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Thread: CommonSense v CummingsSense

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012

    CommonSense v CummingsSense

    I hear a lot about people being asked to exercise common sense (which maybe not very common) as a means to help prevent the spread of the virus - just follow the 'very clear' guidelines.
    But I am also hearing more and more about people flouting the guidelines claiming it was OK for Dominoc Cummings to do something against those guidelines and so why should they adhere to such guidelines.
    I have not heard use before of this similar statement and am wondering why the opposition has not picked up on it - it could be quite useful as a rhetorical tool.
    Perhaps they or yourselves have already thought of it and dismissed its power or useability.
    If you have then apologies but here it is again...
    Common sense v Cummings sense

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Crime City
    I think you'll probably find that there have been many notable people, representing various political organisations who have said and done things during this epidemic that they shouldn't have done, meaning that if they start pointing fingers they will be told "those in glass houses ......" .

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012
    I don't watch PMQs that often but Starmer seems to never get any answers out of BJ but gets ridiculed with statements like 'he's got more briefs than Kalvin Klein' or 'more flip-flops than Bournemouth beach'.
    Not a politician myself but could he use that statement to good effect ?
    'Is the PM asking us to apply Cummings sense ?'

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Crime City
    Virtually all politicians (and big business owners) are self serving so and so's. The sooner people realise/accept that, the sooner we can do something about it. Thinking that any of them, or any particular groups of them are better than any others is the thinking of the brainwashed masses.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    everywhere and nowhere
    If we in the UK were french, or similar, I genuinely believe that we would have had a revolution, because of the way the upper classes treat the general population.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by redebreck View Post
    If we in the UK were french, or similar, I genuinely believe that we would have had a revolution, because of the way the upper classes treat the general population.
    The thing is it's not just the upper classes. It's also the middle classes/anyone who lives a life of reasonable wealth and privilege. They all like to preach to and condemn those who they see as 'beneath' them, usually about things that do not affect those doing the preaching and condemning, largely/entirely as a consequence of their wealth and privilege.

  7. #7
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    Jun 2014
    And they say the left cant meme...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by RedNoodle View Post
    The thing is it's not just the upper classes. It's also the middle classes/anyone who lives a life of reasonable wealth and privilege. They all like to preach to and condemn those who they see as 'beneath' them, usually about things that do not affect those doing the preaching and condemning, largely/entirely as a consequence of their wealth and privilege.
    If youre alive today you are largely priviliged imo, people i believe seem to be continually ungrateful for what they have and completely destroyed by what they dont have.

  9. #9
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    Crime City
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    If youre alive today you are largely priviliged imo, people i believe seem to be continually ungrateful for what they have and completely destroyed by what they dont have.
    I would beg to differ on that point. I would also suggest that you/anyone else who hasn't been subjected to some of the horrific things that a fair few others have would think very differently about this perceived 'priviledge' if you happened to have been through the same things that we/they have.

    I've been/am/will be going through many things that I wouldn't individually (never mind collectively) wish upon my worst enemy. Things that have had a permanently devastating impact on my life, never mind the horrific things I've seen a fair few others go through, some on a daily basis.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by RedNoodle View Post
    I would beg to differ on that point. I would also suggest that you/anyone else who hasn't been subjected to some of the horrific things that a fair few others have would think very differently about this perceived 'priviledge' if you happened to have been through the same things that we/they have.

    I've been/am/will be going through many things that I wouldn't individually (never mind collectively) wish upon my worst enemy. Things that have had a permanently devastating impact on my life, never mind the horrific things I've seen a fair few others go through, some on a daily basis.
    With your ailments and negative life experiences/events to contend with, there is hardly a better time for you to be alive than today.
    Perhaps in the post ww2 era you might have had a better and more stable society in ways, but youd be devoid of technological innovations.

    You have electricity, a flushing toilet, relatively stable supply of food, access to some level of healthcare, perhaps some social benefits or income, internet access and devices to avail of the web.

    My post was and is aimed in this direction and more generally.

    What other time would you prefer to be living your life through ?
    Or what is it about the modern world that riles you, i can imagine knife crime and a fair few other aspects that would grate naturally enough.



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