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Thread: Henderson gone

  1. #61
    Join Date
    May 2005
    I guess we'll find out in the future. I just think it's a case of him not wanting to sit in the bench for most of the season, I'd bet most of these players going to Saudi will only do a year and they'll be home.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by teesred View Post
    I guess we'll find out in the future. I just think it's a case of him not wanting to sit in the bench for most of the season, I'd bet most of these players going to Saudi will only do a year and they'll be home.
    I'd rather sit on the bench at Anfield if that was the case.
    As you say, it will be interesting reading in the future.

  3. #63
    I always got the feeling henderson was too much of a billy big bollix last season when we were poor and he was fucking garbage. Too much finger pointing at others when he was doing jack shit.

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    So that's him away. 3 years to the day when he lifted the Premier league cup, mad that.

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by ianlfc View Post
    Something has went on behind the scenes with either Jurgen or another top figure. He should've ended his career with us after what he helped us achieve, something has happened.
    I know he's been shocking last season but he's not the only one.
    There were other mids far worse last season, Jurgen pissing around with the system, Fab played too often as an actual DM on his own, not having a strong coordinated press from the front 3 and the designated playmaker disaster were the real reasons we were shit for too many games

    That loss to Bournemouth and Fab continually failing to pick up the ONLY mid making runs into his area, having 3 prior warnings from Billing almost getting in and still letting him waltz into the box to score after that was THE worst piece of play by any supposed DM in the top 2 English divisions last season, Fabinho's and Bajcetic's efforts in the Real game came close to it though

    When i meticulously checked the effects of the attempted designated playmaker disaster on all our other players usual numbers they were all WAY down and only drastically improved after the supposed playmaker was no longer able to feature

    In the only 2 games we played with a controller (Hendo) alongside Fab, we won 9-0 and 7-0 i think, which pretty comprehensively demonstrated the changes to our successful system rather than the personnel were the main issue

    That lazy, tired and lame blaming of the midfield was annoying all last season, like, have you fkn watched us the last 5 years? Can you not see we have a massive drop off in the collective pressing from the frront 3, that our other creators aren't getting the ball and the designated playmaker isn't doing it successfully and it's making our play slow laboured, predictable and us easy as fuck to press and counter with Fab left alone at DM

    These things should all have been glaringly obvious to anyone who was paying proper attention the prior 4 seasons
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  6. #66
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by justincredible View Post

    Not having a pop at you, but....
    Please explain to me the difference in the (average) 130 public executions in Saudi Arabia, and (average) 750 public executions on the streets of England and Wales each year?
    We know that quite a lot of people that are homeless, it's due to addiction, mental illness, etc... but, a huge number are there because of bad luck and circumstances and that unfortunately, includes quite a number of war torn veterans. Circumstances that are set up by our beloved (puppet) governments belive it or not....
    Puplic executions, but with very different levels of humanitarian levels of cruelty.
    I know I'd prefer the ones offered on the sandy streets of Riyadh, Jeddah or Dammam, that's for sure!

    Oh, and on the subject of the Rainbow thieves....
    Is the whole Islamic world to be condemned, or any nation which doesn't 'celebrate' and dance to the West's and Isreal's of Pride and degeneracy, because (((we))) say so?

    It's closer to 50 a year in Saudi Arabia and that's based o the higher end of executions. Most are for political/treason issues.

    Over 200,000 abortions in the UK, barely any in Saudi Arabia.

  7. #67
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Insidious View Post
    Homelessness is absolutely abhorrent - though I think it is a somewhat unfair false equivalence to make. Naturally I would love it if the "system" was infinitely better here and that these people could receive help. A friend of mine who refuses help and escapes intervention attempts is "functionally Homeless" and there's no obvious route out for her - it's a terrible thing.

    With Homelessness, as terrible as it is (and that really cannot be over-stated here) there can at least be some chinks of light or opportunity for help - certainly moreso than those facing trial/execution in Saudi Arabia. A friend of mine, Dee Corr (wouldn't normally provide a name but given that I could be accused of racism in here I guess it wouldn't take much to be accused of making a name up, so people can Google him should they so wish) was Homeless and sadly lost his life on account of a brutal stabbing, whilst he was working towards getting a permanent Home set up. As awful as his Death was (stabbed 40+ times because the neighbour in his multi-storey decided he was playing his tin whistle "too loudly") he had, prior to that, had chances and opportunities to get out of his terrible circumstances. He would refuse the "charity" of a free bed, but he'd happily accept a pair of batteries for his stereo, so we could and did buy those. We provided him with company when he was willing, we'd maybe drop a hoody round a corner from where he was that he could find (as he would refuse outright as a gift) and so on. As grim as his personal circumstances were for a couple of years of his Homelessness he managed to get from sleeping in the streets to getting accommodation and he was due to be getting interviewed for some sort of work scheme. Had his utterly indefensible killing not occured, he could have "got out" with time - I don't think the same can be said for most of those who are to be subjected to execution.

    Do I condone the major flaws in the system that lead to veterans and the mentally ill finding themselves in these terrible predicaments? No, of course not. Do I see them as different to an execution? Yes, I do I'm afraid.

    Would you indeed. Well, that's your choice. Frankly though I think you are thinking of the "quick Death" aspect and conveniently overlooking what may come before. Tuti Tursilwati killed a man in self-defence when he tried to rape her. She had already served 7 years imprisonment.

    Or young Abdullah al-Howaiti - arrested at 14 and forced to confess to a crime under torture having not received a fair trial - executed as a minor. Beheading may have been swift, but I doubt the torture was.


    "Degeneracy" is open to a lot of interpretation. If by degeneracy you meant "homosexuality" then I would say that I would heavily critique any individual or body that cannot at least show some open-mindedness to the "love is love" concept - within age-appropriate boundaries and proper practice of consensual parameters etc

    Also what is happening in Israel over property to expel Palestinians through red tape is just awful.

    Lastly - and it's a more general point, I find the correlation in the desire to routinely bring up "what about the West?" and "what about America?" extremely interesting, given that we have American owners that lads are always in a rush to have a pop at. I suspect if they were French or Australian or *insert nationality here* these chats wouldn't crop up half as often.

    Funny that.
    Love is love the lobby for abortion, medically waste bagging kids, the lobby for minor attracted persons, the lobby for decriminalising not disclosing your HIV positive status and infecting another, the lobby who has weirdos declaring their 1 year old as gay, or their 3 year old as trans.
    Authoritarian bodies like LGBTQ are to be ridiculed like everyone else.

  8. #68
    Join Date
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    LGBT (Liquor, Guns, Booze & Titties)

  9. #69
    Join Date
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    everywhere and nowhere
    Quote Originally Posted by justincredible View Post
    LGBT (Liquor, Guns, Booze & Titties)
    Don't forget the Qs - LGBTQ+
    Liquor, Guns, Booze, Titties and Quim.

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Omg, the horror, young people discriminating against 43 year olds. Maybe he could identify as a 15 year old and call the transphobic that has more weight than ageism.



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