View Full Version : England Rugby Thugs

7th March 2020, 08:41 PM
One Yellow Card
One Red Card
An assault on the Welsh Captain that could and should result in a long ban.
England might have won the match but they should be ashamed at the thuggery and bad sportsmanship they bring to the game.

7th March 2020, 11:13 PM
Absolutely nothing against the Englishmen on here but as a Welshman there's 2 teams I hate in Sport....1 obviously being Man Utd and 2 being the England rugby team....They(England) were extremely physical today but I always felt they had the edge in all honesty.....AND before I get any sheepshagger jokes....I prefer a stripy zebra!!....:lol:

stevie harkness
8th March 2020, 09:19 AM
Thought the cards were part and parcel of the game but grabbing another player by the genitals just isn't cricket.

8th March 2020, 09:56 AM
Each to their own obviously but I've never got Rugby. I just can't get excited about it at all.

9th March 2020, 02:13 PM
Thought the cards were part and parcel of the game but grabbing another player by the genitals just isn't cricket.

Right in the googlies!

stevie harkness
9th March 2020, 08:35 PM
Two England players have been cited including the goolie grabber. Some people say it's sexual assault, hashtag metoo and all that, but there is actually a rugby law specifically for "grabbing, twisting or squeezing the genitals." (not your own)

10th March 2020, 06:27 PM
Each to their own obviously but I've never got Rugby. I just can't get excited about it at all.

Some years I enjoy the 6 nations and the World Cup but there's been years(like this year) where I really couldn't have given a toss in all honesty...I said last season that I would happily swap a Wales wooden spoon in the rugby for a Liverpool title win AND lo and behold we're almost there!!....Sod the rugger!!...:)