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Thread: Around the world News

  1. #131
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by redebreck View Post
    I didn't realise until I watched that Ted/Asheville video, that not all plastic is made from oil.
    Wouldn't mind using biodiesel if I knew where to get hold of it, and it's not ridiculously expensive.
    True story, a trucking firm my Father used to work for started producing it's own bio diesel and converted all their trucks to use it, the government then demanded they pay a ridiculous sum of money (in the millions) to license themselves as a fuel provider or some such thing or face a fine of similar amount, it ended the company.

    It's a very dirty world we live in, a few people with a lot of money and a lot of future money in fossil fuels have been killing things like this for decades. I watch ID and CID quite a bit and there were a couple of murders on there that were hits on scientists inventing new energy sources that didn't use fossil fuels, it's been going on for decades, hits were rare, threatening the scientists or their families to sell their research to the fossil fuel companies so they could bury it was very common. We likely could have had electric cars as good as those coming out now at least 20 years ago.
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  2. #132
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by stevie harkness View Post
    Using nuclear weapons to destroy hurricanes is not a good idea, a US scientific agency has said, following reports that President Donald Trump wanted to explore the option.

    BBC News - Nuclear weapons and hurricanes don't mix, NOAA advises
    I said to a mate yesterday, it's coming to something when the beeb feels the need to have an article on why firing a ballistic nuclear warhead into a hurricane is not a great plan.

    Can someone let me know when this whole fever-dream is over so I can wake up and get back to normal? Cheers!

  3. #133
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    City of Self Doubt
    Oh, but the fun is just beginning! Global warming is just starting to stretch its legs and the political landscape ain't looking any better. Who's going to beat Trump in the next election? Booty-judge? I mean maybe Biden stands a chance, but Dolan would destroy him in a debate.

    Bernie's policies seem to be pandering to the deranged far leftists now…Things will get a whole lot more interesting and not in a good way.
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

  4. #134
    Nuking a hurricane is silly but maybe they could be used to put out the fires in the Amazon? Better than bombing an innocent country...

  5. #135
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Balinkay View Post
    According to this , if I'm reading it right, the CO2 emissions per capita in the EU are less than half that of the Yanks.

    Are CO2 emissions per capita a different measurement to carbon footprint?? I'm confused.
    Yeah per capita is per head of population.

    Carbon footprint would be your specific co2/energy use metric. So your carbon footprint could be less or more than the per capita average.

    Seen it given that yanks have per citizen a lifestyle that has 40 times the carbon footprint of 3rd world/sub-saharan citizen. Whereas in Europe our footprint is less than there's per citizen and about 30-35 times that of the 3rd world/sub-saharan citizen.

  6. #136
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    City of Self Doubt
    Got it, thanks!
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

  7. #137
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Balinkay View Post
    Got it, thanks!
    Still a big difference between the 2 claims regarding Europeans yours 50% and mine 75% of the yanks on individual consumption.

  8. #138
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Though they are different stats somewhat

  9. #139
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Nineteenx View Post
    True story, a trucking firm my Father used to work for started producing it's own bio diesel and converted all their trucks to use it, the government then demanded they pay a ridiculous sum of money (in the millions) to license themselves as a fuel provider or some such thing or face a fine of similar amount, it ended the company.

    It's a very dirty world we live in, a few people with a lot of money and a lot of future money in fossil fuels have been killing things like this for decades. I watch ID and CID quite a bit and there were a couple of murders on there that were hits on scientists inventing new energy sources that didn't use fossil fuels, it's been going on for decades, hits were rare, threatening the scientists or their families to sell their research to the fossil fuel companies so they could bury it was very common. We likely could have had electric cars as good as those coming out now at least 20 years ago.
    Sounds like it was all ok and going in the right direction.... until the government came in
    Good documentary think it would cement your opinions

  10. #140
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by stevie harkness View Post
    Without getting distracted by semantics Greta Thunberg used the word "panic" but she was calling for urgency, like an emergency, the fire alarm went off ages ago and we've ignored it. Teenagers are realizing that their future looks bleak and governments don't care.

    I don't agree with her on everything - and you can always nit pick - but essentially she's saying scientists say there's a problem and we need to do something but we're not doing enough, so what's the point of going to school when her generation are the ones that are going to burn? Fair fucks to her.

    If faceless scientists say the house is on fire then nobody listens, but when a teenage girl with Asperger's says it then hey we've got media coverage.

    The problem is we live in a culture of celebrity, Greta Thunberg has been made hero and villain, it's a pantomime and what is really important gets lost.

    The way modern humans live is messed up. If a messiah was to come along to save us then she/he would tell us to change our ways, and we wouldn't like that so we'd lash out at them, spread lies to discredit them, and the messiah gets crucified. Greta Thunberg isn't the messiah but she isn't the problem either.

    We're all in this soup together so we're all culpable and complicit, so we can all point the finger and catch each other out making money and consuming carbon - as if you are only the real deal if you ride in on a donkey and wear a loin cloth made from hemp and eat herbs.

    A few years ago they used to reward you for air miles, now they punish you. Flight shaming is actually a thing now!

    Personally I'm still not convinced by carbon. I suppose it's as good a metric as any to measure people's impact (do we measure plastic which contains carbon and is made from oil?) and if we can be measured then we can be defined and if we can be defined then we can be divided (and taxed). Meanwhile the world burns.

    The government that would punish us for our carbon footprint is the same government that would have no environmental qualms about going to war over oil tomorrow...
    They put her forward as she is a young girl with some level of disability. Shes afforded the opportunity to preach and besmirch without having much knowledge or solutions to offer.

    The lack of knowledge is evident in her zero carbon travel to the United states claim. Which showed firstly she couldn't arrange a means of travel better than commercial airliner. Nor did she understand basic realities of addressing the problem, a millionaires vessel has a carbon footprint for example.
    The reality is that had she wanted to address the representatives stateside with a carbon footprint less than a commercial flight, she'd have stayed at home and video called.
    Of course this would not be very glamorous.

    So long as the global warming advocates make ludicrous claims and put forward representatives who are so poorly qualified they can expect to have little success in their appeals. The failure of representatives past is largely behind the modern disbelief.
    This young Greta and the extinction rebellion are very poor speakers and have little understanding or solutions.

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