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Thread: Brexit thread 2 Electric Boogaloo

  1. #11
    Anyone know the cost of Brexit, in terms of time, debating, referendum etc?

    Could have been used on schools and hospitals

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Balinkay View Post
    He's putting his money into an offshore account so he doesn't pay taxes? Is that illegal?
    No, it's what most rich people do when they can. We had BONO the worlds biggest shit (southpark) go round campaigning for 0.7% of GDP be given to developing poorer nations.
    Then he registered in Holland for tax purposes to ensure the developed world got as little of his money as possible.

    It drives me mad this new left leaning tech companies. Google et al, they avoid taxes at every turn, taxes which provide services and sit on billions of cash reserves idling away and somehow get the left leaning tag. While apple and a few others have had to take measures to reduce suicides in the workplace in China. Believe iirc the installed nets such a bleeding heart liberal response eh.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by dicko1969 View Post
    Anyone know the cost of Brexit, in terms of time, debating, referendum etc?

    Could have been used on schools and hospitals
    A fraction of the wars in Iraq. Where 1 million Brits marched in opposition of the war setting a precedent in anti-war protests prior to the commencement of war. Sadly this spirit died away very quickly.
    I'd guarantee you Brexit is of more concern to the heads of state across Europe than the destabilisation of an entire geopolitical region.

  4. #14
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    City of Self Doubt
    I've heard the net stories about China too. Gruesome stuff.

    I think the left leaning tag comes from their policies on content - for example of 22 examined major bans on twitter in a roughly two year period somewhere in the middle of this decade 21 were right leaning. Don't quote me on those stats but I heard them on the web so they must be true.

    Also most of their employees are left leaning, just the ones who deal with money and actually make the company function financially probably aren't. When things are going well for you, you don't tend to ask too many questions as you might have to face the fact you're a bit of a cunt for not paying taxes through a shitty legal loophole.
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    A fraction of the wars in Iraq. Where 1 million Brits marched in opposition of the war setting a precedent in anti-war protests prior to the commencement of war. Sadly this spirit died away very quickly.
    I'd guarantee you Brexit is of more concern to the heads of state across Europe than the destabilisation of an entire geopolitical region.
    Devil's advocate here, but isn't that normal in politics? If you own house is on fire you don't really care that your neighbour's got some serious issues.
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by dicko1969 View Post
    Thorn in the Side Ltd, of which Farage is the sole director, had assets of £548,573 for the year to May 2018 – a substantial jump from assets of just over £157,000 recorded for the previous year.

    The disclosure comes as Farage was chided on Wednesday by the European parliament’s Brexit coordinator, Guy Verhofstadt, while the parliament debated the current Brexit turmoil.

    Verhofstadt claimed Farage wanted an extension to article 50 in order to keep Britain in the EU, so he can continue to have his MEP’s salary and transfer it into an offshore company.

    The irony
    Not here to defend politicians they're a scummy lot certainly a disgrace to the shoulders they stand on today imo.

    Tony Blair is a multimillionaire with an extensive property portfolio, key note speaker for corporations commanding a hefty fee, all while considering the working class and dropping freedom bombs on Iraq after the evidence was concluded to he a fabrication for all intensive purposes.

    Contributions to the Clinton foundation charity dropped instantaneously as soon as she was out the doors of power. They're going to trump now.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by dicko1969 View Post
    The European union's purpose is to promote:

    peace, establish a unified economic and monetary system, promote inclusion and combat discrimination, break down barriers to trade and borders, encourage technological and scientific developments, champion environmental protection, and, among others, promote goals like a competitive global market and social progress.

    Sounds like a good idea in principle.
    If you put 10,000 grand in my back account I will reimburse you with a million pound after I become prince of yousuckerstan

    Sounds great in principle also.

  8. #18
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    To be fair CCTV, I think for a large portion of its young people the EU has achieved a number of those things.

    There's not been a war between EU countries since its inception, France and Germany are basically married now instead of each other's throats and the union has made it a lot easier to live, study and travel abroad. I've also heard it's pretty good for science.
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

  9. #19
    A lot of governments are trying to uncover tax dodging.

    So many live in Monaco for example.
    Why should they pay in countries that badly manage resources.

    I believe in Denmark they pay one of the highest amount of taxes. +50%.
    Why? because the see the benefits of their taxes. Services, schools, and so on.

    Talking globally we are near 8 billion people on the planet. 1960 we were 3 billion.
    The future predict between 3 billion and 24 billion by 2100.

    Iraq war. Sure not a great thing. I think President of France Jacques Chirac was one of few western leaders to oppose this. Of which the Americans resorted to "French bashing". Even French fries were renamed.

    Back on topic. Even Mrs Thatcher Saud it's better to be in Europe. Because at least you have a place at the table to debate, and make a difference to our local partners.

  10. #20
    Countries such as your Ireland have got richer. 6th in the world.

    Czech republic has improved vastly.
    Due to Europe.

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