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Thread: Mike Riley apologises to Everton - Where is the condemnation now?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Mike Riley apologises to Everton - Where is the condemnation now?

    So, plenty of coverage at the time of this incident, from numerous sources, 2 of which I won't post for obvious reasons

    The Guardian

    Sky Sports

    The Irish Times

    The Mirror

    And many MANY more.........................

    The consistent line seems to be 'Mike Riley apologised to Everton for a mistake in VAR not spotting the Rodri handball'

    Not spotting! Not fucking spotting? Kavanagh has numerous angles of the footage available to him, this was very clearly not an error, this was as clear and deliberate act of corruption in which through bought and paid for bias or long standing inherent bias in the referees association, Kavanagh chose to ignore the laws of the game and not advise Tierney to award a penalty

    To add further weight to this, Kavanagh was also on VAR with Tierney the match referee for the currently much discussed game between Spurs and Liverpool that ended in a 2-2 draw at the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, a game in which there was a clear red card offence committed by Harry Kane and a very clear foul on Diogo Jota by Spurs defender Emerson Royal that should have resulted in a penalty, that replays, so also VAR footage clearly revealed was a clear and obvious error and not a coming together or a challenge in which Jota had initiated the contact as Tierney later claimed he believed to be the case, again Kavanagh failed to give the correct advice to the match referee

    In City's game v Wolves at The Etihad, they won 1-0 courtesy of a penalty awarded by VAR official Andre Marriner that as a polar opposite to the one not awarded to Everton was very clearly NOT handball under the laws of the game

    I find it entirely unacceptable that all these sources and our media and pundits remain silent on these issues ahead of Sunday, they reported the Riley apology universally, they are surely aware that decision and the Wolves decision, benefit City and adversely affect Liverpool, Everton and Wolves and could ultimately adversely affect the outcome of the title race, making a complete and utter mockery of the values and merits of landing the title over a 38 game Premier League season, to as great an extent as the Race Director on the final day of the last F1 season made a mockery of that and saw the wrong driver crowned champion as a result

    Given the pressure of playing from being behind and having to play catch up every game those 3 decisions have undoubtedly already affected the title race, at best, if you consider all 3 making a six point 'swing' Liverpool should have wrapped up the Premier League title as just and worthy Champions after their away win v Southampton - At worst if you just take the one incident Riley apologised for, Liverpool should lead by a point with their destiny in their own hands on Sunday

    With the margins between Liverpool and their closest challenger City so very close and almost certainly destined to remain that way for the next 4 more years and beyond, it is long overdue all forms of our media and LFC making as much noise and giving this subject as much exposure as possible to try and stop it continually repeating, City's 18-19 pre VAR triumph should surely have a huge asterix next to it also
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Measures I would like to see in place are:

    Any match official or VAR official failing to correctly apply the laws of the game face instant expulsion, not suspension, not demotion to another league, expulsion

    Following expulsion, that official being reported to a MET Police task force for investigation for potential match fixing

    That investigation to thoroughly examine the match officials finances, look specifically for evidence of them having spent above their means and for evidence of any payments from offshore accounts and being a full and comprehensive investigation spanning the 2 or 3 prior years

    All reports of such an investigation to be made public, and failure to find evidence of paid match fixing showing it being a recruitment issue and an obvious case of institutional corruption bias in Mike Riley's officials, Riley's position to be under review immediately

    Some of these instances and several last season weren't open to interpretation like some instances are, they were very clear and deliberate offences of an abject failure to apply the laws of the game, the 2 handball decisions this season and the Kane foul and Jota non penalty in the 2-2 draw at Spurs all fall into that category and it isn't acceptable ,it shows clear and deliberate bias or attempts at match fixing, these very clearly aren't mistakes, nor as Tierney blowing up for half time 20 seconds early with Mane clean through against Man UTD last season, when the law stipulates the ref must play a minimum of however minutes of stoppage time appear on the board
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  3. #3
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    May 2006
    everywhere and nowhere
    It's all very well bringing these errors up on the forum, 19x. Unfortunately the number of people being made aware is small.
    These errors need to be publicised on a much larger platform.
    There's too much confusion, I can't get no relief

  4. #4
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    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by redebreck View Post
    It's all very well bringing these errors up on the forum, 19x. Unfortunately the number of people being made aware is small.
    These errors need to be publicised on a much larger platform.
    Which is what I am talking about and also they aren't errors Rede, you can't look at either of the handballs for the penalty decisions on VAR and make an error, these are not errors, these are clear instances of corruption or deliberate bias in which the VAR officials have made a very deliberate decision not to apply the laws of the game

