with these men, I shouldn't go near these men.

    "Nobody listened, I had police officers take me back to these men.

    "There was an occasion when I was picked up with another girl by an Asian police officer. He picked us up and dropped us back at the care home. We were sent to our bedrooms and the police officer spoke to the staff. That's how it went."

    Sarah said her abusers had beaten her if she did not do what she was told.

    "I've had black eyes, busted lips," she said. "I've been held by my throat so tight I've passed out, and then slapped back round."

    Jessica, not her real name, said she was groomed from the age of 14 and suffered years of violent abuse.

    Jessica claimed she met the man when he picked her up in his car in 1999 after he spotted her with friends outside shops in the town.

    "He got out, started talking to me and a friend and asked who I was," she said.

    "He asked me to get in the car with him and that was it. After that I saw him every day for two years.

    "I felt, 'I like him, I want to be with him', but my parents were saying it was wrong, he was too old.

    "But I didn't care. I was absolutely fascinated with him.

    "I remember one time we were fighting on a hill and he headbutted me.

    "I wasn't scared at all in the moment, because I was so used to the fighting and the arguments. It just became so normal."

    Jessica's father Paul, also not his real name, said he went to the police four times about what was happening.

    "I couldn't prove she was sleeping with them," he said. "Their attitude was, 'if she's knocking about with them they must be little slappers, let them get on with it. What do you want us to do'.

    "In the end, one of the guys at the police station in Rotherham told me if I didn't clear off I'd be arrested. I wasn't getting anywhere with them."

    "Emma" [not her real name], now aged 24, told the Today programme on Radio 4 she was 12 when she was first approached by a group of young men in an arcade in Rotherham.

    "They started introducing alcohol and soft drugs to me and then, when I was 13, I was sexually exploited by them," she said.

    "Up until this point they had never tried to touch me, they had not made me ever feel uncomfortable or ever feel unsafe or that they could harm me.

    "I trusted them, they were my friends as I saw it, until one night my main perpetrator raped me, quite brutally as well, in front of a number of people.

    "From then on I would get raped once a week, every week."

    At the same time, she said, her family was being threatened and intimidated.

    "The men were parking outside my house.

    "They were threatening my family, they were ringing my house phone - and they were quite dangerous men as well.

    "I had no choice really, because they used to threaten to get my mum and rape my mum.

    "So in my mind, as a 13 or 14 year old, it was 'well if I didn't go out and see them they are going to get my mum and are going to rape her'."

    Another victim said she suffered dozens of attacks at the hands of a gang over five years after being groomed from the age of 11.

    She said: "They felt they were fearless and untouchable. They laughed and said they would never be punished.

    "The police said I was asking for it and that I didn't do myself any favours by hanging around with these men.

    "I was being viciously groomed and locked in strange homes with dirty, filthy men.

    "I had no voice to speak. No-one listened."

    Covered up for decades. Ongoing today, nothing has changed.
    WhiteLivesMatter investigated as a hate crime under blairs blasphemy.
    See German sex slaves, and law reform for the offenders not the victims of crime.

    Obscure, irrelevant to the moral authority leading euro-football culture you...
    What have migrants sex slaves in Germany got to do with human rights, they're focused on Qatar.

  9. #519
    Join Date
    May 2006
    everywhere and nowhere
    Quote Originally Posted by Insidious View Post
    I recently discovered salted caramel Toblerone.

    Lidl does salted caramel hot chocolate.
    There's too much confusion, I can't get no relief

  10. #520
    Join Date
    May 2006
    everywhere and nowhere
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    Sarah - 'Nobody listened'

    A damning report into the Rotherham child sex abuse scandal has branded the town's council "not fit for purpose" and prompted proposals to hand control to a team of commissioners.

    Communities secretary Eric Pickles, said: "The voice of victims has to be clearly heard."

    Some of the 1,400 children abused in the town between 1997 and 2013 have previously spoken to the BBC about what happened to them.

    The catalogue of abuse they suffered included beatings, rape and trafficking to various towns and cities in England. It was first revealed in a report released in August 2014.

