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Thread: The special relationship

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    The special relationship

    Anyone else sick and tired of this phrase the media continually trot out?

    It really annoys me

    The special relationship in which the US could have entered the fray in WW2 much earlier, saved millions of more lives, but, even with their knowledge of the ongoing holocaust, opted to let the European super powers slog it out until they were all but financially fucked, then that having established greater world power for them, decided very belatedly to assist?

    The special relationship in which Thatcher embraced reganomics and followed a dangerous broken American model, that had the obvious effect of destroying UK society and saddling the UK with all the issues of the US' society that has been continually damaging the UK year or year and is responsible for the vast majority of our issues that fuckwits choose to blame the EU for?

    They can take their special relationship and stick it up their xxxxing a holes, we need to get the xxxx away from the American model, not work more closely with it
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    The special relationship in which that clown Trump wants to offer us a trade deal that will doubtless screw us even further and wants the NHS opened up to privatisation to the American style rip off insurance system?

    Stick it
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Nineteenx View Post
    The special relationship in which that clown Trump wants to offer us a trade deal that will doubtless screw us even further and wants the NHS opened up to privatisation to the American style rip off insurance system?

    Stick it
    From a no doubt right wing article, spiked.

    "No, Trump is not about to privatise the NHS
    The latest scare story is just another means to bash Brexit........

    It should be news to nobody that private healthcare providers have been operating within the NHS for years, in a variety of sectors. Virgin Care, Care UK, the Practice and United Health provide NHS community-care services, GP practices and more. Mental-health services are often run by private firms, too, such as Partnerships in Care and the Priory Group. Even entire ‘NHS’ hospitals are run by private providers like Circle, General Healthcare and Spire. And that’s just clinical services: procurement, IT, estates and payroll services are often outsourced to private firms.

    Not only that, but private firms have made huge sums from the NHS for not providing healthcare. Remoaner billionaire Richard Branson’s Virgin Care has been accused by anti-privatisation campaigners of ‘dragging the NHS through the courts’ to claim compensation for contracts the company was not awarded.....

    The biggest changes came with the Health and Social Care Act of 2012 under the Tory-Liberal coalition. But the groundwork for marketisation was laid under New Labour, who first opened up elective procedures to private providers."

  4. #4
    The 51st State.

  5. #5
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by stevie harkness View Post
    The 51st State.
    It's funny many Americans think they are ruled by ye.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    City of Self Doubt
    Quote Originally Posted by Nineteenx View Post
    The special relationship in which the US could have entered the fray in WW2 much earlier, saved millions of more lives, but, even with their knowledge of the ongoing holocaust, opted to let the European super powers slog it out until they were all but financially fucked, then that having established greater world power for them, decided very belatedly to assist?
    The US had established a policy of isolationism and non-intervention - the people were against interfering. There could have been a case for FDR's impeached for starting to give stuff to you as early as he did (the whole "destroyers for bases" thing). Getting into a war thousands of miles away was far more complicated than it is now for them. Not to mention that the horrors of the Holocaust only really became known after the Red Army and the Allied forces started stumbling onto camps during their march on Berlin. Hell, just listen to Churchill's speech - he's practically begging the US to come save Europe's sorry ass. It was (in no small part) thanks to the US's economical help the UK managed to survive the Nazi onslaught. And if the UK hadn't managed to survive, only God knows how the war in the east would have gone.

    Speaking of belated help, anyone remember the whole Sudetenland ordeal? Don't remember any UK and French divisions streaming into the German heartland after Hitler demanded the Sudetenland - bet the Czechs ain't too happy with that lack of action, eh?

    The point is politics are a complicated issue - you can't blame a country for looking out for its interests, especially as it is largely thanks to that country's infinite industry and another pretty horrid country's infinite manpower that the war was ultimately won.

    I hate standing up for the Americans, but I just don't think you're justified in criticising them for this.
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    It's funny many Americans think they are ruled by ye.
    Hilarious. I hadn't heard that one before!

    Kim Darroch, Kim Jong Un, Kim Kardashian, what is it with Trump and people called Kim?

    The Americans were late to the war against Hitler but so were the British.

  8. #8
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Balinkay View Post
    The US had established a policy of isolationism and non-intervention - the people were against interfering. There could have been a case for FDR's impeached for starting to give stuff to you as early as he did (the whole "destroyers for bases" thing). Getting into a war thousands of miles away was far more complicated than it is now for them. Not to mention that the horrors of the Holocaust only really became known after the Red Army and the Allied forces started stumbling onto camps during their march on Berlin. Hell, just listen to Churchill's speech - he's practically begging the US to come save Europe's sorry ass. It was (in no small part) thanks to the US's economical help the UK managed to survive the Nazi onslaught. And if the UK hadn't managed to survive, only God knows how the war in the east would have gone.

    Speaking of belated help, anyone remember the whole Sudetenland ordeal? Don't remember any UK and French divisions streaming into the German heartland after Hitler demanded the Sudetenland - bet the Czechs ain't too happy with that lack of action, eh?

    The point is politics are a complicated issue - you can't blame a country for looking out for its interests, especially as it is largely thanks to that country's infinite industry and another pretty horrid country's infinite manpower that the war was ultimately won.

    I hate standing up for the Americans, but I just don't think you're justified in criticising them for this.
    Agree, wholeheartedly. We can hold hands again

    There was no public support to intervene in the war. Hence the conspiracy theory about the administration knowing of and allowing pearl harbour to occur to get the public support.

    It's funny, tragic even, how poorly them Europeans think and speak of the Americans and Russians.

  9. #9
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    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    From a no doubt right wing article, spiked.

    "No, Trump is not about to privatise the NHS
    The latest scare story is just another means to bash Brexit........"
    That was from the horses mouth on his state visit, erm, why would that be from a right wing article? It's the right wing who are largely pro Brexit, immigration, immigration, immigration, the UK has always allowed substantial immigration, it did so long before the EU's freedom of movement, it has always been done as a means of getting cheap labour
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Nineteenx View Post
    That was from the horses mouth on his state visit, erm, why would that be from a right wing article? It's the right wing who are largely pro Brexit, immigration, immigration, immigration, the UK has always allowed substantial immigration, it did so long before the EU's freedom of movement, it has always been done as a means of getting cheap labour
    Not sure I follow you 19 ? What exactly did he say ? How is he going to introduce whatever it is you're talking about ?
    From what I gather there are issues in both systems and some common problems across medicine more widely.

    Spiked is deemed right of centre. Brexit is deemed a conservative more than labour idea, today.



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