    You can't get these decisions wrong in error or by mistake

    Edit: Also Rede, we're not the only people who read here, there are regularly 300 or more 'guests' lurking around

    I don't believe it was coincidence 3 or 4 tunes, old school tunes not that universally known or acclaimed ever if in a couple of instances the artists were, that I used here for a bit of fun a few years back magically made their way to being used by Sky Sports and advertisers just a month or 2 later

    The people I am talking about, who the thread is about have people who scour fans sites in their employ
    Last edited by Nineteenx; 21st May 2022 at 12:47 AM.
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  5. #5
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    May 2005
    That's the issue, nobody in positions is doing anything or even talking about it.
    Their blatant cheating should be highlighted but its not. The clubs who are cheating need to be stopped. We all know this but its like Govts. There's literally fuck all you can do because theres so many people who don't want anything done about it.
    PSG allegedly offering Mbappe 1m a week?. How is that not being questioned? Its obvious to anyone that club does not make that kind of money. It fucking stinks snd its completely understandable that the likes of LFC,Utd and Arsenal take major issue with it and wanted them banned 2 years ago. That was the chance to put the block in them.

  6. #6
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    Sep 2006
    Quite right Tees, the great self appointed guardians of the game and protectors of the game who made so much noise when their ability to fleece football fans and overcharge them and make them hand over billions they could invest into creating a niche for themselves in other sports was under threat, aren't remotely interested that for the second time in four seasons, it already having happened in 18-19 there is the distinct possibility the Premier League title could go to a team courtesy only of corruption or historical bias from match officials and other official bodies

    The comparisons with F1 Race Director Michael Masi handing Verstappen an F1 title he hadn't earned last season are only too clear, Masi got sacked for failing to correctly apply the rules, so what should happen to Mike Riley who is effectively race director and what should happen to Tierney, Kavanagh and Marriner for quite deliberately failing to apply the laws of the game? They should also all be sacked, expelled from ever working as an official or taking a position in any organisation involved in officiating football matches

    The above should happen regardless of who wins the title, they have shown clear and deliberate bias and failure to apply the laws of the game on numerous occasions
    Last edited by Nineteenx; 21st May 2022 at 12:03 PM.
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  7. #7
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    Sep 2006
    I keep reporting them to the Met for match fixing btw and I will keep reporting them. When you have VAR, the police equivalent of having CCTV of a crime and the number of angles VAR have available to them, these aren't mistakes they are deliberately failing to apply the laws of the game awarding decisions contrary to the laws of the game that all the available CCTV evidence shows are wrong, it's match fixing

    It simply isn't acceptable
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    If Everton had been relegated, I’m sure they would be a lot more outcry. As it is, this is very old news and you’re wasting your breath mate.
    I bet you can squeal like a pig!

  9. #9
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    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by southernboy View Post
    If Everton had been relegated, I’m sure they would be a lot more outcry. As it is, this is very old news and you’re wasting your breath mate.
    Yes SB THAT is exactly the kind of lame ass attitude that let's shit like this continue on and on and on season after season after season

    Unless we win the Premier League title tomorrow, it will be won courtesy of what can only be described as deliberate match fixing - That is literally criminal

    I get so fucking bored of all the 'we mustn't complain, these thing always even themselves out over the course of the season' apologists, we absolutely MUST complain, taking legal action if we are permitted to, taking civil cases against Tierney and Kavanagh against who we have a quite substantial dossier of incidents to support a case to submit and make every fucking possible effort to make sure it doesn't go away or it won't ever fucking stop happening and these things absolutely do not even themselves out over the course of the season and with VAR review, there is NO FUCKING EXCUSE, these aren't mistakes or errors, they are deliberate attempts at match fixing

    It's been going on for 30 fucking years for fucks sake, when will people fucking learn, you have to, at some point, draw a fucking line in the sand and fight for what is right and stop fucking pussyioing around letting people shit on you

    AND we should do all of the above if we do win it
    Last edited by Nineteenx; 21st May 2022 at 01:51 PM.
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  10. #10
    Absolutely spot on Nineteex.

    I have been singing frim this song shhet for longer than i care to mention, the fact that the Sports Media with their wall to wall coverage have faile to mention it simply supports the narrative..

    Losing the Quadruple to a better team is one thing but this is just not right...its just not right

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