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Thread: Brexit thread 2 Electric Boogaloo

  1. #71
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    The Netherlands
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    Not sure how human rights will be affected by leaving the UK
    MPs voted against retaining the European Charter of Fundamental Rights after we leave, so that's one potential way.

    Obviously, no one knows for sure how or even if they will be affected. But I'm inclined to believe that people's concerns about the Tories doing 'this or that' without the EU's influence are valid.

  2. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Lad View Post
    MPs voted against retaining the European Charter of Fundamental Rights after we leave, so that's one potential way.

    Obviously, no one knows for sure how or even if they will be affected. But I'm inclined to believe that people's concerns about the Tories doing 'this or that' without the EU's influence are valid.
    I'm not sure I follow you here Mike as there's little indication of what and where you see such concerns arising based on precedent

    On this issue I believe most if not all will be retained.

    Where eu rulings have been contested, where I've seen them, they tend to be very sensible.

    The 2 examples that come to my mind, if I have you right in the first place, are fishing and pedophilia.

    On fishing, see Atlantic way, I'd say the contesting is rather justified. With an interest in protecting fishing stocks from an environmental perspective. While usually looking at say loopholes companies use.
    Each country gets quotas, in our territory many are fishing their quotas here and often go to poorer nations like Latvia and register their companies there and then continue to fish even more fish out of our stocks under a different nations flag.
    Believe the UK has had similar challenges dismissed, iirc.
    We'll likely end up having our fishing stocks decimated as things are going.

    On pedophilia it has been contested whether they should have the exact same data protection privileges when it comes at the risk of the welfare of children.
    This for known offences as opposed to the risk of re-offending say in another jurisdiction.

    On previous examples I'd say the fear is ungrounded. But open to correction or further explanation.

  3. #73
    Quote Originally Posted by Balinkay View Post
    Cheers. Can kind of see what you mean.

    Mayhaps they'd like to elaborate?

    @dicko @Aldo
    It's quite clear what I mean. CCTV wants to come across as some kind of hero/protector of the meak but is being taken for a ride by believing everything that he reads on this forum. There are hell of a lot of people in England who choose from an early age that being on benifits is a career and do well for it. I might sound like some right wing nutter but I see and experience it everyday of my life.

  4. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    I'm not sure I follow you here Mike
    I'm not sure I follow you either, dude....

    All I'm saying is that I think people have legitimate concerns about the Tories having ultimately more clout outside of the EU. Maybe I completely misunderstood the point you were trying to make.

    The stuff about fishing - I'll bite. You got sources?

    And about pedophiles - well. I'll be honest, I read the article you linked, and just by reading that one article, I can't sum up the problem. What is the problem? OK, I get it, there's some EU law that basically enables pedos to pedo, and if only that pesky law wasn't there, then all the pedo crimes could be solved tonight, right? But take all the sensationalist stuff away and what's the problem, really? What's the law, what's the actual thing it prevents, and is it really a bad thing? I literally can't tell from the article. And I only ask because I know Theresa May in particular is BIG on snooping. So I'm a bit cynical as to Sajid Javid's motives on this. I don't necessarily agree that being able to spy on everyone is a good thing.

  5. #75
    Even though I'm not a big fan of Will Self he nailed it when he said “every racist and anti-Semite in the country voted for Brexit."

    Watch the video of him and Mark Francois, the Tory prick is absolutely clueless.

  6. #76
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    City of Self Doubt
    Fry had shared it on twitter - that Mark character is hilarious.
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

  7. #77
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Lad View Post
    I'm not sure I follow you either, dude....

    All I'm saying is that I think people have legitimate concerns about the Tories having ultimately more clout outside of the EU. Maybe I completely misunderstood the point you were trying to make.

    The stuff about fishing - I'll bite. You got sources?

    And about pedophiles - well. I'll be honest, I read the article you linked, and just by reading that one article, I can't sum up the problem. What is the problem? OK, I get it, there's some EU law that basically enables pedos to pedo, and if only that pesky law wasn't there, then all the pedo crimes could be solved tonight, right? But take all the sensationalist stuff away and what's the problem, really? What's the law, what's the actual thing it prevents, and is it really a bad thing? I literally can't tell from the article. And I only ask because I know Theresa May in particular is BIG on snooping. So I'm a bit cynical as to Sajid Javid's motives on this. I don't necessarily agree that being able to spy on everyone is a good thing.
    I'm looking for you to expand your idea or fear.

    What exactly are the fears in a specific sense ?
    Are there any instances where they've tried 'it' before now, as in challenged eu rulings to warrant such fears ?
    Where are the issues perceived to be ?
    Is there a human right you see coming under attack?
    Do you think the Tories might lead Britain into an unjustifiable war after leaving the EU, which the eu would prevent if ye were still in it ?
    Is it just ye fear Tories? Do you fear labour outside of the EU?

    I listed 2 items off the top of my head where I've seen the eu being challenged on its rulings/decrees. Neither were mad as I see it. That was my point.

