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Thread: Game of Thrones

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Crime City

    Game of Thrones

    Has anyone else seen the first episode of the final season? I have to say I was very disappointed after such a long wait.

    If anyone viewing this thread hasn't seen the latest episode, I'd advise you to stay well clear as there is likely to be spoilers aplenty.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    I don't watch it, but my wife loves it. She recorded it early hours and watched it when she got up.
    If you're not sure what to do with the ball, just put it in the net, and we'll talk about the other options later... Bob Paisley.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    They fucking love it over here. I've never watched it but I know quite a few who have worked as extras on it. £200 a day If you can ride a horse !!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    City of Self Doubt
    Just saw it - a lot of exposition and recap. Feels like they wanted the audience to be up to date on all the info they'd need.
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Apparently, 3 million pulled a sicky to watch it.
    If you're not sure what to do with the ball, just put it in the net, and we'll talk about the other options later... Bob Paisley.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Bit of an underwhelming start I thought.
    Brans a tit.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    I love it! was a so/so start to the season.But pretty decent all the same. I Love the Hound. I still watch the conversation he had with Tormund over and over on YouTube.As me in stiches every time.
    Cleaning up the Scots since the 13th century

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    This is the transcript

    You're the one they call the dog.
    Fuck off.
    They told me you were mean.
    Born mean or you just hate wildlings?
    I don't give two shits about wildlings. It's gingers I hate.
    Gingers are beautiful. We are kissed by fire. Just like you..(points at the large face burn)
    Don't point your fucking finger at me.
    Did you trip into the fire when you were a baby?
    I didn't trip I was pushed.
    Ever since you've been mean.
    Will you fuck off?
    I don't think you're truly mean. You have sad eyes.
    You want to suck my dick, is that it?
    Ahh, dick. I like it.
    Bet you do.
    Nope. It's pussy for me. I have beauty waiting for me back at Winterfell. If I ever get back there. Yellow hair, blue eyes, tallest women you've ever seen, almost as tall as you.
    Brienne of Tarth.
    You know her?
    You're with Brienne of fucking Tarth.
    Well, not with her yet, but I see the way she looks at me.
    How does she look at you? Like she wants to carve you up and eat your liver?
    You do know her.
    We've met.
    I want to make babies with her. Think of 'em, great, big monsters. They'll conquer the world!
    How did a mad fucker like you live this long?
    I'm good at killing people.
    Cleaning up the Scots since the 13th century

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    City of Self Doubt
    Oh yeah, we were kind of wondering why they'd just left Professor X in the courtyard to get rained on.
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by teesred View Post
    Bit of an underwhelming start I thought.
    Brans a tit.
    Bran's always been a tit; the Three-Eyed Douchebag is how we refer to him.

    I thought this first episode was good, not explosive like many people seem to have been expecting; but it puts everything in place for what's to come, and gives people a bit of a refresher as to where we're at.

    I thought Sansa was the standout performer last night; cutting down Jon, Danaerys and Tyrion at various different points and stopping their saviour complexes getting too carried away.

    There were a couple of memorable lines too:

    Jon Have you used it yet? referring to Needle
    Arya Once or twice...

    Ed He's got blue eyes!!
    Tormund I've always had blue eyes!!!

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