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Thread: Fsg out #2

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Steveo View Post
    Brilliant response to a comment defending FSG’s flawed roadmap outlined in the article

    Soccermodsarecucks (

    ‘If you actually read the article the issue isn't doing these things, it's the fact they've chosen short term repayment schemes that only make sense if you're looking to sell.

    They could have put us on long term repayment schemes like they did for the main stand or what every other business does to not strangle cash flow.

    We've paid back 110 million in two years on infrastructure loans. For comparison we've only paid 40 back for the main stand expansion in triple that time. “ Financially responsible" options actually would have been either financing it through debt or FSG could have absorbed it into the ongoing main stand loan we took off them, which we could have then paid back an excess figure after the stand opened and started generating money.

    There's also the mythical "minority investor" who they keep bringing up. Like some billionaire will come in and help pay our loans off out of sheer good will. But given the fact they've been looking for that for years now, I'm putting that in the fantasy solution.

    Those options could have kept operational cash flow far healthier, but instead we've done neither and are sell to buy because we're literally barely breaking even with record revenue.

    I don't know how anyone can be a Liverpool fan and not be critical of this. It only serves FSG's interests and they are essentially milking Klopp and the squads short term success so they can attempt to cash out, like they tried with their attempt at a sale. We should have had more money available for the squad, but instead we just look healthier in a portfolio.

    It's sad how there are multiple articles that point this out, but people just see we barely made a profit and say "well we obviously had no money!" Instead of addressing why despite record revenue, we are paying a crippling amount of loans back.’

    So they've paid off about half of all the infrastructural redevelopment costs of the mainstand, ARE and new training facility whilst retaining melwood as a greenfield site for the local residents at some cost.
    Not bat at all.

    The fund this person wants to add the debt to is the loan that was provisioned for the mainstand. Sadly an under appreciated arrangement provided by fsg to the club.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    “they’ve”. Come on mate. THEY haven’t put one single cent into the club since buying it for HALF its true value.

    Melwood was sold to housing developers initially - only brought back in after much local complaint - then Carra and Fowler saw the chance for more money making in the women’s game. Kerching FSG at the double.

    Should have been gifted to the community..

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Once again - to be clear. FSG have not paid anything. Nada - ZIP! They have actually made a profit on the development too. Club generated funds paying them interest. They even took small amount of interest on the main stand loan despite going on the record as saying they would not. The ARE is a bank loan and it is being paid down at a ridiculous rate..

    WHY? for the benefit of….?

    yes - exactly…. And this is what has hampered Klopp’s budget more than anything.

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Steveo View Post
    “they’ve”. Come on mate. THEY haven’t put one single cent into the club since buying it for HALF its true value.

    Melwood was sold to housing developers initially - only brought back in after much local complaint - then Carra and Fowler saw the chance for more money making in the women’s game. Kerching FSG at the double.

    Should have been gifted to the community..
    I'm aware they sold their property as you were moaning about the decision.
    Then I found out they had retained Melwood by Bob.
    And now, you're offended it wasn't gifted to the community initially.

    Do you think they've made more money or the same money from Melwood as they would have done by selling it to developers ?

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    You are quite wrong, They never retained anything. they sold Melwood. and have recently bought it back.

    All it takes is a basic bit of research to find this out,

    Stop shilling

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    The first funding of Mainstand was largely under appreciated by most.
    Interest rates are up, so that might have shaped the decision.
    Or some mix of being under appreciated and rates likely at play.

    Personally, if I was JwH I'd just ignore the fans. Too many of them opted for the new Uefa/CL version which is a shit solution.

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Steveo View Post
    You are quite wrong, They never retained anything. they sold Melwood. and have recently bought it back.

    All it takes is a basic bit of research to find this out,

    Stop shilling
    Bit of a pedantic complaint. Maybe you missed fhe question.

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    The Cigar Smoking Wrinkle Dick wanted to sell the club. Put it up for sale and then - after United stole a march - chose to conveniently say the club wasn't for an all out sale BUT was actively seeking investment.

    Erm.. After spending £300 million to acquire an asset worth at least £600 million at the time (backed up by Henry's own words "going for a steal") - Wrinkle Dick and his cronies find themselves with an asset they believe is valued at between £3 and £4 billion.. Last autumn F$G feel the desperate need to sell OR find investment - all the while making the club pay back a bank loan - at super rapid speed - on a stand that should have been built a decade ago..!

    What in the living fcuck is good about this? As our time with Klopp has been wasted.

    I am biased as I have come to loathe them... but I honestly cannot see how any genuine Liverpool fan could ever try to defend their operations at this club.

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    Bit of a pedantic complaint. Maybe you missed fhe question.
    "pedantic" the implication of the word make s huge difference to what is being discussed.

    Had they truly retained it - then they would never have cashed in on it. They would never have taken the money from developers despite the local community facing more houses and people fighting for scarce resource.

    I don't think you are being fair.

    What on earth do you think this was all about.?

    This was shaping up as a PR disaster for F$G and they have found a great way to save face AND potentially profit.

    And I would say in the long run - they stand to profit for buying back Melwood. It will be the home of the women's first team. As it could have been from day one - had the thought of the dollars not obstructed the eyes of our poor poverty stricken owners.

    CC - these are ruthless businessman. US style. They have ZERO thought for anyone or anything beyond the bottom line. Clearly they couldn't have cared a hoot for the Melwood residents who had to fight and campaign to stop their green space becoming yet more housing. Every word they utter is carefully sanitised and PR focussed. Designed to make the stupid believe they have good intentions. They don't they never did and they never will.
    Last edited by Steveo; 21st August 2023 at 06:30 PM.

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Steveo View Post
    "pedantic" the implication of the word make s huge difference to what is being discussed.

    Had they truly retained it - then they would never have cashed in on it. They would never have taken the money from developers despite the local community facing more houses and people fighting for scare resource.

    I don't think you are being fair.

    What on earth do you think this was all about.?

    This was shaping up as a PR disaster for F$G and they have found a great way to save face AND potentially profit.
    Sounds like nimbyism. Locals who want the club to forego a few mill in revenue, so they can enjoy the greenfield site.
    And the social housing that was gonna be built there, well that can be built somewhere else further away.

    Where or how do you see them turning a profit on this buyback of melwood ?



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