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Thread: The Steveo and Taksin Borefest Show

  1. #91
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Steveo View Post
    At no point did I say we were badly run or that Spurs are better run than us. I stated that on the issue of the stadium - Levi has battered FSG. You wanted to portray our relative small spend v quality return of how well run a club is and I said that - on that score - Spurs are better run .... Who could argue that?
    You were complaining at length about how the club was being run. How FSG investment wasn't good enough. How our lack of signings this summer were evidence that the owners didn't want to support the manager. How we were going to fall behind just when we should be forging ahead. How they were training the club of cash. How Spurs were really positioning themselves for dominance.
    None of this is made up. You expressed these opinions. You famously settled on the concession that FSG do deserve credit for appointing Klopp, but nothing else they'd done was good enough.
    Where the lie there? Please tell me which of those you don't or didn't believe. I'm sure some intrepid forumite could go back and find all these views expressed by you. But I can't be arsed.

    Who could argue that? I could argue that. But it turned out to be a fruitless argument because the the opponent kept calling me a liar for pointing out what he had said.

    Quote Originally Posted by Steveo View Post
    In the 15 years since Parry realised that new owners were needed to bring the club in line with its rivals almost 10 of them have been with FSG who have only managed to add 8,500 ( it’s less than that actually )..for a cost of £110 million. That’s a small 45,600 to a slightly bigger 54,074 - making Anfield the seventh largest stadium in England for one of the worlds most successful clubs.. The new main stand is fantastic BTW - I think it is great but we desperately need more seats - lots of them.
    Yes, I know you love to complain about this. Before this spectacularly good season started so well, you used to complain about a lot more, which seems a bit unsupportable now, especially with Spurs' progress so unexpectedly bad.

    Quote Originally Posted by Steveo View Post
    Compare with Levi who managed to get planning - design and build in the far more densely populated and vastly more expensive North London - as Stadium costing £1 Billion - 36,000 - 62,000 suck it up..
    Good for Levy. I don't give a shit about their stadium.

    Quote Originally Posted by Steveo View Post
    This clearly is a thorn in Your side and leads you to make up stories.
    Or perhaps the thorn is all yours and you're not very good at admitting you were wrong.

    Quote Originally Posted by Steveo View Post
    It doesn’t mean they (Spurs) are better run as a club - as a whole - which involves many more aspects than just infrastructure and I would absolutely HATE Levi’s minescule transfer spend - but I also can’t argue that he has got a huge amount of bang from a relatively small outlay...
    I know. You think he's doing a fantastic job. That's why I was arguing against you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Steveo View Post
    Let’s also now look at Jose Mourinho. Does the Taksin brain compute enough to understand WHY a loathed rival such as Mourinho might want to blow smoke up our arses? Surely even the most naive of fans could spot the reasoning and the timing..
    This is just conspiracy theory level nonsense. Puerile
    Sir what is going on.. things is not going according to plan. u promiss early signing. noting happen. Man u 3 player now

  2. #92
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Steveo View Post
    Yes Bali it costs a huge amount to do what they did at crazy London prices - but tight fisted Levy still believed it needed to happen.. Is he mad? Perhaps..
    Maybe, just maybe, he was looking at his investment first and losing sight of the team's lack of success. That would constitute an interesting argument wouldn't it.. but in order to have a meaningful argument, certain basic standards have to be maintained

    Quote Originally Posted by Steveo View Post
    I couldn’t give a flying feck what it costs the owners BTW unlike some of you lot - who want to do the accounts FFS. are we here to worry about how deep their pockets are?! . What matters is getting more of those die hard And desperate Liverpool fans into that stadium.. It can’t happen quick enough for me - build it already....!
    How virtuous of you. Spending other peoples money in the billions, all in the name of the poor desperate fans. And not at a nice, well thought out pace, with all the other necessary investments in mind. No, you want it now! The true red.
    Sir what is going on.. things is not going according to plan. u promiss early signing. noting happen. Man u 3 player now

  3. #93
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    City of Self Doubt

    The stadium has been relayed, expanded by 8.5k and now the academy is moving. Afterwards it seems likely that the stadium will continue to expand to 60k+. Also the club isn't in crippling debt.

    Pace yourself tiger, that's not bad at all.
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

  4. #94
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    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Balinkay View Post

    The stadium has been relayed, expanded by 8.5k and now the academy is moving. Afterwards it seems likely that the stadium will continue to expand to 60k+. Also the club isn't in crippling debt.

