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Thread: Around the world News

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by ianlfc View Post
    Apparently the police were doing house searches and a few weren't happy so they started the rioting with petrol bombs. Then the guns came out. The best bit is their political party have apologised for the "accident ." you couldn't make it up .
    The police said they were searching a house for guns and ammo, due to intelligence.
    Seen a video looks like she was shot in the head going off what others around her said, while not the target as such looks as though she was right beside one of the police Van's further back. Guessing she was living nearby when it all kicked off.
    Did the shinners call it an accident !?

    Not sure how to ask, but is this new motivation or same old same old? Been lots of talk about the hard border and United Ireland over the last while. Not exactly an area that needs much stirring up, while not trying to put that out as a diminished responsibilty line, just some volatile areas up north.

  2. #42
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    Not the shinners but the new-ira who shot her claiming it was accident

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    The police said they were searching a house for guns and ammo, due to intelligence.
    Seen a video looks like she was shot in the head going off what others around her said, while not the target as such looks as though she was right beside one of the police Van's further back. Guessing she was living nearby when it all kicked off.
    Did the shinners call it an accident !?

    Not sure how to ask, but is this new motivation or same old same old? Been lots of talk about the hard border and United Ireland over the last while. Not exactly an area that needs much stirring up, while not trying to put that out as a diminished responsibilty line, just some volatile areas up north.
    Two males aged 18 and 19 have been arrested.
    Just the usual then, wee lads thinking they're big men doing the dirty work for thugs.
    It's who gave them the gun is who should be rooted out. But will the community tell the police ?

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    It's ridiculous to think this way. It's a basic and infantile level of thinking. For radical materialists like Dawkins its proof God doesnt exist. For evangelicals its proof of satan.
    If you believe in humanity why would you have police, welfare, courts, child protections.
    Gather this is a bit of a joke reply from ya
    "Pray to Allah but tether your camel!" - Of course accidents happen, even 'acts of God'(!), but if it is really going to cost Ł1billion to fix (really?) then i'd imagine the insurance premiums would be prohibitive hence they didn't bother rather than having unshakeable faith. One roof fire in 800 years is fairly low risk until it happens!

    I do believe in humanity but unfortunately we also have a dark side and that tends to rear it's head the further we get from how we should be living. Same with animal behaviour, dogs are lovely but if you stress them and deny their basic natural needs they can 'turn nasty', humans aren't much different in that respect hence we have police etc

    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    Not seen it before, had a look at this online but 62$ for a book is some price.
    Book prices online are either disgustingly cheap (cheaper than toilet paper + postage) or an unrealistically high ransom.

    But luckily I've summarised it for you! Although the author does then go on to say that humans are basically selfish so trying to be 'good' is a waste of time, we need a leap of consciousness. It's years since I read it but he seemed quite angry!


    As for the 'new' IRA the hope was that 20 years of the Good Friday Agreement would mean a generation was removed from all of that but it only takes a few to spoil it and history repeats, especially if the same conditions exist. I have friends there who are afraid that a badly handled Brexit will mean more of this...but England doesn't seem to care as long as the killing stays over there. It's very sad.

  5. #45
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by ianlfc View Post
    Two males aged 18 and 19 have been arrested.
    Just the usual then, wee lads thinking they're big men doing the dirty work for thugs.
    It's who gave them the gun is who should be rooted out. But will the community tell the police ?
    Not surprising really, pumped up youths acting on bravado. It's sad what people think makes one hard and robust. Unlikely they will, the fear of reprisals stops people acting.

  6. #46
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by stevie harkness View Post
    "Pray to Allah but tether your camel!" - Of course accidents happen, even 'acts of God'(!), but if it is really going to cost Ł1billion to fix (really?) then i'd imagine the insurance premiums would be prohibitive hence they didn't bother rather than having unshakeable faith. One roof fire in 800 years is fairly low risk until it happens!

    I do believe in humanity but unfortunately we also have a dark side and that tends to rear it's head the further we get from how we should be living. Same with animal behaviour, dogs are lovely but if you stress them and deny their basic natural needs they can 'turn nasty', humans aren't much different in that respect hence we have police etc

    Book prices online are either disgustingly cheap (cheaper than toilet paper + postage) or an unrealistically high ransom.

    But luckily I've summarised it for you! Although the author does then go on to say that humans are basically selfish so trying to be 'good' is a waste of time, we need a leap of consciousness. It's years since I read it but he seemed quite angry!


    As for the 'new' IRA the hope was that 20 years of the Good Friday Agreement would mean a generation was removed from all of that but it only takes a few to spoil it and history repeats, especially if the same conditions exist. I have friends there who are afraid that a badly handled Brexit will mean more of this...but England doesn't seem to care as long as the killing stays over there. It's very sad.
    There was a paradigm shift in the view of man that has espoused such views. Then you develop lines of thought differently to how you once did and get different humans.
    In about 23 years from when I was a teen my grandads village went from one where people left keys in doors when at home or away to afford visitors access to one where there has been 2-3 houses shot up in the last few years with sub machine guns. Radical materialism in effect sadly.