    One woman, who has been called Sarah to protect her identity, was 11 when she was first groomed and abused in Rotherham.

    She has claimed a police officer found her naked in a bed and left without doing anything.

    Sarah, who was living in a care home at the time, said: "I was just taken to a house with two Asian males and shown what to do by another girl.

    "While I was there I'm assuming I was reported missing because police arrived.

    "Me and the other girl were pushed to the side of the bed, naked, no clothes on, and a police officer came to the side of the bed.

    "I recall locking eyes with that police officer and he said 'there is nobody here', and he left. We got dropped off back at the kids' home the next day."

    Sarah said the abuse went on for five or six years and involved 40 or 50 men.

    She said police accused her of lying when she spoke out about the abuse.

    "They didn't believe me," she said. "They told me I was trouble - I went out with these men, I shouldn't go near these men.

    "Nobody listened, I had police officers take me back to these men.

    "There was an occasion when I was picked up with another girl by an Asian police officer. He picked us up and dropped us back at the care home. We were sent to our bedrooms and the police officer spoke to the staff. That's how it went."

    Sarah said her abusers had beaten her if she did not do what she was told.

    "I've had black eyes, busted lips," she said. "I've been held by my throat so tight I've passed out, and then slapped back round."

    Jessica, not her real name, said she was groomed from the age of 14 and suffered years of violent abuse.

    Jessica claimed she met the man when he picked her up in his car in 1999 after he spotted her with friends outside shops in the town.

    "He got out, started talking to me and a friend and asked who I was," she said.

    "He asked me to get in the car with him and that was it. After that I saw him every day for two years.

    "I felt, 'I like him, I want to be with him', but my parents were saying it was wrong, he was too old.

    "But I didn't care. I was absolutely fascinated with him.

    "I remember one time we were fighting on a hill and he headbutted me.

    "I wasn't scared at all in the moment, because I was so used to the fighting and the arguments. It just became so normal."

    Jessica's father Paul, also not his real name, said he went to the police four times about what was happening.

    "I couldn't prove she was sleeping with them," he said. "Their attitude was, 'if she's knocking about with them they must be little slappers, let them get on with it. What do you want us to do'.

    "In the end, one of the guys at the police station in Rotherham told me if I didn't clear off I'd be arrested. I wasn't getting anywhere with them."

    "Emma" [not her real name], now aged 24, told the Today programme on Radio 4 she was 12 when she was first approached by a group of young men in an arcade in Rotherham.

    "They started introducing alcohol and soft drugs to me and then, when I was 13, I was sexually exploited by them," she said.

    "Up until this point they had never tried to touch me, they had not made me ever feel uncomfortable or ever feel unsafe or that they could harm me.

    "I trusted them, they were my friends as I saw it, until one night my main perpetrator raped me, quite brutally as well, in front of a number of people.

    "From then on I would get raped once a week, every week."

    At the same time, she said, her family was being threatened and intimidated.

    "The men were parking outside my house.

    "They were threatening my family, they were ringing my house phone - and they were quite dangerous men as well.

    "I had no choice really, because they used to threaten to get my mum and rape my mum.

    "So in my mind, as a 13 or 14 year old, it was 'well if I didn't go out and see them they are going to get my mum and are going to rape her'."

    Another victim said she suffered dozens of attacks at the hands of a gang over five years after being groomed from the age of 11.

    She said: "They felt they were fearless and untouchable. They laughed and said they would never be punished.

    "The police said I was asking for it and that I didn't do myself any favours by hanging around with these men.

    "I was being viciously groomed and locked in strange homes with dirty, filthy men.

    "I had no voice to speak. No-one listened."

    Covered up for decades. Ongoing today, nothing has changed.
    WhiteLivesMatter investigated as a hate crime under blairs blasphemy.
    See German sex slaves, and law reform for the offenders not the victims of crime.

    Obscure, irrelevant to the moral authority leading euro-football culture you...
    What have migrants sex slaves in Germany got to do with human rights, they're focused on Qatar.
    South Yorkshire Police?
    Miners Strike.
    There's too much confusion, I can't get no relief



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