    Pace yourself tiger, that's not bad at all.
    It’s not that bad Bali... Can’t argue with that.

    I am trying to pace myself - honest..

  5. #95
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Taksin View Post
    You were complaining at length about how the club was being run. How FSG investment wasn't good enough. How our lack of signings this summer were evidence that the owners didn't want to support the manager. How we were going to fall behind just when we should be forging ahead. How they were training the club of cash. How Spurs were really positioning themselves for dominance.

    None of this is made up. You expressed these opinions. You famously settled on the concession that FSG do deserve credit for appointing Klopp, but nothing else they'd done was good enough.
    Where the lie there? Please tell me which of those you don't or didn't believe. I'm sure some intrepid forumite could go back and find all these views expressed by you. But I can't be arsed.
    I complained about the same aspects that I still feel we could be doing more on... You are fixated with my position because unlike you I believe this summer was a missed opportunity - I still do and nothing that happens this season proves that stance conclusively right or wrong. I am not alone in this either. We have had a superb run of results but I don't see the smartest football on show and I believe that unless we start playing a more controlled game (we can't because IMO we don't have enough staff for that) it will likely catch up with us further down the road... I HOPE I AM WRONG.. Again - even if that doesn’t transpire and we take number 19 - it still doesn’t mean we didn't miss a chance to strengthen the squad this summer... Surely you can see that?

    The “famous concession” on Klopp’s appointment is one I have made since 2015, and not this summer Taksin - so again - please stop the half truths sprinkled with misunderstanding.

    Quote Originally Posted by Taksin View Post
    Who could argue that? I could argue that. But it turned out to be a fruitless argument because the the opponent kept calling me a liar for pointing out what he had said.
    The opponent called you a liar because that is how it feels from the opponents side - either that or you are incapable of understanding. IF I said what you attribute to me ...provide evidence - I will happily accept my wrongdoing in that case - I certainly did not ever intentionally state that I believe Spurs are “better run than us” unless in jest ( My Cousin Vinny -" I shot the clerk"? ) - or perhaps as mentioned in relation to your definition of success over outlay?

    Quote Originally Posted by Taksin View Post
    Yes, I know you love to complain about this. Before this spectacularly good season started so well, you used to complain about a lot more, which seems a bit unsupportable now, especially with Spurs' progress so unexpectedly bad
    This is why I usually refrain from debating with you.. This has absolutely nothing to do with how this or any season is or pans out - it’s a completely different subject.. It sounds to me like you couldn’t give a flying Monkey about the fans who want access to games - why..?

    Quote Originally Posted by Taksin View Post
    Yes Good for Levy. I don't give a shit about their stadium.
    Nor do I - it is a boring bowl ( looks like a metallic Nike training shoe ), is just bricks and mortar and will still just be a bunch of Spurs fans singing their boring “Saints go marching in bollox” BUT there will be a shed load more of them. Allow me my jealousy that a peanut of a club like Spurs have a bigger stadium than us. I do want our fans to have more access but can also admit to a slightly childish want for Liverpool FC to have the biggest ground or at least one of them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Taksin View Post
    Or perhaps the thorn is all yours and you're not very good at admitting you were wrong.
    As mentioned...**provide evidence of what I supposedly said AND it’s context - I will happily apologise and admit my mistake because that is certainly not what I believe to be the case - If we had spent what Spurs has spent in the last 10 years on players I would be all over FSG for it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Taksin View Post
    I know. You think he's doing a fantastic job. That's why I was arguing against you.
    But I don’t - Levy has done well - not fantastic by any stretch - club is soundly run and has future-proofed itself to a degree BUT he has spent peanuts on transfers at key times.. Not fantastic at all IMO.

    Quote Originally Posted by Taksin View Post
    This is just conspiracy theory level nonsense. Puerile
    At least look up what ‘conspiracy theory’ actually means before attempting to wrongly use it to debunk a perfectly reasonable comment.

    Why on earth do you suppose Jose Mourinho - on taking over at Spurs - would be talking about how well run both City and Liverpool are?

    Put aside the conspiracy theory nonsense for a moment and recognise. This is what Jose does repeatedly. It’s what gets him hired and gets him fired. He positions himself well - talks himself and his club up and sometimes even down - when it suits him . His latest statement kills 3 birds with one stone.. My failure at United was down to the structure - Check....

