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Thread: Post your thoughts 2019 edition

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    City of Self Doubt
    Quote Originally Posted by teesred View Post
    Its because you ordered a giant one. Sge assumed you were a greedy supersize type dude. Next time order a regular size. Think of your health.
    Could have been my relatively heavy accent too. Need to work on that. Maybe at least get mistaken for a Russian or Ukranian.
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by ianlfc View Post
    Said no kid , EVER !!
    Over here the summer holidays start from the start of July until the start of September, so 8 weeks.
    The amount money We spent on childcare for 2 kids was unreal, though saying that the older They get you are still handing out money. So nothing chaneed.
    If I'd got a dog first I'd never of had kids 😂😂😂
    Would you be better off having 1 parent working ?

    Lots of older parents advise not working too much when your kids are young as you miss out on the best parental years.

  3. #33
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by teesred View Post
    Yep. All based around harvesting on farms.
    I didnt know any kids who did that when I was at school. A way out dated calendar.
    The govt say our chimdren are far behind the rest of europe in technical abilities. Stop giving them so much time off then or keep them at school for longer in term time. Simples really. Working families need more support nowadays in my opinion.
    Pretty sure the German kids spend less time in school than the UK and have rather similar holidays.
    Maybe if you gave up your holidays and spent more time in work you could display some solidarity with the kids.

  4. #34
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by stevie harkness View Post
    Aren't the 6 weeks originally so that the kids can help out on the family farm and get the harvest in?

    In recent summers the best weather for holidays has been May and June then it starts turning to shite, time to adapt, 3 fortnights spread out, one a month or something, I'm just making this up now
    In yesteryear everyone worked on the farms of families but for shorter time periods than 6 weeks. It was a community effort to make hay etc. People back then pretty much only bought flour, oats, dairy and sugar etc from shops, grew most things from their own gardens. Making all kinds of jams and storing crops till the next season. Using winter crops also.

    Maybe if ye pooled together you could reduce childcare costs and have kids working in the garden/allotments picking fruits, planting crops etc theyd benefit from the rich and historical traditions, while also reducing dependency on grocers saving more money for the family. Giving them a sense of pride.

    Read a piece recently which claimed that if you took the 1870s health standards and merely applied modern medicine to childbirth and infant mortality that the life expectancy would be the same. Though people today have a host of long term illnesses that weren't present in the 1870s as they aged like diabetes, heart disease and cancers.

  5. #35
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    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    Pretty sure the German kids spend less time in school than the UK and have rather similar holidays.
    Maybe if you gave up your holidays and spent more time in work you could display some solidarity with the kids.
    I dont get holidays. I work 4 on 4 off with 18 day breaks every 7 sets. No holiday shifts. Fnarrrrrrr.

  6. #36
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    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    Would you be better off having 1 parent working ?

    Lots of older parents advise not working too much when your kids are young as you miss out on the best parental years.
    Lots of older parents lived different lives back then, daily life is much more expensive now which is why a huge amount of families are 2 working ones. A lot of older parents are also comfortable on final salary pensions, grandparents play a much bigger role in childcare than in years gone by.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    In yesteryear everyone worked on the farms of families but for shorter time periods than 6 weeks. It was a community effort to make hay etc. People back then pretty much only bought flour, oats, dairy and sugar etc from shops, grew most things from their own gardens. Making all kinds of jams and storing crops till the next season. Using winter crops also.

    Maybe if ye pooled together you could reduce childcare costs and have kids working in the garden/allotments picking fruits, planting crops etc theyd benefit from the rich and historical traditions, while also reducing dependency on grocers saving more money for the family. Giving them a sense of pride.

    Read a piece recently which claimed that if you took the 1870s health standards and merely applied modern medicine to childbirth and infant mortality that the life expectancy would be the same. Though people today have a host of long term illnesses that weren't present in the 1870s as they aged like diabetes, heart disease and cancers.
    That is a fantastic ideal but how would it work now? It would have to be bought into by everyone. Ditching the all mod devices that the youtube generation cherish so much would be a huge task.
    Going back to that kind of life would be a game changer for the future of humanity.
    You can look at the simple life that some communities and native people in various parts of the world live and envy it.

  8. #38
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by teesred View Post
    I dont get holidays. I work 4 on 4 off with 18 day breaks every 7 sets. No holiday shifts. Fnarrrrrrr.
    Not sure I follow you.
    So you work every other day for 56 days- 28 on 28 off -and then get 18 days off ?
    Every 74 days you work 28.
    Or work roughly 140 days a year.
    Yet have an issue with the kids summer holidays !

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by teesred View Post
    Lots of older parents lived different lives back then, daily life is much more expensive now which is why a huge amount of families are 2 working ones. A lot of older parents are also comfortable on final salary pensions, grandparents play a much bigger role in childcare than in years gone by.
    The parents I'm talking about often had both parents working. Over here it would seem (no fact as such) that parents with 2 or more kids particularly would be financially better off with only 1 parent working.
    In our abortion debate it surprised me how many women were aborting a 3rd baby on account of the lack of action in reforming childcare costs.
    That many two parent working families of 2 chilldren were merely working at no gain from having a second income. The only advantage maybe in having a better return on retirement but the way things seem to go that might prove to be idealistic rather than practically true. The other advantage maybe in getting away from their own children if that's seen as an advantage.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by teesred View Post
    That is a fantastic ideal but how would it work now? It would have to be bought into by everyone. Ditching the all mod devices that the youtube generation cherish so much would be a huge task.
    Going back to that kind of life would be a game changer for the future of humanity.
    You can look at the simple life that some communities and native people in various parts of the world live and envy it.
    Sort out the compensation culture. Some really scandalous stories in this area.
    Tell kids what's happening and imo they'd enjoy it. Those familiar with research in tech dont let their kids access it.
    In nursing homes you leave people do what they can do. Parents of today are the personification of nanny states. This last year I've met 9 year olds that cant tie their shoelaces or have never used a knife and were unable to use a plastic knife to cut nuggets/sausages at a birthday party. Parents today cripple their kids in many ways.

    Where theres a will theres a way. What I find is kids miss meeting up with their buddies at school but enjoy getting away from school. These types of avenues afford them the chance to meet their pals without having to sit in a classroom. Producing something of worth and contributing.
    The change in childhood in 3-4 familial generations is alarming, with impacts on mental and physical health in childhood presently. Reversing some of the negatives while keeping the more positive aspects is desirable.
    There are techical issues but you start off on a path and you solve those as you go to a point. It'll save money, be good for kids and have parents and professionals overseeing and socialising.

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