    The point here was to show, as I understand it that when issues with rulings are contested they are practical and sensible. Which suggests as it's been claimed/outlined they will keep most if not all of the rulings/precedents.

    One example highlighted difficulties with respect to tackling pedophilia. Your response seems to be that this in itself isn't enough (true), but that is besides the point surely ?
    It demonstrates where an issue was actually raised and unless you have a problem with that issue being raised, it's an actual case. It's not bemoaning your data protection, its showing where a problem was raised against it. I believe that instance to be sensible.
    If you think children's charities are part of some Tory conspiracy to get at your private data, we'll simply have to leave that there tbh. I doubt you do.
    I doubt you have a problem with pedophiles data protections being voided in the interest of protecting children or in prosecuting offenders.
    It is a huge problem area and it will take far more to tackle it.
    In this instance the pedophile would have to give their consent for their data protection to be breached legally otherwise.

    Javed Khan, chief executive of Barnardo’s, Britain’s biggest charity, said:
    “Online child abuse is appalling. Any regulation change should not restrict the ability of tech companies and law enforcement to work together to stop child abuse online.We would urge the EC to make a simple change to the new e-privacy regulation so that all EU countries can continue to fight this horrific crime effectively....The purpose of the regulations are stop the abuse and misuse of people's data and privacy but the consequence is it potentially undermines what is being done to tackle child sexual abuse online.”

    It is understood a number of other European countries have raised concerns in an attempt to force through an alternative option aligning the privacy laws with the GDPR exemptions.

    The documentaries I listed would be a good starting place. Atlantic ( in particular if you have an interest in fishing and how stocks become decimated.

    The other 1 (shell to sea iirc) shows not so much on fishing itself. But it shows how weak environmental protections in the eu actually are as detailed earlier. It shows our liberal/pro-europe coppers beating protesting pensioners. Another documentary on over fishing is , the end of the line by Rupert Murray?.

    There are loads of articles out there about fishing & overfishing. I'm not looking through them for you to find ones I've read before and try and convince you that we are overfishing and this resource is being poorly managed.
    I've gone out of my way to find this article as it is a specific source on a claim I make and it's not the exact piece I read before.

    I'm not particularly good with search engines.

    If in your own research into fishing you've come across or come across in the future a piece on how fishing bans restore corals, post it here please.

  8. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo1988 View Post
    It's quite clear what I mean. CCTV wants to come across as some kind of hero/protector of the meak but is being taken for a ride by believing everything that he reads on this forum. There are hell of a lot of people in England who choose from an early age that being on benifits is a career and do well for it. I might sound like some right wing nutter but I see and experience it everyday of my life.
    Sorry for losing it in the matchthread with you, though I'd likely do it again.

    I thought it was poor form, what you said and your insinuations as I saw it (still maintain that tbh), still I'll hold myself up as behaving in a poor and ineffective manner. A bit of a dick.

    If you behave like a dick online, you can be treated like a dick online. I hold that for myself on here and believe many posters do agree with you that I am dick. Such is the world and free speech.

    Think its bizarre to look at the unemployed in the Brexit vote when the majority of people work.

    If you think the generationally unemployed or an approximation to that idea have it very easy I'd disagree.

  9. #79
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    Might not be much of an apology.

  10. #80
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by dicko1969 View Post
    Next up


    Now in the 1970s I'm guessing 2.4 children per family in Blighty.

    Recent times , you'll need to check, as low as 1.2 children.

    Ageing population, baby boomers, just after the war , living longer putting extreme strains on nhs, services, and so on.

    Coupled with the fact that to be a university graduate you need £45k+ to become a nurse, doctor, and so on.

    So where do you get the qualified people.


    Britain needs migration. Always has always will. And especiallywith the above stats.
    "Meanwhile, young males were more likely to be living with their parents than young females (32% of males aged 20 to 34 years, compared with 20% of females aged 20 to 34 years). In general, young adults in the UK are more likely to be living with their parents now than in any time for which comparable data exists (1996 onwards)."
    "In 2017, the total fertility rate (TFR) declined for the fifth consecutive year to 1.76 children per woman, from 1.81 in 2016.

    'Fertility rates decreased for every age group in 2017, except for women aged 40 years and over, where the rate increased by 1.3% to 16.1 births per 1,000 women in that age group, reaching the highest level since 1949.

    The average age of mothers in 2017 increased to 30.5 years, from 30.4 years in 2016 and 26.4 years in 1975.

    In 2017, just over half of all live births were born to parents who were married or in a civil partnership (51.9%); however, 67.3% of live births born outside of marriage or civil partnership were to parents who lived together.

    28.4% of live births in 2017 were to mothers born outside the UK, following a gradual rise from 11.6% in 1990."

    1.8 children per woman say.
    Heard a 'Tory' called moggy saying that there are more places at university since the fees came in, while the lowest 10% of the income distribuiton are now getting into university more easily. He talked about some thresholds for those who took out loans to go to university whereby if they didnt earn above 21k/year they are exempted. Proposed raising to 26k/year.
    Not rechecked that so open to correction.

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