    Klopp and Guardiola are doing well because of the structure - Check.....

    Levy - give me what I want -

    To try and extrapolate any meaningful truth from a snide like Jose is IMO naive ..
    Last edited by Steveo; 24th November 2019 at 12:33 PM.

  6. #96
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Thanks for your measured and honest post, Steveo. If all conversations were conducted in that spirit there would be no need for animosity.

    Quote Originally Posted by Steveo View Post
    I complained about the same aspects that I still feel we could be doing more on... You are fixated with my position because unlike you I believe this summer was a missed opportunity - I still do and nothing that happens this season proves that stance conclusively right or wrong. I am not alone in this either.
    I'm fixated on your position because I disagree with it, I wanted to challenge it, you keep bringing it up and whenever I did challenge you I was called liar for misreading you.
    I also confess to finding your attitude irritating - it's not just that you are critical of FSG, you assume that the only respectable position is to be disappointed with them. I think that is a presumptious stance. I am also really interested in what makes success, have thought a lot about it and like discussing it.

    I'm on record for saying I don't think we'll win the league this year because I think we need more squad depth. Where I disagree with you is that I believe the manager is being supported and that he is happy with the way the squad is being put together. Blaming FSG may satisfy you, but that does not mean the blame is justified.

    Quote Originally Posted by Steveo View Post
    We have had a superb run of results but I don't see the smartest football on show and I believe that unless we start playing a more controlled game (we can't because IMO we don't have enough staff for that) it will likely catch up with us further down the road... I HOPE I AM WRONG.. Again - even if that doesn’t transpire and we take number 19 - it still doesn’t mean we didn't miss a chance to strengthen the squad this summer... Surely you can see that?
    How many points will we need to win before you are convinced the manager has the team working the way he wants it to work? And anyway, I thought our success was all down to Klopp? If you want to identify what the problem is, you need to start separating these things out.

    Quote Originally Posted by Steveo View Post
    The “famous concession” on Klopp’s appointment is one I have made since 2015, and not this summer Taksin - so again - please stop the half truths sprinkled with misunderstanding.
    The timing of the concession is not of importance. The fact that you stated it from 2015 onwards shows I am not a liar.

    Quote Originally Posted by Steveo View Post
    The opponent called you a liar because that is how it feels from the opponents side
    Feelings are not helpful in debate.

    Quote Originally Posted by Steveo View Post
    I certainly did not ever intentionally state that I believe Spurs are “better run than us” unless in jest ( My Cousin Vinny -" I shot the clerk"? ) - or perhaps as mentioned in relation to your definition of success over outlay?
    I asked you on more than one occasion to clarify your complaints about FSG by stating which club you think is being better run. I've asked that question quite a lot of times on here, not just to you. You stated Spurs were obviously better run more than once. I'm not making that up. You gave your reasons, many of which were reasonable. They had, after all, been performing well and building a new stadium. My own view wouldn't be altered even if they are better run, by the way. It's possible to have two well run clubs in the league, as Jose pointed out. So its a bit surreal to me to be getting bogged down about whether I'm lying about what you said.

    Quote Originally Posted by Steveo View Post
    Why on earth do you suppose Jose Mourinho - on taking over at Spurs - would be talking about how well run both City and Liverpool are?
    He made those comments a week or so before Pochettino was sacked. I suppose he said them because he believes them to be true. The whole passage is quite sensible. He has talked a fair amount of sense in his role as a pundit. Those views are perfectly neutral and constructive, not going to cause much controversy. No need for ulterior motives.
    Last edited by Taksin; 24th November 2019 at 02:33 PM.
    Sir what is going on.. things is not going according to plan. u promiss early signing. noting happen. Man u 3 player now

  7. #97
    Join Date
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    Bump....... Lol.....
    Offender Of The Offended...!!

    It`s Better To Reign In Hell, Than Serve In Heaven!

  8. #98
    Join Date
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    By the way I think you are both very decent posters....
    Offender Of The Offended...!!

    It`s Better To Reign In Hell, Than Serve In Heaven!

  9. #99
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Cheers mate - defo best to put in a separate thread

  10. #100
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Steveo View Post
    Cheers mate - defo best to put in a separate thread
    And I agree with most of what you both say actually. You can't beat reasoned debate.
    Offender Of The Offended...!!

    It`s Better To Reign In Hell, Than Serve In Heaven!

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