Bumping this a few times between now and Friday.
Any of you lads and lasses do fantasy football on https://fantasy.premierleague.com ?
If so, will we run a wee league for forumites? No money or prizes, just for fun.
Code to join this league: 173228-491109
is it wrong to use your unfair advantage?
Bumping this a few times between now and Friday.
is it wrong to use your unfair advantage?
Maybe it'll get more attention in the main forum?
I've signed up- however i may be forced to take a long break so who knows i'll probably finish last if that's the case
I'm in, I will go to it now, cheers.
If you're not sure what to do with the ball, just put it in the net, and we'll talk about the other options later... Bob Paisley.
Probably should add it to main forum!!!
is it wrong to use your unfair advantage?