    As per northern Ireland imo theres been way too much politicking on this issues with Brexit on both sides, Roi and the eu no better imo.
    It's very easy to destabilise a system quickly. It's very had, bordering on impossible, to stabilise a system quickly. Been up north on only a few occasions but those historical divides where they are deep rooted will take a long time to dissipate.

  7. #47
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    Jun 2014
    This is an odd story...
    During the discussion, Ms. Haspel, then deputy C.I.A. director, turned toward Mr. Trump. She outlined possible responses in a quiet but firm voice, then leaned forward and told the president that the “strong option” was to expel 60 diplomats. To persuade Mr. Trump, according to people briefed on the conversation, officials including Ms. Haspel also tried to show him that Mr. Skripal and his daughter were not the only victims of Russia’s attack.
    Ms. Haspel showed pictures the British government had supplied her of young children hospitalized after being sickened by the Novichok nerve agent that poisoned the Skripals. She then showed a photograph of ducks that British officials said were inadvertently killed by the sloppy work of the Russian operatives. Ms. Haspel was not the first to use emotional images to appeal to the president, but pairing it with her hard-nosed realism proved effective: Mr. Trump fixated on the pictures of the sickened children and the dead ducks.
    At the end of the briefing, he embraced the strong option. The outcome was an example, officials said, of how Ms. Haspel is one of the few people who can get Mr. Trump to shift position based on new information. “Her style and the way she projects herself in these kind of senior situations is disarming, without showing weakness,” said Doug Wise, a former C.I.A. officer who has worked with Ms. Haspel.
    The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the stunning, inadvertent, admission by the New York Times and CIA Director Gina Haspel that much of what we know from the Salisbury-Skripal poisoning is pure fabrication and manipulation.

    'Duckgate’, as it is now being dubbed, was used to trick US President Trump into expelling 60 Russian Diplomats over false photographic evidence presented to him by Haspel, as it was provided to her by UK authorities. The manipulation of POTUS Trump, courtesy of CIA Director Haspel, the UK government (and accidentally documented on by the NYT), has now blown open some serious holes into the entire narrative that Sergei and Yulia Skripal were poisoned by Russian agents with the deadly Novichok nerve agent.

    Via The Blogmire…
    If you’re late joining the party, and don’t understand what is so extraordinary about this, let me spell it out plainly and unambiguously:
    Firstly, there were no dead ducks as a result of poisoning. None. Zilch. Nada!
    Secondly, there were no children sickened by nerve agent. None. Zilch. Nada!

    Yet even though there were no dead ducks, and no sick children, Mr Trump was apparently persuaded by the head of the CIA to expel 60 diplomats after being shown pictures of dead ducks and sick children.
    In addition to the extraordinary nature of this revelation, there is also a huge irony here. Along with many others, I have long felt that the duck feed is one of the many achilles heels of the whole story we’ve been presented with about what happened in Salisbury on 4th March 2018. And the reason for this is precisely because if it were true, there would indeed have been dead ducks and sick children.

    According to the official story, Mr Skripal and his daughter became contaminated with “Novichok” by touching the handle of his front door at some point between 13:00 and 13:30 that afternoon. A few minutes later (13:45), they were filmed on CCTV camera feeding ducks, and handing bread to three local boys, one of whom ate a piece. After this they went to Zizzis, where they apparently so contaminated the table they sat at, that it had to be incinerated.
    You see the problem? According to the official story, ducks should have died. According to the official story children should have become contaminated and ended up in hospital. Yet as it happens, no ducks died, and no boys got sick (all that happened was that the boys’ parents were contacted two weeks later by police, the boys were sent for tests, and they were given the all clear).

    And yet despite the fact that no ducks died and no children were made sick, the director of the CIA (a.k.a. the Canard Invention Association), allegedly using information given to her agency by the British Government, showed the President of the United States pictures of dead ducks and sick children, apparently from Salisbury, to persuade him to take extreme action (Note: You can read more about the duck feed and all the other holes in the official story here).
    In other words, Mr Trump was lied to, and in a big way, and with potentially huge consequences.
    There's more in both articles, on Haspel and lots more on the Skripal's.
    Maybe the skripals were poisoned at a later occasion. Murky world.
    But how could dead ducks and sick children be presented in pics if neither happened ?

    Personally this story of Russian assassination seemed very fishy to me at the time. It seemed too sloppy for an intelligence agency hit.

    They allege trump was pissed having been told eu nations, the big ones would act accordingly but only kicked out a few diplomats. Its alleged he was mitigating the murders as spy games and not on board with CIA thinking.
    But the "new evidence" of the children hospitalised and dead ducks swathed him to act. This "new evidence" has been directly refuted as not having any basis in reality
    Last edited by CCTV; 21st April 2019 at 09:05 AM.

  8. #48
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    Jun 2014
    ^^ these links descend from left to right, while some of the thinking is reliant on the NYT having good sources. Though the skripal incident is in the murky world of spies.

  9. #49
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    7 bombs gone off in Sri-Lanka and a curfew has been put in place. Reports of 130+ dead and 500+ injured.

    Horrible news

  10. #50
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    Was thinking of starting a good news thread and came across that report.

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