Fingers and everything else crossed the Redmen bring you a little bit of happiness tonight.
Fingers and everything else crossed the Redmen bring you a little bit of happiness tonight.
Enjoy your evening.
I must have been a genocidal maniac in a past life. It's the only way to explain the endless **** I've been subjected to over the best part of four decades.
I tried to get to the doctors to organise some treatment that I need. I leave well before 3pm thinking that the kids haven't finished school yet so 'll be fine, but no they seem to have been let out early. No wonder they are 'dumber than ever'. Anyway as a result the bus didn't stop/pick up any passengers so I had to inform the surgery I was running late.
I then had to wait a bit for another bus and had to get off to transfer to another which goes near the surgery and for some reason all the buses were taking ages. Finally a bus comes along and wouldn't you know it there are two of the ****ers arriving at the same time. The buses then take ages, not helped by a car parked/stopped/crashed in the middle of a road.
I finally get to the surgery and despite having to wait up to an hour many times during my three decades of attending the place, the dozy moo behind the reception desk informs me that the doctor is running on time, which never ****ing happens. She then takes an absolute age to type/send an automated message to the doctor (It only required a one line message), only to tell me that they wouldn't see me and that I'd have to re-book, which not only costs me more time and money, but denies me the treatment I need to help mobility/pain issues, something that makes to-ing and fro-ing between home and the doctors extra difficult/painful.
To make things worse, the one doctor/medical professional that I'v been able to count on to take me as seriously as they should and get things done is moving to pastures new at the end of this month.
Seriously, I really want to know what I've done to deserve all this endless ****. I'm not perfect, but I'm a good guy. How about the universe cuts me some slack for a bit and lets me try to cope with the mountain of **** I have had, am having, and will have to deal with without heaping bucket loads more onto my plate?
It shouldn't be too much to ask, but for some reason it seems to be when it comes to me.+
Last edited by RedNoodle; 28th March 2019 at 07:57 PM.
A good mate of mine just beat the best FIFA player in the world (who is signed to Liverpool and just won the inaugrual ePL) to make it into the last 8 of the eCL. The finals are held in Madrid and they'll get to watch the CL final live.
Etiam si omnes, ego non
Has 19x just finished a 12 month stretch in Strangeways ?
Literally fighting wind mills today and I lost.
Unable to move the 17 tonne cap by myself